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Whos going to the April 12th BMQ?

Patrick H. said:
I guess you'll have to cut down that moptop of yours, eh Justin!   ;D

Cheers man,   see you on the field - FOLLOW THE SAPPER!    :warstory:

yes that is so true maybe sometime this week forsure by April 1st my swearing in date..
For those of you going to BMQ in April and live in Ottawa i just got a call back from my recruiter and she said that there's some construction going on at the recruiting building and files were in a "disarray" so they will be handing out those packages i mentioned earlier at the swearing in ceremony or you can pick them up after construction is finished on the 30th of March.
*CDN*Blackhawk said:
Have any of you been told whether or not your Basic training is longer then 10 weeks, When i went through basic about   8 months ago, their was a few platoons behind me who were pilot testing an 11 week and a 12 week basic, Our instructers had also told us that their was talk about extending it to 14 weeks and getting rid of SQ.Can any of you confirm if basic has indeed been extended in length on a regular basis?

This would make sense to me because I got my call yesterday and my BMQ starts on April 26th and goes until July 30th. I thought the recruiter may have made a mistake and meant June 30th but it is definitely July. That would make it 14 weeks total training.

Wow man, so that means there will be no SQ for you?? Guess we are the last group which will do the SQ??
if anyone wants to add me on msn, its prorec@hotmail.com .. Jeffery i will see you there on the 4th.
How did all of your swearing-in-ceremony's go? There definetly is a mountain of paper work to fill out.  There was seven of us here in Edmonton, and all of us are  going into PPCLI infantry, which they say is a first.  Well good luck guys, and hope to meet some of you there.
I should clarify me earlier post.The recruiting centre made a mistake and a typo on my forms...my BMQ is 10 weeks like everyone else's. It ends on June 30th...and here I thought I was special!  :'(

I fly out of Halifax at 07:25 for Basic on the 10th and start on the 12th.  See some of you there.
I am, I leave Pearson at 9am for Trudeau Airport in Montreal.

I start on 12APR05 as well, I do have some Q's about BMQ and what goes on for any of the experienced members.
Hey man we got the same flight...you got msn or anything?
You guys get to sleep in.  Our flight leaves Edmonton at 6am, which means I have to get up around 4. 
lover said:
You guys get to sleep in.   Our flight leaves Edmonton at 6am, which means I have to get up around 4.  
Mine leaves at 725am so I have to be at the Airport for 5am and that will mean that I will be up at 330am
Only 2 days to go boys Enjoy them while you can.  Cause our lives are about to change.
Hello from St-Jean Garrison.  It is the weekend after week 2, we got our 3's on Friday.  Highlights of the first 2 weeks include getting our kit, swim test, CF Xpress test, and of course the infamous sewing.  Looking forward to the obstacle course next week.  A lot of hard work but we're having a blast.  Teamwork is the key and they really stress that here.  Anyway, don't have much time.  TTYL  BTW, I was lucky enough to be 1st Course Senior of our platoon and actually managed to get an "Outstanding" for my efforts.  It was tough but we didn't miss a single timing.  That and I have absolutely no military background.  Anyway, I don't mean to brag because I couldn't have done it without the cooperation of everyone in the platoon.  Anyway,  to those on there way, just remember, it's a game, a serious game but you gotta keep your sense of humour, and don't let BMQ turn you off to military life.  It ends.  It is what you make of it and if you come here with a bad attitude, you're not gonna make, let alone have fun.  Just my 2 cents.  TTYL