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Why is the military so right wing?

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The military as an institution is made up of people who believe in: Rules; Regulations; Responsibility; Good Government (at all levels); the Law; etc.  They have a certain mentality that those on the Left do not have.  We (of the Right/Military) look on the Left as believing in: No Rules; No Regulations; Free Medical; Free EI; Welfare; No Progress in Industry, Commerce, Construction,  or Science (other than Natural Sciences); etc.  The mentality of both groups are divergently different. 

If you read the question and the well written pros and cons in the previous posts, you would understand what the arguments are all about.

Don't just drop in and be a Twit by making statements that have nothing to do with the question at hand.
Do not confuse this site with the military. This site has progressively gone further and further right and no longer really represents the average military member currently serving. Most soldiers are more moderate than those in this forum.
Nemo888 said:
Do not confuse this site with the military. This site has progressively gone further and further right and no longer really represents the average military member currently serving. Most soldiers are more moderate than those in this forum.

I says pardon ?
Nemo888 said:
Do not confuse this site with the military. This site has progressively gone further and further right and no longer really represents the average military member currently serving. Most soldiers are more moderate than those in this forum.

- 'Pardon?' times two.

- By moderate you probably mean 'quieter'.  As in Nixon's "Silent Majority."  No doubt, those who joined the military to get their teeth fixed or to transition into an olive green welfare bum think that we should be taxed to death to the point where the guvmint does every thing for us but wipe our bums.  However, those who actually have a history of productive lifestyle behind them before they join the CF may silently differ from your point of view.

- A true left winger is - as we speak - writing letters protesting Saddam's execution while priding himself on having done nothing to stop Timothy McVeigh's execution.
George Wallace said:
The military as an institution is made up of people who believe in: Rules; Regulations; Responsibility; Good Government (at all levels); the Law; etc.  They have a certain mentality that those on the Left do not have.  We (of the Right/Military) look on the Left as believing in: No Rules; No Regulations; Free Medical; Free EI; Welfare; No Progress in Industry, Commerce, Construction,  or Science (other than Natural Sciences); etc.  The mentality of both groups are divergently different. 

If you read the question and the well written pros and cons in the previous posts, you would understand what the arguments are all about.

Don't just drop in and be a Twit by making statements that have nothing to do with the question at hand.

About the rules and regulations part, I don't believe that that is the best example as the left tends to create more rules and regulations than the right, allowing them greater control over the people and the economy.
Boater said:
About the rules and regulations part, I don't believe that that is the best example as the left tends to create more rules and regulations than the right, allowing them greater control over the people and the economy.

Nemo888 said:
Do not confuse this site with the military. This site has progressively gone further and further right and no longer really represents the average military member currently serving. Most soldiers are more moderate than those in this forum.

And let us not confuse Nemo888 for being an unbiased poster who does not have a hidden agenda to attack the site.


What I still don't understand is this.  For those soldiers who do vote Liberal or NDP based on personally held beliefs in their policies, how do they reconcile themselves with the left's stance on financial support for the CF?  Maybe this applies more to the Liberal's than the NDP.  However, how can a currently serving soldier vote for a party that has a history of slashing funding to the forces or of showing less moral support?
Wolfe117 said:
What I still don't understand is this.  For those soldiers who do vote Liberal or NDP based on personally held beliefs in their policies, how do they reconcile themselves with the left's stance on financial support for the CF?  Maybe this applies more to the Liberal's than the NDP.  However, how can a currently serving soldier vote for a party that has a history of slashing funding to the forces or of showing less moral support?

Well Wolfe as you said it's a mater of their personal beliefs. And i doubt that they feel any kind of remorse for voting with the way they feel.
Boater said:
About the rules and regulations part, I don't believe that that is the best example as the left tends to create more rules and regulations than the right, allowing them greater control over the people and the economy.

But do they ever follow those rules, or just want everyone else to?

I am reminded of the little "Pinko" girl who showed up at the UPEI Cadre one day as we were putting the finishing touches on the layout.  She was one of those "Lefties" who was going around in the '70's plastering Mail Boxes and Government signs with "Make the Rich Pay" stickers.  I made the mistake of starting to talk to her and asked her, when this came up in the conversation, about how she felt about making the Rich Pay.  Of course that was all she could say; "Make the Rich Pay!".  She hadn't thought past that one line.  I asked her what would happen if we did make the Rich pay, and they payed and payed, until they were no longer Rich, and now you (meaning her) were now the New Rich; would that mean that you would now have to Pay?  She most vehemently said "No!"  Seems everyone else would pay but her.  That is the problem with the Left.  They have grandiose plans for change, but don't know what they are going to do after.  They are unable to think their problems through to the end.  

