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Why can't some civi's tell the diffenrce between cadet's and soldiers

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I was just wandering if thier was anyone else out there who get's pissed off when people call you a cadet when they see you in full cadpat, i know for one that i'm enoyed that some people don't understand the difference between the Army Reserves. 
Asking this quesion is like asking why civilians confuse Navy pers as being bus drivers when wearing the NCD rig.
greenjacket said:
i know for one that i'm enoyed that some people don't understand the difference between the Army Reserves. 

Between the Reserves and what?  ???  ;)

Heck, there's some military people who can't tell the difference.  ::)  Does it really matter?
Maybe because your young? Or they have only ever seen cadets out on the street?  Not uncommon  same thing happened to us in the 70's
greenjacket said:
I was just wandering if thier was anyone else out there who get's pissed off when people call you a cadet when they see you in full cadpat, i know for one that i'm enoyed that some people don't understand the difference between the Army Reserves. 

i ment to say between the army reserves and the cadets
During our BMQ in Borden our course went to a hockey game in Orangeville and it said the seats were all reserved for the cadets.....

Its somewhat annoying I suppose, but who really cares?  Its not like theyre trying to slight you, some civilians just dont know the diffence is all.

my 2 cents anyhow.
greenjacket said:
I was just wandering if thier    

I just hope that you were not wandering into traffic.........that is dangerous.
I know I'm geting old when _I_ can't tell the difference... was up in Borden last week was shocked at how young the course candidates looked at the Cannex.

We expect far too much of the civilian world - and its not worthwhile to "educate" them. Let's hope that all can conduct themselves well and we will all just get along... ;D
greenjacket said:
I was just wandering if thier was anyone else out there who get's pissed off when people call you a cadet when they see you in full cadpat, i know for one that i'm enoyed that some people don't understand the difference between the Army Reserves. 

For many people, especially in smaller centres, cadets are the closest thing they see to CF members on a regular basis.  That's who they think of when they see a military uniform.

Lots of people make the opposite mistake, seeing cadets and thinking they're CF members.

Still more people don't know what the difference is, or even that there is a difference.
My banker and lawyer use all kinds of terms I don't understand.  They understand that I don't know much about their jobs, and thats why I pay them the big bucks.

How many times on the news have you seen them call a BMP a "tank" or a Bison a "tank".  It seems their knowledge of CF customs, tradtions, uniforms and the rank structure ranks right up there with their AFV Rec, which, IMO, is fine. 

FWIW, I can't tell the difference between the guy that works "Produce" and the one in "Frozen Foods" at the grocery store either.   I sure hope they don't talk about me on Grocerystore.ca  :P
greenjacket said:
I was just wandering if thier was anyone else out there who get's pissed off when people call you a cadet when they see you in full cadpat, i know for one that i'm enoyed that some people don't understand the difference between the Army Reserves.   

No - probably cause we don't look like cadets ...
I remember some of my friends who did OJT in Toronto reporting being mistaken for auto mechanics while walking around in the flight suit.
I think if its bothering you that much you may need help other then what you are getting from here.
The poster who said because you are young ... has it nailed.

For example:
Right now there are 70 candidates on the Raven Aboriginal Youth Employment Program.  Of the 70, less than a dozen are over 19.  The average age is 17.  They are enrolled in the CF (with parental consent) Reserve for the duration of the course.  They are doing BMQ. They are issued a C-7, they will do field training ... just as any reserve recruit.  Other than the weapons training and the field work the course is comparable to the Cadet Leader Instructor Course ... map and compass, navigation, first aid, survival, basic military knowledge (ranks etc.), drill, dress, barrack husbandry ... you know the stuff.      

Without knowing the nuance of their official circumstance it defies any reasonable person to tell which children are the Raven Company and which are the cadet company.  The Ravens are wearing Cadpat the cadets are wearing OD.  The Ravens have C-7s.  The Cadets have DP Enfields.

It is just the way it is ... PRes personnel 16 to 18 are children enrolled in the CF.  Cadets aged 12 to 18 are children in a youth program.  Without knowing ... there is no way to know.  
gwp said:
PRes personnel 16 to 18 are children enrolled in the CF.  Cadets aged 12 to 18 are children in a youth program.
Without knowing ... there is no way to know.  

While I agree that some cadets are children, I would say that 16 year old and up are 'young adults' or something along that line.  For that matter, we are all children to someone.    ;D

I just don't think the MSM need to see us in uniform referring to our young soldiers as children...if you follow me....
Eye In The Sky said:
I just don't think the MSM need to see us in uniform referring to our young soldiers as children...if you follow me....
Definition - Child - person who has not reached the age of discretion.
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