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Why are these freaks allowed to wear the uniform?

Then we have the huggy gallery in the MFRC Mafia that states we can't take action such as only promoting or putting on course or posting those who DAG Green for 9/10 service (which would avoid people getting their TG3O3 dropped just to get ahead, then dagging Red again).

People like that should be asked to turn there uniform in on the spot.  Also what is "DAG red" and "the school" its sounds ominous ;D
reccecrewman said:
Well Franko, I guarentee you know the guy, and I can also guarentee you don't have a high opinion of him....

Thanks for the PM....yep, he's a waste of rations.

GINge! said:
Wow. Meanwhile there is a waiting list in my MOC to get on the tour.

And the idea of posting your problems to the school is arse backwards. It boggles my mind that some units still have that mentality.

Arcs, Sir, stay within them...

In this context, the sad sack of shit would be sent to the Armour school where all he  would do is drive and maintain under strict supervision the armour vehicles which Sr NCOs, and Officers learn their trade as Crew Commanders.

A most appropriate spot.

Not at all the same as sending a POS medic, Nurse or HCA to our "Center of Excellence", to corrupt the training of our young.
Armymedic said:
Not at all the same as sending a POS medic, Nurse or HCA to our "Center of Excellence", to corrupt the training of our young.

Don`t get me going about who gets sent to the school - not alot of rhyme or reason it would seem.

You know, I'll be honest, after whats happened this week, its not like I would be jumping up and down to go over to A-Stan. (Truthfully I think id be a little scared. okay maybe more then that..) But regardless of my personal feelings on the matter, I swore an Oath. meaning Reg or PRes, If i was called to go, I go. And when I go, I do the best damned job i can. I dont find some sorry excuse to weasel out of it....

as someone put in their Sig line here, "Id rather Die on my feet then live on my knees".

what the heck were these guys thinking when they signed up anyways?


Dude if you're not scared even a little, I'd be worried about sending you over there...the guys that aren't a little worried or concerned are the ones that get people killed or worse.

Courage isn't doing something brave - it's taking control of your fear to do what is required of you when the time comes that you need to do it.

Armymedic said:
Arcs, Sir, stay within them...

In this context, the sad sack of crap would be sent to the Armour school where all he  would do is drive and maintain under strict supervision the armour vehicles which Sr NCOs, and Officers learn their trade as Crew Commanders.

A most appropriate spot.

Not at all the same as sending a POS medic, Nurse or HCA to our "Center of Excellence", to corrupt the training of our young.

Stay withing arc eh?
Per's sent here to the school are far from under direct supervision.PT is sort of on your own,vehicle maintenance is more or less left to the dvr.DONT GET ME WRONG shitty people get sent here all the time,but don't use the sweeping generalisation on all pers here.

A most appropriate spot?
To be part of a young CC training.I beg to differ,Anyone on a cc course here can say how much easier it is on the student when they aren't babysitting their driver/crew.

Some people are here for a check in the box,a change,or to regenerate after tours (which is the plan right now to shuffle people through bringing fresh experience and sending fresh pers back to the regiment.

Here's an Idea ....release.These are the admin nightmare guys who get sent here and do nothing putting stress on guys who have been in the field for 9 months of the year already.
I had something like that happen to me in the last month. These two bigger ladies I work with found out about the new PT test that they want everyone in the force to pass or at least go thru in the next month or two. The first thing they said to me was they have to find away of not doing it and sadly...they have. Good news one of them is posted to Gagetown(good news for me)!!! Sorry to Gagetown!!!
I have been looking at this thread for a while wondering if I should read it or not.  I did and now I am mad just like I knew I would be.  These type of people are both in the military and in the civi world.  With that being said I work in the civi world now and it is union environment I didn't realize such wasters could exist in the world... Hmm should I post this as it all negative?  Yes!

You know, this is the kind of thing that disgusts me. If I was offered the chance to go on tour, I'd jump.

Does what's happening worry me, yes...but to shy away from it, when there's other people there. no.

I remember on BMQ/SQ, talking with the roomates one night, and buddy said, he'd never go on tour. I was flabbergasted....I couldn't believe someone would put on the uniform, and not be ready to accept the consequences and responsibilities associated with it.

