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While in basic

  • Thread starter Thread starter biggie786
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Northern Touch said:
aha i hate that game, but I heard a little twist to it this past summer, it went sort of like
Lt said "Goddammit i swear to god, if you troops tip this ******* bus over those of you who can stand will march the rest of the way back to the alpha range with me!!!!"  

Silly troops were rcoking the bus side to side at the side of the road near the grenade range at Meaford.   Now that is a LONG walk back to the Alpha range.

be happy you had a bus to begin with.  during my QL3 (in Meaford) our course WO told us on the first day that he'd returned/canceled all platoon transport for the rest of the summer.  we did so much marching that by the time we had to go to the granade range and back, it was a breeze.  during the 6 weeks we spent there we did over 300km of road marches.
Sundborg said:
yea, I bet man.  2 months is  a long time.  It has been a few weeks for me since they told me the same thing, it is getting annoying.

i got the call this morning ill leaving jan. 24 th for bootcamp, and if you think you have been waiting for long, try almost five months on the merit list (NOW THATS LONG!!!)
e_pelletier said:
i got the call this morning ill leaving jan. 24 th for bootcamp,

Just a friendly word of advice it's called Basic or BMQ in Canada. Bootcamp is an American term, don't use it around any of your course staff.
Northern Touch said:
aha i hate that game, but I heard a little twist to it this past summer, it went sort of like
Lt said "Goddammit i swear to god, if you troops tip this ******* bus over those of you who can stand will march the rest of the way back to the alpha range with me!!!!"

Silly troops were rcoking the bus side to side at the side of the road near the grenade range at Meaford. Now that is a LONG walk back to the Alpha range.
I assume that is sarcasm? A whole ONE kilometer walk? ::) (sorry, sarcasm detector is in the shop) :dontpanic:

48Highlander said:
be happy you had a bus to begin with.  during my QL3 (in Meaford) our course WO told us on the first day that he'd returned/canceled all platoon transport for the rest of the summer.  we did so much marching that by the time we had to go to the granade range and back, it was a breeze.  during the 6 weeks we spent there we did over 300km of road marches.

Now THAT's a little time consuming. Good exercise (especially up Warner Hill >:D :threat: >:D) but a time killer for sure.
hoser said:
There are actually more than that.   They're $1 for 15 minutes, and there are four of them in Subway and four more in the Green Break area.   They're slow as crap (being that they're dialup) but they can get the email done.   But use the advice given.   During the first four weeks, I didn't touch the computers, and I got along just fine.   I've used them since, because you have more free time after the first four, but don't get carried away or neglect your responsibilities because of them.  

I was wondering about this too, as my girlfriend is currently out of the country and the main method of communication right now is email.  That's all I would really want to use them for anyway. 

Dial-up?  What's the reasoning behind that?
For the internet, I recall there being some way to get around the timer on the internet terminals. I believe it was ctrl-shift-esc then you end the process that has coyote in the name. Ask someone who has been around a while for the specifics. I learned it from a guy on PAT.
e_pelletier said:
i got the call this morning ill leaving jan. 24 th for bootcamp, and if you think you have been waiting for long, try almost five months on the merit list (NOW THATS LONG!!!)

I've been waiting 4 months, December being the start of my 5th, so far it looks like theres no hope for January BMQ. I'll probably go back and have to redo the PT Test and stuff, it's alright though because I'll score almost twice as high as I did the first time, I can probably pull off 35-50 pushups compared to the 25 I did the first time around and I've upgraded my education.

It's all good though, the longer I have to wait the more time I get to play paintball.
This don't have to much to do with the internet but while reading your posts. There seems to be ALOT of waiting going on.  :-\  What is the deal? 
You go down and sign your name on a list and sometime (maybe) you get a phone call asking you to come done and hand in papers + do some tests (apitidue and fitness) and the again we might call you with some kind of results sometime in the next, ohhh while sometime? :-\