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When worlds collide


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I could see this get moved to Radio Chatter, but it still bears mentioning on it's sheer schmarm and gossip quality:

Estranged wife of hockey tough guy Domi alleges infidelities with MP Stronach
Mon Sep 25, 8:26 PM
By Allison Jones

TORONTO (CP) - Liberal MP Belinda Stronach has wound up in the middle of the nasty divorce of hockey tough guy Tie Domi, with court documents filed by the former NHL player's estranged wife alleging that her husband's greatest concern is that Stronach not be dragged into the dispute.

Leanne Domi will seek spousal and child support from Tie Domi's $1-million annual income in Superior Court in Toronto on Tuesday, though neither party is obligated to appear in person. Her allegations, contained in a 20-page divorce application, have not been proven in court.

In the application, filed Sept. 18, the day before Tie Domi announced his retirement from the NHL, she alleges her husband's "intimate sexual relationship" with Stronach caused their marriage to deteriorate as well as his relationship with their three children.

She also alleges that the former Toronto Maple Leaf player told her if she did not hire a lawyer he would give her $1 million in cash and a $1.5-million house. If she contacted a lawyer, however, "I would get nothing."

The documents also allege that Tie Domi "is anxious and desperate to ensure that Belinda is not brought into the divorce."

Tie Domi has said he won't comment on his personal life and his agent said Monday the hockey star would have nothing to say while the matter was before the courts.

Stronach, who stuck to her regular routine in Ottawa on Monday, has also refused to comment.
She attended a gathering of the Liberal caucus executive, performed her regular Commons parliamentary duties, met with Liberal MPs to plot question-period strategy for the week, and went to a conference of business executives.

"She felt it would be very important that she do her job today and continue being the MP for Newmarket-Aurora," said the Stronach associate.

"She's got duties as an MP and that's what she'd rather be known for."

The personal life of the multimillionaire heiress to the auto-parts giant Magna International also made headlines in May 2005, when as a sitting Conservative member of Parliament, she crossed the floor, effectively jilting boyfriend and fellow Tory Peter MacKay, now foreign affairs minister.

Leanne Domi is seeking spousal support of $30,000 and child support of more than $15,000 per month, custody of the children with scheduled visits for Tie Domi, exclusive possession of the family home and the right to sell it and an order that his assets be frozen.

Though the application states it is not necessary to name names in cases of alleged adultery, the first line of Leanne Domi's allegations reads: "Tie Domi has committed adultery with Belinda Stronach" and there are numerous references to Stronach throughout the document.

The document alleges her husband's relationship with Stronach started in the summer of 2005, when he and Stronach attended a Formula One race in Montreal.

In January 2006 Tie Domi started working on Stronach's political campaign, Leanne Domi says in the divorce document, even though "Tie had little to no interest in politics, and in fact, had not the slightest idea about political ideology."

As her husband began spending more time with Stronach, Leanne Domi alleges he also began spending less time with their children, aged seven to 12, missing their hockey games in favour of, in one instance, attending a Toronto International Film Festival charity gala with Stronach, her son and actor Brad Pitt.

Leanne Domi says that on July 22, after receiving a call from a friend who said she saw Stronach and Tie Domi walking hand in hand down Madison Avenue in Manhattan, she tearfully implored her husband to explain, "Why he'd done what he'd done."

He responded, "I am so sorry Leanne...just leave Belinda out of this," the court document says.

Leanne Domi says she asked her husband to leave their house. "He told me that if I kept quiet and didn't hire a lawyer he would give me $1 million in cash and buy me a house for $1.5 million," the divorce application reads.

It also says Tie Domi threatened his wife would "get nothing" if she hired a lawyer and said he has many powerful and influential friends (including Stronach) who are "on his side and who don't want to hear my stupid sob stories about him and Belinda."

The application also contains allegations that Tie Domi's "trysts" with Stronach were not his first indiscretions. His wife claims he also had a relationship with actress Tia Carrere, known for the television show "Relic Hunter" during a period the couple were separated and attending counselling.

Article also includes exerpts from the actual filed action. 

Tia Carrere!  :o  He's done pretty well for a beat up guy from Belle River. 
A great NHL career AND he got to shag Belinda Stronach.  If that isn't every Canadian boy's dream, I don't know what is... :cheers:
??? What does everybody see in Belinda Stronick? The plastic Barby look does nothing for me, I find her a lightweight both intellectually and fashionwise, just a edge sitter.
I suppose if you were going for a chick for money, you could do a whole lot worse for looks.  Of course, anybody treading where Domi has gone....good luck. 
We're judging fashion here these days? This isn't the Star magazine forums is it? I must be lost...
Hunter said:
A great NHL career AND he got to shag Belinda Stronach.  If that isn't every Canadian boy's dream, I don't know what is... :cheers:
I'm sad to say I have never, ever herd of her, but after googling her, perhaps it is to win the Stanley cup AND shag her. ahahaha  :rofl:
A great NHL career AND he got to shag Belinda Stronach. 

          GP    G    A    P    +/-  PIM
Totals: 1020 104 141 245 -54 3515

I wouldn't necessarily say a GREAT career but he did what he was there to do pretty well - the Leafs are better without him getting penalty after penalty every game.
derael said:
We're judging fashion here these days? This isn't the Star magazine forums is it? I must be lost...

