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Who are the Leftists going to blame after Bush is gone ?

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
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I find it amusing the way many "Anti-American" Canadians and other nationalities blame Bush for everything.  They all claim to be neutral on the next Presidential Election, but we all know, no matter who wins and becomes President, they will once again condemn as being an Imperialist.  Stop to think of all the Prsidents the US has had in the last two or three decades; has there been one who hasn't been branded as an Imperialist by the Left?  They blame Bush now.  When he is out of office, who will they blame?  Silly question.  We all know; that damn US Imperialist, President ______________________________ . 

It is really comical to watch.
If McCain is elected, then we have a winner!!
If on the other hand, Obama wins then they will probably fall back on some middle-aged white male and try their best to make him look worse than Satan himself.
Someone like General Petaeus (or Betray-us as they like to call him) would be a perfect candidate. (See the pun there?? :D)

Remembering the misery of America and the global community by the end of the Carter Administration, I was still surprised at the extreme negativity shown to President Reagan; even when it was transparently obvious that his policies were working.

I suspect that a potential Obama administration would be praised to the skies even as stagflation took hold and America's enemies mobilized and marched throughout the world, while a presumptive post Obama administration would receive vicious handling by the MSM as it cleaned up the mess.

President Truman left office with one of the lowest approval ratings and was almost universally despised, yet is now remembered as "Give 'em hell, Harry!" and the author of the Truman doctrine, which guided US foreign policy until their victory over the USSR. I suspect President George W Bush might receive a rehabilitation through future historiography, and until the threat of radical Islam is defeated, future administrations will be following the "Bush Doctrine" for the foreseeable future.

Since we are on the topic of US politics, I was wondering about your opinions on General Clark's comments about McCain in the last post of the ff. thread:

I can't see anything really being any different. There might be a democrat instead of a republican in office, there might be a first-ever black president; but there will always be someone complaining about a presidential candidate as long as can be done and some problem somewhere isn't being addressed... but that seems to be true of every critique of someone in charge, when it comes to your average part of the population. If the next president did appease the portion that believes that America shouldn't have its hand in other countries, there will be blame laid if they're later not prepared for a disaster that resulted from military vigilance.

Maybe they're just jealous because they won't be in the position?
I bet they're going to keep blaming Bush, anything that goes wrong in the future will be because Bush made it inevitable, according to them.

Good answer!  But I still think they will blame evil corporations and big oil..
The usual suspects, y'know;  The Illuminati, The Masons, Rush Limbaugh, The Military-Industrial  Complex.  Spin a wheel, throw a dart, whatever, lots of good targets.
Oh my, do we really have to give credence to this topic.

The reason this is so out there is that it just isn't the "Leftist" who disapprove of Bush, he has an approval rating below 30% as per most major US publications.

No US President to my knowledge has ever gotten 100% approval rating.  So some group of people out there has something to blame them for.  McCain or Obama will be a welcome change to many, sure the far left will still find someone to blame, but this could all be said about the far right as well if the tables were turned.  I am sure the far right and the far left will both equally blame McCain.

So hey, if you are going to pick on the one group, you better pick on the other.
I'm not Anti-American, or a "Leftist". Not sure what a leftist would be considering that when you really get down to it, there is no "left" or "right" in politics, it's way more convoluted than that kind of dichotomy would allow. But I can say that I do believe that Bush has been a pretty awful President, and I can say that I believe that this is just another in the long list of blunders he has been privy too.

However, I could be wrong, and he could just be a puppet to the Illuminati run NWO in conjunction with the free masons backed by reverse vampires.

P.S. I also dislike Rush.
American elections recently have been a close 50 50 split. That makes half of the American population leftists?
Cougar Daddy,the thing to remember about Wesley Clark is
that he owes his very rapid climb up the promotion ladder
to Democratic sponsorship,he was Clinton's personal pet
4 star and led the NATO op. in Kosovo.It was here he gave
the Brit.commander Gen Rose the order to remove the
Russians from the airfield in Pristina,I believe it was,with,
if necessary,force.Gen Rose refused,saying that he was not
going to start WW3 just to ease Gen Clark`s bruised ego.
So you can see his judgment is questionable and he is just
a part of the Democrats reelection machine.
Nice hijack.

CougarDaddy said:

Since we are on the topic of US politics, I was wondering about your opinions on General Clark's comments about McCain in the last post of the ff. thread:


If they want to give thoughts on your post, in the other thread, they can do it there. We'll try keep this one, at least, on topic.

Milnet.ca Staff
RECCE GUY,wheres the fun in that.Seriously though anti-Americanism
does not change with a change in leadership,Bush is just the figure
that the left use as a touchstone to concentrate their virulent hate of
the USA,I am speaking here of western democracies including
Canada,.Witness the barely disguised glee that the predicted demise
of the USA as an economic and military power is greeted,even by people
who contribute to this site.Where does this dislike stem from?, I submit
it largely due to feelings of inferiority which manifest itself in a pose
of superiority, after all we,Europe and Canada,are much more intelligent,
tolerant,just,than those dumb Yanks,how can it be that they still are able
to dominate the world economically,culturally and militarily.
  I suspect that the Romans and the Brits were hated  just as much at
the height of there power and with probably more justification.