They want to save the Seals, but don't think of what the seal population is doing to the Cod Stocks.  They want to stop pollution in Canada, and feel we should pay other countries in the Third World monies in penalties, only to have those countries create far more and far more dangerous pollution.  They protest the creation of Light Rail lines into the city, but won't allow for the expansion of highways.  These people are operating on 'half a brain'.
Nemo888 have a hidden adgenda that he flashes occasionally....nah...solid as a ...rock?
George Wallace said:
But do they ever follow those rules, or just want everyone else to?

I am reminded of the little "Pinko" girl who showed up at the UPEI Cadre one day as we were putting the finishing touches on the layout.  She was one of those "Lefties" who was going around in the '70's plastering Mail Boxes and Government signs with "Make the Rich Pay" stickers.  I made the mistake of starting to talk to her and asked her, when this came up in the conversation, about how she felt about making the Rich Pay.  Of course that was all she could say; "Make the Rich Pay!".  She hadn't thought past that one line.  I asked her what would happen if we did make the Rich pay, and they payed and payed, until they were no longer Rich, and now you (meaning her) were now the New Rich; would that mean that you would now have to Pay?  She most vehemently said "No!"  Seems everyone else would pay but her.  That is the problem with the Left.  They have grandiose plans for change, but don't know what they are going to do after.  They are unable to think their problems through to the end. 

They want to save the Seals, but don't think of what the seal population is doing to the Cod Stocks.  They want to stop pollution in Canada, and feel we should pay other countries in the Third World monies in penalties, only to have those countries create far more and far more dangerous pollution.  They protest the creation of Light Rail lines into the city, but won't allow for the expansion of highways.  These people are operating on 'half a brain'.

The left are the ones who are more keen to slap 'rules and regulations' on businesses, I was just pointing that out from your previous post. Now if they choose to disregard their own rules and regulations that is their problem as those decisions will cost them votes among the intelligent, moral, or pissed off of society (think last election).
youravatar said:
Well Wolfe as you said it's a mater of their personal beliefs. And i doubt that they feel any kind of remorse for voting with the way they feel.

That's true, I suppose if other issues were more important to me personally than military support is then I may vote differently too.

The question at the beginning of this thread has reminded me of a discussion a bunch of us had at work around the time of the last election.  It was concerning the liberal ad that suggested Canadian soldiers in Canadian cities with guns was a horrible thing that will happen if Harper got elected.  The majority of us were offended by the ad, however, there was one troop who was actually defending it.  I can understand if his political loyalties lie with the Liberals because of his personal beliefs.  However, I couldn't wrap my head around how he could actually sit back and defend what they were insinuating in the ad.

It's one thing to believe in a party's ideas, but its entirely another to blindly defend that party's actions at all costs.
Wolfe117 said:
What I still don't understand is this.  For those soldiers who do vote Liberal or NDP based on personally held beliefs in their policies, how do they reconcile themselves with the left's stance on financial support for the CF?  Maybe this applies more to the Liberal's than the NDP.  However, how can a currently serving soldier vote for a party that has a history of slashing funding to the forces or of showing less moral support?

Nothing to understand really.  You have a group of well educated, hard working, thoughtful people who will vote for who they feel is the best candidate in their Riding.  They may not be voting for any Party in particular, but for a Candidate who may show some promise in doing the most good for their Riding.  They have also, in all likelihood, weighed all the platforms and made an intelligent decision to vote in a free and secret ballot.   Their being "Right Wing" may have absolutely nothing to do with their casting their ballot.

This however has nothing to do with whether or not the military is "Right Wing" or not.  A person can vote freely for who they think is the most qualified Candidate, and still not be of the "Political Leaning' of that Candidate.  What would the sense be to have a "Democratic Election" if everyone voted the same as they did last time?  
That's a good point George.

I sometimes forget that voting means more than just the political affiliation of a Canadidate.  Sometimes the best person for the job can be the one who has opposite views on policies than you.
Boater said:
The left are the ones who are more keen to slap 'rules and regulations' on businesses, I was just pointing that out from your previous post. Now if they choose to disregard their own rules and regulations that is their problem as those decisions will cost them votes among the intelligent, moral, or pissed off of society (think last election).

Like the rules that Bob Rae brought into Ontario, limiting the enrollment to Medical School.  Funny how so many Ontarians now have no Family Doctor, and there are none to be found.  Very fine, well thought out legislation that was.  Never thought at all about all the Baby Boomers retiring and needing more Medical facilities and Doctors...... ::)

He does swim naked with Rick Mercer though!
George Wallace said:
Like the rules that Bob Rae brought into Ontario, limiting the enrollment to Medical School.  Funny how so many Ontarians now have no Family Doctor, and there are none to be found.  Very fine, well thought out legislation that was.  Never thought at all about all the Baby Boomers retiring and needing more Medical facilities and Doctors...... ::)

He does swim naked with Rick Mercer though!

What?  That happened?  My god that's got to be one of the dumbest policies I've ever heard.  This policy isn't still active is it?
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