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When will we know?

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I've applied for MP last month, the MPAC was suppose to be held in January but the recruiter told me that there will be 3 MPAC this year because they are missing to many ( so she said).  So the MPAC will be very soon.

Does anybody know when and how many they will need?
And when will we  start boot camp?

I'm asking this because I'm gettin married next week and leaving for 2 weeks on vacation......
Sim said:
I've applied for MP last month, the MPAC was suppose to be held in January but the recruiter told me that there will be 3 MPAC this year because they are missing to many ( so she said).  So the MPAC will be very soon.

Does anybody know when and how many they will need?
And when will we  start boot camp?

I'm asking this because I'm gettin married next week and leaving for 2 weeks on vacation......

Congratulations.  Get married.  Have a wonderful time on your honeymoon.  Don't lose sleep over THIS (you'll have better things to lose sleep over!)

Should they want you, the offer will still be there when you return.
Slim. I'm in the same boat as you. Now thought I just had my 3rd update interview and am finally having my application sent off to the pre-selection MPAC. Also I've been in the application process for almost a year now too. My interviewer told me that I shoould have an answer by mid August, to when I would go to the MPAC from there the I would be given the offer of emplyment from my file manager then if everything goes well off to basic in October. Also I was told that the MPAC board only meets TWICE a year. So like Retired CC said go get married have a great honeymoon and quit worrying about it, you'll drive yourself mad.
Thx guys appreciated.

I'll never drive myself mad, i got better things to do.....

Good luck to you, I hope you get it!
Did anyone received news, or they are still in the selection process?
I have an interview August 30th in Barrie for MP and I was told by the recruiter that they are selecting in September (2005) for MP's

so would that mean the MPAC will be held then?? and then off to Basic in October, I know Im asking questions that cant be answered, just thought I would try


At this point no one knows what is going on and when its going to happen.........hehehehehehe.

The only thing I know is that I'm getting nervous.

Good luck with your interview bud.

Let us know what your recruiter tells you about the MPAC, if he/she knows when it will be!
Hey there,

  I am just in the last few days before I graduate from CFMPA on my QL3s and I have heard that there will not be any more QL3 courses starting up until 2007.  Apparently the CFMPA is going to concentrate on QL5 training in order to qualify the large amount of Cpls after their PEP.  So in other words, you might be waiting a while!  But then again, things always seem to change around here.
Please clarify where you got this information.
Impossible my friend, Ottawa and the Montreal recruitment centre said they are in a great need or MP's !
Well I got the answer I was waiting for yesterday, the Mpac is on the 27-29 of September.

Hope you guys that applied get that call too.

Best of luck you guys.

again congrats.....the MPAC will probably only happen in Jan and not earlier.  as far as how many we need who knows that for Ottawa to decide.  Just enjoy getting married and u will probably have a message on ur machine when u get home.
Does anyone know when the next boot camp will be held ( this winter or next summer)  The MPAC is at the end of the month and I would like to know if I would be leaving soon for boot camp or wait till next year.  I tried to ask my recruitment officer but he didn't know!

Thanks in advance.

There are many factors which will determine when it is you go to Basic if you are deemed suitable so it is impossible for anyone to provide an estimate to you at this point.  As you're talking about MPAC, I take it you are going Reg Force.  Unlike the Reserves, Reg Force BMQs start frequently, every two weeks or so.
Hmm I think we were about 14 frenchies and 20 something English people.

      No they didn't tell us if we were selected they just gave us our strong and weak points, we are suppose to hear from them in about 3 weeks witch would be around mid October,  for me everything went well until the last day when a big misunderstanding happened and made me loss a lot of points, witch I think screwed my chances of getting in. But hey life is life and nothing happens for no reason so I'll wait for the news ( with not much hope).

The MPAC was a great experience doh and the job looks fun.

Hope you get good news
Well for those of you that are wait listed for the MPAC as myself. The next MPAC will be held on January. Well this is what my new file manager told me anyhow. So until then  we'll just have to play the waiting game until then.
Well boys the news is in, call your local recruiting center.  Good luck to everybody....

Hope to see you on course, cause i got in!!!! :)
Hi there!

Congratulations! I was wondering ... when did you attend MPAC? Were you part of the first group or the 2nd group? I was part of the 2nd group (27 to 29 Sept) but I didn't receive any news today.

Thanks! Good luck!