Don't worry "CEOTP Applicant" there are still lots of threads that you can prove your broadband mettle as a warrior in.  Don't need to get dragged down with us Nancie's.  ::)
GAP said:
??? What does everybody see in Belinda Stronick? 

I had a chance encounter with Ms. Stronach in the Second Cup on Elgin street a couple of years ago.  She smells great.  How is that for starters? 
zipperhead_cop said:
Don't worry "CEOTP Applicant" there are still lots of threads that you can prove your broadband mettle as a warrior in.  Don't need to get dragged down with us Nancie's.   ::)

...Touchy. No need to take my comments as personal.
derael said:
...Touchy. No need to take my comments as personal.

I didn't.  It just seems odd to go out of your way to comment that you didn't mean to comment in a thread.  Not everything is blood and guts around here.  Sometimes we just blow off steam.  Don't take it personal. 

*Milnet.ca staff edit for site policy*
Hunter said:
I had a chance encounter with Ms. Stronach in the Second Cup on Elgin street a couple of years ago.  She smells great.  How is that for starters? 

I've spotted/randomly chatted up a lot of MPs since I moved to Ottawa  but she's been the elusive run-in of my dreams for quite some time now  :-*
xmarcx said:
I've spotted/randomly chatted up a lot of MPs since I moved to Ottawa  but she's been the elusive run-in of my dreams for quite some time now   :-*

Try the bakery/cafe next to the Metropolitan Restaurant at Sussex and Rideau in the mornings before 9:15 and you have a good chance.  lol
The Belindabot is the MP for my riding.

Notice that I did NOT say "my MP".

I have met her, spoken with her, and heard her speak numerous times.

She is as much of a weasel as any lieberal, and an intellectual lightweight.

I would not touch her with somebody else's ten foot pole.
Loachman said:
She is as much of a weasel as any lieberal, and an intellectual lightweight.

I would not touch her with somebody else's ten foot pole.

What he said!

She joined as a Conservative and crossed the floor to join a party known for sorruption,

She did so at a time that was crucial for the Conservatives, and imho delayed a no-confidence vote in the Government by doing so,

She was imediately given a cabinet position (anyone remember this happening to an MP with a few months experience before??)

She dumped her boyfriend at the same time she left the Conservatives (coincidence? or was she using him....)

Now it's alleged that she was sleeping with a married man. If proven true, she's shown that a person chosen to lead Canadians and make laws that govern our behaviour (laws based primarily on the agreed upon moral standards of Canadians) has the morals of an alley cat.

She broke up a marriage.

Attagirl Belinda.

Garry said:
She joined as a Conservative and crossed the floor to join a party known for sorruption,
She did so at a time that was crucial for the Conservatives, and imho delayed a no-confidence vote in the Government by doing so,
She was imediately given a cabinet position (anyone remember this happening to an MP with a few months experience before??)
She dumped her boyfriend at the same time she left the Conservatives (coincidence? or was she using him....)
Now it's alleged that she was sleeping with a married man. If proven true, she's shown that a person chosen to lead Canadians and make laws that govern our behaviour (laws based primarily on the agreed upon moral standards of Canadians) has the morals of an alley cat.
She broke up a marriage.
Attagirl Belinda.
well... from what I understand, the hockey player was fooling around a long time before Belinda was part of this picture....
Also, as was pointed out elsewhere.... would we be making more of this if she were a he?... would we be making more of this if she were still part of the PC?
geo said:
would we be making more of this if she were a he?... would we be making more of this if she were still part of the PC?
First question, no - because the Belindabot would have been scrutinized far more. 'Twas her looks that got her all of the attention in the first place, and elected in the second. She could neither speak without a script in front of her, nor debate. Without looks, and the fact that a good many voters in this riding work for Daddy's company, she'd have been laughed out long ago.

Second question, it's not "PC".

For many of us in this riding association, she was never a member of this party in spirit. Membership was merely a vehicle to gain her access to her latest hobby. There was no more motivation, beyond that, that any of us close to the centre of the riding association could see and there was great division within the riding association as a result. The anger at having been betrayed passed surprisingly rapidly, and we realized that it made no difference how we were rid of her as long as we were.

I don't care who she's sleeping with, so long as it's not me.
Garry said:
She broke up a marriage.

Mmmm, no.  Domi's wandering wrench broke up his marriage.  Adultery is wrong, but the onus is on the partner, not the mistress. 

geo said:
Also, as was pointed out elsewhere.... would we be making more of this if she were a he?... would we be making more of this if she were still part of the PC?

If she were a he?  Yes, this would still be a big deal because then Domi would have been outed as gay and that would have rocked a bunch of people. 
If she was still PC?  Probably.  It would just be a different bunch of people making all the stink.  As it is, her defection is not going to fade in the memories of the harmed any time soon and any chance to jam her won't be overlooked (hence, the initiation of this thread).  It will haunt her forever.  And you can bet your biscuits that the Conservatives will let this go a lot faster than the NDP would in Parliament.  How much question period time will be wasted on this one?

As for being attractive?  Definitely!  (although I thought the Evil Queen from Snow White was kinda hot too)



Anyone know who the Navy stud is?
I'd trust the Evil Queen more.

And, again, it's not the PC party. The "Progressive" name was stripped out.

Having been betrayed by the PC Party in 1987 (they stuck me in a light blue uniform), 1989 (the gutting of the Defence White Paper), and 1990 (Kim Campbell's "gun control" legislation") it's important.