People purposely dagging Red, IMHO, are a waste of skin....and in the end, you probably wouldn't want that kind of person out there with you.

As far as the new fitness testing requirement, I'm just wondering what's going to happen to some of the people in downtown Ottawa. I know everyone in my office is tested or on the way, and has the PT time to train for it, but some other places....
Bobbyoreo said:
I had something like that happen to me in the last month. These two bigger ladies I work with found out about the new PT test that they want everyone in the force to pass or at least go thru in the next month or two. The first thing they said to me was they have to find away of not doing it and sadly...they have. Good news one of them is posted to Gagetown(good news for me)!!! Sorry to Gagetown!!!
Well...she'll be doing it here....
I hope so.....might get rid of some extra weight...not her the army!!!
You know. This is everyones fault......

Its your fault for not telling your buddy to put the beer or the chocolate bar down and telling him/her to go to the gym.

Its the bosses fault for not enforcing the rules and letting things slide for fear of upsetting that person.

Its the systems fault for letting these people (the lower standards) to join in the first place.

Its the governments fault for giving everyone the right to protest every decision that is not made in their favor...

Esprit de Corps and Physical fitness are two factors that can be settled at the lowest level in the forces. Its up to each and everyone of us to develop that team spirit and encourage people to be the best. Don't blame the individuals for being fat and lazy with no pride.

Sometimes we just have to beat it into people.
Or have the collective scroties to give out punishment or terminate their services.. :blotto:

mover1 said:
You know. This is everyones fault......

Its your fault for not telling your buddy to put the beer or the chocolate bar down and telling him/her to go to the gym.

Are you talking about personal appearance or physical fitness with this comment?

Will it be possible for a beer-bellied dude to pass the PT test?  I'm guessing it is.

Image is not the same as combat capability....not that I'd be heartbroken to see nothing but slender people in uniform; I worked hard to lose a bunch of weight last year and felt quite pleased with myself, and my eating habits have remained healthy.  But the real world doesn't work that way - I noticed some pudgy soldiers on that CTV report last night, and the more historical photos I pore through, I see that the occasional combat soldier in the wars was not exactly Mia Farrow in proportions either.
Courage isn't doing something brave - it's taking control of your fear to do what is required of you when the time comes that you need to do it.

This quote from medicineman reminded me of a quote I read somewhere from a WWI infantry vet.  "Courage is not something that exceptional and brave men have........ We are all cowards at heart, but the courage comes through when the bullets start to fly because the fear of being branded a coward and letting down our brothers in arms far supercedes our fear of death"

Sadly, I can't remember the name to give credit - just know it came from a WWI Infanteer.
".. I see that the occasional combat soldier in the wars was not exactly Mia Farrow in proportions either."

- I'm more the Raquel Welch type, myself.


Michael Dorosh said:
Are you talking about personal appearance or physical fitness with this comment?

Will it be possible for a beer-bellied dude to pass the PT test?  I'm guessing it is.
you read too much into the statement. Not everyone is G.I. Joe.

I am talking about the guy/gal who cannot pass the test. But nothing is done to him. Or the weenie who has been able to not do his test for years because he A. Played the system
                                                                      B. knows the peri staff and gets it written off
                                                                      C. is on category after category whenever thier time is up.

I have the belly too. I pass the test. Yet I have young soldiers here pushing the 300 lb envilope who hold up the PT test because they are too busy puking between excercises.
Here we have taken everyone aside explained to them the career implications, explained our trade size and the impacts of having people who are undeployable.
We make sure our troops are at PT and if they cannot make it, then we make sure there is ample time during the day to go.

TCBF since when did you grow man boobs? :o
this is a topic that burns me. i have served overseas on several tours. cyprus 1986, africa 2001, camp mirage 2002(oops sorry that secret place that no one in the world knows we're there) and afghanistan 2004. not to say i wasn't a little concerned going over or a little bruised coming back but we are here to do a job. that job includes going to places that  are unsafe. i have been damaged slightly but  will go again when i am called upon. these red daggin losers should get the hell out. we are too few and deploy too much to have useless resources as such in uniform. either get on the plane or get lost.