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why are we in kandahar?

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Ive posted this in several forums i actively particiapte in, and i apologize ahead of time for any grammer mistakes or short handed msn style writing, but the same point still comes across.

U know what im sick of? the badmouthing and protesting going on against canadian soldiers and primarily against the govt for sending us to afghanistan. so lets get a few things straight

1. why are we in afghanistan? there could be many political reasons, i dont know the exact POLITICAL reason why we are there, maybe it is to relive pressure off the americans, maybe its to merely make canada look like a bigger player internationally, who knows, but the reason why soldiers want to go there vs the reason the govt sends us is 2 completely different things

2. EVERY SINGLE SOLDIER IN AFGHANISTAN WANTS TO BE THERE! we volunteer, and when told were going, there are many ways to opt out, soldiers are there because they want to be there. they believe strongly enough in there convictions and there beliefs, that they will risk there lives to follow thru with them, so to clarify one thing, u will NEVER win an arguement against a soldier who feels so strongly about this he/she is willing to risk there life for it.

3. why do the soldiers want to be in afghanistan? we want to be there for several reasons. (a) defence of canada. when the united states was attacked it wasnt just americans killed, many canadians were killed as well, and one thing that many canadians forget is were one of the last ones on osama bin ladins list of targets that hasnt been hit. countries that have been hit have tighter security than we do, its only a matter of time until innocent canadians are killed. our involvement in afghanistan has limited the capabilities of al qeada in the region and has helped prevent terrorists cells from planning attacks on canada as they are more concerned with the canadian in there house, than they are with the canadian 10,000 miles away. by having soldiers there were eliminating terrorists and were giving the remaining terrorists a jucier target than the innocent family back in canada, which is directly defending canada. thats how were defending canada (b) help with internal security of a sovereign and democratic nation. afghanistan for the first time in its history is a democracy, where young girls can go to school, females can become politicians, christians, jews, muslims, buddhists can all practice there religion free of persecution(yes there is still cultural persecution, but that will take many years to overcome, only 60 years ago canada didnt let women vote) and not have to worry about being stoned to death because they belive in jesus christ or allah or wheover there god is. afghanistan does not have a capable security force to police itself like mot western nations have the capability of, so we must help them do so until they can take that responsibility from us, remember, the govt has asked us to help (c) rebuild a nation destroyed by decades of war. its easy to protest, but have u thought of how many children have now received medical care because canadians built hospitals and emplyed doctors, or have u thought of the children who are now learning to read because we built schools for them and support a govt that allows female teachers to teach these children, or have u thought of the clean drinking water a family now has because of the well the canadian engineers have built so this family can drink disease free water.

yes innocent people have been killed, and ANY soldier that has taken part in it is emotionally destroyed by it, however they were right in doing so, its easy to say how bad soldiers are for killing a civiliian, but what would u do if just last week a taxi laden with bombs rammed a candian vehicle killing 2 of your friends, and now u see a similar taxi driving at high speeds TOWARDS your convoy, would u shoot it and take it out, or would u risk the lives of dozens of your friends, your brothers, and let it potentially ram a vehicle in your convoy. accidents happen, and it is always regretted.

yes soldiers die , and it is very unfortunate those soldiers lost there lives, but it is no reason to leave afghanistan. i dont care what political bullshit was involved in sending troops to southern afghanistan, the end result is a better safer world and a more secure canada, and every soldier in afghanistan sees this, that is why they risk there lives on this mission. that is why there is a line up of soldiers volunteering to go to afghanistan. regardless of losses, every soldier wants to stick it out and stay because its our job, its what we signed up for, and its benefitng so many poeple and securing canada, so if these soldiers want to stay and were benefiting afghanis, regardless of what political bullshit was involved in sending troops there, dont u think we should be in afghanistan and stick it out until the job is done?
If you have a chance, please read my paper regarding Canada in Afghanistan. I think I have covered the most popular angles. Feel free to comment on it.
Dear Loyal Eddie
While it is true that you bring up some valid points I would suggest to you not to take Canadian protesters actions or comments personally.We belong to the one of the smallest militarises ever and you do get the last laugh because all of those protesters are paying for your training,clothing and possibly your accommodations.Those educated goof balls have never done anything other than get spoon fed until the where old enough to go to university and now they think they will change the world. I would say to you if you are deployed YOU ARE changing the world!!!!! One miserable tour at a time.


The answer to #1 above is covered by the Ruxted Group's posting on the front page of the site.  There are a number of reasons, some of them political, some of them having to do with agreements that Canada is bound to, and some which have to do with common decency.  Next time someone asks why we're in Afghanistan, ask them if they think any of these issues are important:

1.  UN resolutions (leftys are always screaming about our responsibility to the UN.  Well, here we are.  Happy?)
2.  Making sure that the disorganised and wild-west style country cannot become a safe haven for terrorists, who will eventually operate on OUR soil.
3.  Accomplishing 2) by helping Afghanis (re)build a country that has some sort of executive and legal control on subversive elements.

As far as "nice to haves" you can always mention, if somewhat spuriously, "keeping women out of burkhas, and protecting 1000 year old religious icons from desecration, keeping the traffic in heroin down, etc., etc.".  All of these things are supposedly ideals that those protesting would ordinarily fight for...so call them on their hypocrisy.  It's best if you do this in the tone of wide-eyed amazement..."but I thought the oppression of women was a bad thing....?"
I generally ignore the ignorant hypocrytes out there, however a forum that i belong to started to, in large numbers, bash the CF and the mission in afghanistan. This post has been up 3 days and only 2 hippies have yet to post with there best arguement being, just because canadian soldiers wanna be there, or because some civillians want us there doesnt mean we should... lol, loyalleddie-1 hippies-0. mission accomplished ;D :salute:
The point is to make a better argument, using the arguments THEY like to use, like the UN, so that they look even dumber for not supporting the troops.  Otherwise you're just poking them with a stick and getting them riled, but not really doing anything to prove them wrong.  If you really want to ignore them, then ignore them totally.
loyaleddie87 said:
This post has been up 3 days and only 2 hippies have yet to post with there best arguement being, just because canadian soldiers wanna be there, or because some civillians want us there doesnt mean we should... lol, loyalleddie-1 hippies-0. mission accomplished ;D :salute:

Who are these hippies you speak of?
its on a website called nexopia. its predominently 16-25 year olds, all the university demographic who think they know how the world works.
Ok, I'll look into it. Meanwhile, I'd appreciate your view in regards to my 'university' paper I am preparing in regards to public opinion of CF in Stan.