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Where Has Cadets Taken You?

Jeeze, some of the places you cadets get to go now. I only got ot go to Borden a few times, and I went to Fort Drum NY once. Air Cadets, i made my mistakes in life.
F/Sgt_mandal said:
CFB Greenwod Nova Scotia, CFB Bagotville Quebec, Ottawa, Valcartier, Chicoutimi, CFB Trenton, CFB Borden

Forgot about Connaught, been there too.
When I was a cadet I went to Ipperwash, Petawawa, CFB Downsview and other local training locations.  Now that I'm an officer I have spent time at most of those locations as well as CFB Borden and Kingston.

Cadets is a great programme that works only because the cadets are willing to keep it working.  I think we have a great movement here and the fact that most of the people who have posted in this thread have more than 2 places cadets has taken them, I think it's working still.

Cheers!! :cdn:

The Army Guy
New Glasgow
Rocky Mountains

I think thats it -Wow -  I've been around. :cdn:
Wow where has cadets taken me

CFS St'Johns
CFB Gander
CFB Goose Bay
CFB Sheerwater
CFB Halifax
CFB Gagetown
CFB Borden
CFMTC Meaford
CFB Petawawa
CFS Dundurn
CFB Esqualmalt
CFB Lahr
CFB Baden
James Bay
and all the cities, towns, Provinces,and countries that go with them.
To the BA Armouries. I've always wanted to see what it is like inside...

List to be continued...
Places i've been as a cadet or as a cadet staff member:
CFB Calgary
CFB Edmonton
CFB Winnipeg
CFB Moose Jaw
CFB Penhold
CFB Comox
CFB Esquimalt
Malstrom Air Force Fase, Great Falls Montana
Faichild Air Force Base, Spokane Washington
McCord Air Force Base Tacoma Washington
Vancouver, BC
Seattle, Washington
In March my corps is going to San Diego. In 2000 my corps went to various locations around Great Britain.
Not far when Travel is concerened, All in or really close to the Interior Region, but ive been to...

- Roche Lake (Near Kamloops)
- Revelstoke Dam
- Vernon a few times + 2 summers at VACSTC
- On different trips, got to ride in a ML, LS & an ILTIS to and from VACSTC & Bennets Ranch (Generally Close to Oyama)
Hopefully the Reseves will take me alot further

- Shawn
Cadets has taken me
Blackdown, Borden, Ontario
Petawawa, Connaught, Ontario
Gaspe, Quebec
Valcartier, Quebec
Ottawa, Ontario
RMC, Kingston, Ontario
And Various other places for competitons that i cant think of right now.
hey, i'm wo hunter-dahr from halifax and cadets so far in my 5 years has taken me to Charlettown, brookville,gagetown,fredricton,Ottawa, Toronto,Berlin,munchen,wieden,sontofen, and bad richenhall In Germany as well as Salzburg Austria.
I know this is an Army Cadet forum, I hope you don't mind an old retired sea cadet posting here. The thread just brought back some great memories.
I went all over the place as a cadet. Best year of my life was the year I went on all my cruises.

CF bases:
Cornwallis - that parade sq. was huge
Ipperwash (cadet camp)
HMCS Haida (cadet camp)

HMC ships:
Nipigon (day sail)
Assiniboine (Worked as a Bos'n, 10 Weeks Nato cruise - England, Scotland, Iceland, Portugal)
Algonquin (Worked as a Bos'n, also some time in Ops learning to be an RP, 12 Weeks South American cruise - Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, several cities in Brazil)

Coast Guard Ship: CCGS Daring, 3 weeks SAR around Sable Island/Grand Banks. Worked as a deckhand.

USN ship, USS Coontz guided missile destroyer 14 days sail from Portugal to Scotland. I was transferred from Assiniboine and the USN types thought Sea Cadet = Officer Cadet. Sweet trip.

Foreign cities:
Lisbon, Portugal
Southampton, Engand
Rosyth Naval base, Scotland
Edinburgh, Scotland
A nice little pub in Dunfermline, Scotland where an older (say, 21) woman hit on me and I was too shy to do anything about it, so my messmates decided to teach me the facts of life (see being sold, below)
San Juan, Puerto Rico
USNS Roosevelt Roads "Rosie Roads" Puerto Rico
Castries, St. Lucia
Santos, Brazil
Rio de Janiero, Brazil
San Salvador, Brazil

This isn't intended to warp young minds...but I did visit several red llght districts in foreign ports. (I just tagged along with the crew ashore.) The club 69 in Santos was my fav. Was "sold" by #10 mess to a brothel as a virgin in Portugal. It wasn't for sex, but several prostitutes telling me how to "be a man to a woman" in fractured english. Hilarious in retrospect. I was blushing for a week.

I have yet to hear of a cadet more widely travelled, although I'm sure I wasn't the only one hopping every ship he could. Can Sea cadets still go to sea with the Regs? darn good times for a 17 yr old.

Ultimately, cadets led me to a stint in the infantry, and now I'm re-enlisting MARS as a much older man. Doubt I'll see any foreign brothels on an MCDV, but then again I am very happily married and I have no desire to do so. Besides, I think my wife would disapprove.
Blackdown, Borden, Ontario
Centrillia (sp?), Ontario
Washington DC

thats all for now... soon to add Ottawa
Check out this page to see what army cadets used to do on CFE a long time ago.


Where has Army Cadets Taken Me....

Here it goes:

Lahr, West Germany (CFE Flyover '89)
Baden, West Germany (CFE Flyover '89)
Eastern France (CFE Flyover '89)
Petawawa, ON (CFE Flyover '89)
Gagetown, NB '86, '87, '88, '90, '91, '92 (Cadet, Staff Cadet, CIC Officer)
Ipperwash, ON, '91 (JOLC)
Halifax, NS '90
Greenwood, NS '90 (BOQ)
Stephenville, NFLD '90, '91, '92
Some of you guys/girls have gone a lot of places with cadets. I was just wondering, were a lot of the reasons for going there based on teams you were on, or were they trips?
Just about all for me were either courses or summer employment as either a Cadet or a CIC Officer.
Q.Y. Ranger said:
Some of you guys/girls have gone a lot of places with cadets. I was just wondering, were a lot of the reasons for going there based on teams you were on, or were they trips?

All but one of   my trips were for summer training or individual postings to ships. The only team I was on was a drill team our corp sent to the Ontario championships in Ipperwash (came 2nd).