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Who'll be the next CDS? Speculation here, please!!

"CDS's Got Talent" or being punny why not call it "The Gong Show".
jeffb said:
I think the CF should launch a "So you want to be the CDS" reality show where all the top officers move onto an island and compete in challenges that have nothing to do with being CDS. Every week, one officer is voted off by an audience poll. At the end, all the voted off officers get together and select the winner out of the last two standing.

At least it would be entertaining.

I would watch this. Already sounds hella better than most reality tv nowadays.
jeffb said:
I think the CF should launch a "So you want to be the CDS" reality show where all the top officers move onto an island and compete in challenges that have nothing to do with being CDS. Every week, one officer is voted off by an audience poll. At the end, all the voted off officers get together and select the winner out of the last two standing.

At least it would be entertaining.

Hey, don't go giving away our Strategic HR Consulting secrets or we'll nail you for copyright infringement! ;D
jollyjacktar said:
You'd look great with a grass skirt and a spear in your hand.  >:D

I think the contest should take place in the Arctic.  >:D

First task, erect a 10 man tent.

Can you imagine?  ;)
ME-ME-Me. DooHH. I know ,,,wishful thinking. Cheer's all. Scoty B
Wow, did this topic ever degenerate!
For the sailors out there (and back on topic), is VAdm Maddison a perspective candidate? I am not bragging but I have had the privilege to meet the man on several occasions during my tenure here at the Halfway House , I mean in the NCR and though he is a great guy looking out for the troops, I am uncertain wrt his intestinal fortitude required to deal with the press, the politicians and...well, all of us.
Thoughts from others?
I have met the boss as well.  I cannot say on his fortitude etc, but on a personal note he was very good to my family when I was deployed on Roto 9.  Something which I had the opportunity to thank him for at the Naval Centennial BBQ at the Drill Shed.  He does seem to honestly give a crap about his troops, and that should count for something.
jolleyjacktar, I am not questioning the man's integrity nor passion for his job and his people but he is not the most aggressive orator either and I think that may well be a key trait to this posit. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see a sailor as CDS but if there is a more suitable individual out there, I don`t want to see a sailor for the sake of seeing a sailor.
Now that I have said that, I say we nominate Spike Bullen!?
Pat in Halifax said:
jolleyjacktar, I am not questioning the man's integrity nor passion for his job and his people but he is not the most aggressive orator either and I think that may well be a key trait to this posit. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see a sailor as CDS but if there is a more suitable individual out there, I don`t want to see a sailor for the sake of seeing a sailor.
Now that I have said that, I say we nominate Spike Bullen!?

Yeah, a Chief (Army, Navy or AF) would be an aggressive speaker with minimal BS.  The Boss, is not an in your face, charge up that hill sort.  Really though, since Nelson has there been a hell bent for leather one out there?  I think you'd get more straight talk from a Army chap, and my vote is Maj. Gen Vance.  I had a few interactions with him in KAF and I quite like the cut of his jib.
Over the next several years the CF will be readjusting to a reduced operational tempo.  In that situation, VAdm Maddison's leadership style would be fully appropriate.  Interpersonal skills are important as well, not just looking inside the CF, but also in working with other parts of the Federal government; a too loud, too brash CDS may burn some bridges with other parts of government.

Don't underestimate the importance of those sorts of soft skills in senior leaders.  I'll add that I've seen some ships with a Captain who is good at the soft skills, and an XO who was loud, hated, and respected; no reason the CDS/VCDS combo can't be the same.
I'm not sure why the VCDS, VAdm Donaldson, has been overlooked in the public discussion as a potential sailor candidate (though I guessing because the journalists covering the CF are only dimly aware that the position exists). The only thing atypical about his career trajectory is that he has never been an ECS, but if anything that may lend a perception that he'd be service-neutral in his approach.

In terms of "right place, right time" he's definitely the guy: VAdm Maddison is just wrapping his first year as Comd RCN and to appoint another straightaway would cause a lot of institutional churn (we've just come through rather a lot with McFadden's premature departure as it is) and exactly the same is true for the other two ECSes and Comd CEFCOM (who I presume will be succeeding into a DCDS-esque role at the new CANOPSCOM). Meanwhile, Donaldson is completing his second year as VCDS, making him basically the only three-leaf on the Armed Forces Council with more than a year in his job. He's where my money is. Anyone have anything to say about him? I've never had the pleasure.

If I were to guess some more, I'd say McFadden had been spotted for the job before he left after two years as Comd RCN.

Edit to add: Also, I can't see the other services being happy with having CDS, VCDS, Comd RCN, CMP, CRC and CF Chief all being RCN - that's more than half of the AFC!

Edit to add again: And VAdm Donaldson was Comd CANADA COM at a time of two major domestic operations (G8 and Olympics) under a government who's military planning guidance is called the "Canada First Defence Strategy".
I like the Boss as well.  Yes, he does have a softer management style and I like that he gives a honest damn about his people and their families.  That counts for a great deal in my books too.  Softer, I like the boss.  More omph, I like Vance. 

Can't speak of any Zoomies out there as I don't know any and the last one I remember well was Boyle.  They have not as a rule impressed me much.

Whomever gets the nod will have big shoes to fill with the past two in Rick and Walt.  :2c:
OK, next event!

Hog tie a polar bear with a rope using the clove hitch. :blotto:
Pat in Halifax said:
You're good!

Thank you. If you don't know knots very well, tie lots. The clove hitch is a good one.

OK, CDS wannabes.....

sword  drill in mukluks and arctic slippers. :blotto:

I mean Arctic mitts, no arctic slippers

The slippers are for seal chasing

Jim Seggie said:
Thank you. If you don't know knots very well, tie lots. The clove hitch is a good one.

OK, CDS wannabes.....

sword  drill in mukluks and arctic slippers. :blotto:
As a stoker: "If you can't tie knots, tie lots." You should see me trying to untie my f***ing shorts at the end of the day!