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Will Someone in the CF check out this ebay link! JTF-2 Insignia?

Michael Dorosh said:
Isn't that a bit like US general officers wearing the green "combat leader" tab?

The good General was CO of JTF-2 in the early nineties and had the parts to be awarded his assaulter badge fair and square...  Good on him - I'll never have one.
Teddy Ruxpin said:
The good General was CO of JTF-2 in the early nineties and had the parts to be awarded his assaulter badge fair and square...   Good on him - I'll never have one.

Can't argue with that. I'm with you.
Fry said:
about ebay, I know many people that buy cheap ass crap and re-sell it on ebay for sometimes even 10times   what he/she paid for it, plus shipping! Craziness.

Yeah, I'm one of them. It's called "free enterprise."  One of the things our Army fights to protect.  What's the crazy part?

PS - if you'd like to buy one of my lovely panzer uniforms, I'll only charge you 9 times what I paid for it.  Fair is fair - a bargain at twice the price!  http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZpanzeruniformsQQhtZ-1
still, a little off topic, but I think that if anyone pays outrageous prices for items that aren't even worth half of what the charge is, then I think that's just a little crazy.
Fry said:
still, a little off topic, but I think that if anyone pays outrageous prices for items that aren't even worth half of what the charge is, then I think that's just a little crazy.

Huh?  If it is "worth" it to you, then you pay the money.  If it isn't, you don't.

What part aren't you understanding?
Has anyone seen the new cadpat sniper suit they have on e-bay for some 900 odd dollars? It makes you wonder where these people get these military objects.
Binrat thieves who think their own personal happiness and monetary renumieration is more important that the troops who use the kit.

I think the issue on the good Gen was his wearing of the US Ranger tab - or have we come back 180 and they are authorised on DEU's again?  Heck I remember Col Kenward wearing his US wings to a function - after all the troops had been told no way...
We had an RSM that wore his Ranger tab, I have no idea what's authorized and what isn't anymore these days....
KevinB said:
Binrat thieves who think their own personal happiness and monetary renumieration is more important that the troops who use the kit.

I think the issue on the good Gen was his wearing of the US Ranger tab - or have we come back 180 and they are authorised on DEU's again?   Heck I remember Col Kenward wearing his US wings to a function - after all the troops had been told no way...

Ranger tabs are auth on DEUs, so he's fine (as is the RSM).   In fact, IIRC, Ranger tabs are the only such foreign badges auth.   If Col Kenward was wearing his mess kit, he's good to go with his US wings too - wear of foreign wings isn't restricted on mess dress.

I hear where you're coming from, though - I've seen (years ago mind you) wankers that have sewn "Special Forces" tabs on their short sleeved shirts!!
KevinB said:
So the snake eater badge is not GTG?

I'm 99% sure that only the Ranger badge is auth on DEUs, but will have to remember to check dress regs tomorrow to be certain...
OPI: DHH 3-2    2001-06-15

Page 3-3-4


15.    Where an equivalent CF badge has not been designed or approved for wear, the allied country badge presented for the prescribed qualification shall be worn like a CF badge according to wear instructions In paragraphs 7. and 8. and Annex B. If wearing both a CF badge and a foreign badge, the CF badge shall take precedence. The following prescribed foreign qualification badges are authorized for wear on the CF uniform:

a.    United States Army Ranger Badge (a sleeve badge); and

b.    United States Army Special Forces Badge (a sleeve badge).

For example, purchasing headphones for 10bucks when they were purchased originally for a buck, is a ripoff. Kudos to the dude who made 9bucks, power to him. But to the idiot who lost nine bucks... tsk tsk.
Fry said:

For example, purchasing headphones for 10bucks when they were purchased originally for a buck, is a ripoff. Kudos to the dude who made 9bucks, power to him. But to the idiot who lost nine bucks... tsk tsk.

Yeah but for example if some fat pague stole the headphones and re-sold them - do that make it admireable?  I think not.

Fry said:

For example, purchasing headphones for 10bucks when they were purchased originally for a buck, is a ripoff. Kudos to the dude who made 9bucks, power to him. But to the idiot who lost nine bucks... tsk tsk.

Caveat Empor - a fool and his money are soon parted.
I'd like to stay and argue some, but I just got the call, I'm heading off to basic real soon! Too happy to argue.
"wear of foreign wings isn't restricted on mess dress."

-I have a bit of RAM in my brain housing unit - overwritten many times - that says that is not so, but I will have to look it up.

TCBF said:
"wear of foreign wings isn't restricted on mess dress."

-I have a bit of RAM in my brain housing unit - overwritten many times - that says that is not so, but I will have to look it up.


As always, I'll stand corrected, but have seen UK, German, US (including Air Assault), French, and other wings on mess dress and vaguely recall reading the exemption in dress regs (had to look it up as the Adjt)...  However, in snooping the Internet, I've seen something (on the CME site) to the contrary.  I'll dig around tomorrow at work too...as I should have done before posting in the first place!


OPI: DHH 3-2    2001-06-15

Pages 3-3-4 & 5

16. Personnel who have been presented equivalent badges of allied countries as a result of qualifications obtained on a course prescribed by the CF, and those who have been presented honorary qualification badges while attached to, or serving with the armed forces of an allied country, may wear the appropriate metal or cloth badge, on the right breast of the service dress and mess dress jacket only while on duty in the specific allied country, when subsequently working with the armed forces of the country or when attending a formal function sponsored by the country concerned. Foreign badges shall be positioned as follows:

a. Navy (Blue Service Dress Jacket). Centred 0.6 cm (1/4 in.) below the name tag, displacing downward any command badge worn.

b. Navy (High Collared White Jacket), Army and Air Force. Centred on the right breast pocket, above and evenly spaced with any command badge.

c. Mess Dress. A single miniature metal foreign flying, or specialist skill badge may be worn on mess dress under the same circumstances as the full size version on  service dress. Naval personnel may wear foreign miniatures, but only of a cloth format.