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WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

Olexa said:
Again, congratulations to you all. I've been following this thread for some time, and I found it to be informative and helpful. I did not make it to this year's NOAB, but I hope to attend one in the, hopefully, not so distant future. I know that you are not supposed to divulge much info about exams and so on, but it would be very nice if you could share what you can.

It was a great experience.  You are right, we can't tell you about it.  As has been said before, just be yourself in the interview.  They do not tear you apart.  As for the MOST, you cannot prepare for it, so don't stress over it.

One of the organizers for this NOAB told me that there might be another one held before the year end as they are still short the number of MARS applicants that they wanted for 2009, so there is still some hope for you in getting onto one this year.

As to my earlier post, Andrea had also created a 'NOAB Fall 2009' group on facebook, so attendees, please use that one instead of mine.
My warmest congratulations to all of you - especially the successful candidates in the MARS MOS.  You are now one step closer to the thrills and joys of mental math, tides and astro and chartwork.  Not to mention cleaning stations ;)

I look forward to sharing a drink with you in your Wardrooms someday.

Good luck on your training. :)

I just had my interview for MARS Thursday, October 15/09. I was told that I just missed NOAB and am waiting now for the next one which is Jan/Feb 2010. Is anyone else waiting for those dates?
      I am also waiting for this NOAB since I missed the last one
Where are you located? I am in Vancouver... I have found this process a little bit harder than I expected. A lot of waiting and hoping.
Can I be in NOAB even thought I'm already an officer in something else? (just to see if I'd like it?)
If you're a reservist, I believe so. Or, at least, I know that we had reserve NCMs on our NOAB. I'm not absolutely positive that the procedure would be the same for PRes Officers, but I have a feeling it would be. I do not think the same thing goes for Reg Force.
Hey there,

Bear with me as I'm new to this site. I've already had my interview for MARS DEO and my medical is clear. But, in order to plan out the next few months of my life, I need to know when the next NOAB will take place.

If someone else is in the same boat, feel free to discuss things.
What's up guys, I had my interview on the October 14th, here in New Westminster.

I thought I'd read something about the next NOAB being in December. But I think the January/Feb dates are more reliable. I checked with some Recruiting Centres all over the country and they all seem to suggest Jan/Feb/March.

That's almost too much waiting around for me. I have found myself another job until it all works out. But the plus point about all of this is that now I have enough time to sort out my life before I can fully commit myself to the Navy.

I wonder what the waiting period between the NOAB and BMOQ will be and how long of a delay there will be between BMOQ and actual MARS training.

It'll be cool if the next NOAB is in Halifax as I've never been there before.
Well, I certainly don't pretend to know very much about the CF, Navy, NOABs and such, but I think the short answer to your question about delays is that nobody knows.  From what I have read on this site, you will be forever faced by all sorts of timings during your career in the CF.  Don't sweat it.  Be patient and go with the flow.  Remember the big picture and the little delays or short notices that life hands you won't matter as much.

For what it is worth, I just went on the Sept 28 - Oct 3 NOAB.  Some of the successful candidates from the NOAB were given the opportunity to start BMOQ almost immediately on Oct 19th.  Others, like me, were given the January 11th BMOQ and there were other opportunities too.....like later in January or I think even into February.  Still another candidate was exempted from BMOQ because of prior service and he is jumping straight to MARS training (but still doesn't know when that will start).  The moral of the story is that timings for different phases of CF life depend on so many different factors that can change at a moment's notice.  I have been told that even when you are in the MARS phase of your training, there can be delays between phases.

I cannot tell from your post if delays bother you or not.  But if they do, maybe you should rethink your interest in the CF.  And, while you are at it, remember that you are not going to find anything better in civvie land.  After working in civvie land for many years, I can tell you that life just isn't always nice with timings.  Good luck with your decisions.
The delay doesn't bother me too much, actually, as I really like my temporary job and I am in a great relationship which may be affected by the Navy gig.

Delays between MARS phases would bother me, though, if they are unpaid. Because I will have to give up my current job pretty much when BMOQ starts for me.

My question to you, Rob1972, is that, when you said,

"Others, like me, were given the January 11th BMOQ and there were other opportunities too.....like later in January or I think even into February."

did you mean that there may be BMOQ sessions starting later in January and/or February after the January 11th one that you're enrolled in?

If your answer is yes, then that might mean that there may be a BMOQ right after the next Jan/Feb NOAB. I'd previously heard that the next BMOQ after the January one would be in April. I understand that the 'right answer' to all these queries is, 'nobody knows' but it's good and exciting to plan out the future sometimes.

If I recall correctly, they told us at our NOAB that there were 2 start dates for BMOQ in January and 2 in February.  BUT, it is probably quite likely that the next start after that would be in April or May.  BMQ courses are run all the time it seems.  BMOQ courses are not run nearly as often, but there are still many to choose from.

Also, do not worry about being paid during delays in training.  Once you start BMOQ you will be paid no matter what.  Take the example of my friend who skipped BMOQ because of former military servce......he was sworn in about 3 weeks after the NOAB and then started being paid right away.  But he still doesn't know when his MARS training will start.  While he waits, he gets paid.  What will he be doing while he waits???  He isn't sure, but probably what will happen is that the Navy will use him to do odd jobs that need to be done.  So its not very exciting, but he gets paid his full pay like he would while on training.

One more thing about BMOQ start dates.  Go to the CFLRS website and there is section that shows the end of course ceremony dates as well as the course start dates. 
You will see that the only BMOQ courses listed are from end of August and beginning of Sept.  The next BMOQ start was Oct 19th and now there won't be (at least I don't think there will be) another one until January 11th.

Sometimes they will add some BMOQ courses if they can, if they have the numbers of people who are waiting.
Once you join the reg force, you get paid. You won't be forced on leave without pay for any time period other than the gap between when you swear in, and the day BMOQ starts. Gaps in training will be filled by some combination of on the job training, 2nd language courses, other small taskings and courses that you can take. Basically anything to keep you busy. Some people get lucky. I myself had no gaps whatsoever in my training, whereas the MARS folks who did basic with me were on OJT for about a month. Honestly there's worse things to be doing in the world. Just make sure you keep hitting the gym.
Regarding future gaps in training, or current waiting for your NOAB or BMOQ, it behoves us to think of the bigger picture. If you're going MARS, regardless of your entry plan, it's almost certain you'll sign a contract of several years for your Navy "gig". Your recruiting centre can clarify just how long. In this respect, waiting a few months now for BMOQ to start is not a very long time as compared to the over-all length of your potential career. We just need a little patience.

As I have only just come from the last NOAB, I am giving this advice to you as much as myself. As rob1972 once pointed out to me, Tom Petty said it best when he sang "The waiting is hardest part...".

Good luck!

The next NOAB will convene in Esquimalt (Victoria) 7-11 December 2009.  The dates were confirmed today as we were waiting for confirmation that a ship would be available (always one of the highlights of the NOAB).  CFRG will have written confirmation of these dates by early next week so hopefully all those who are waiting will be informed soon.  If you have any concerns as the date draws nearer, please send me an email and I will attempt to answer your questions.  Good luck!!
Just spoke to the CWO2 who is involved with the organization of NOABs.  The next one is in early Dec.
I spoke to a recruiter last week and he told me late Feb. was the next one. December would be great. Can anyone offer anything concrete.... ie. the week?
Trust me simsara, if Steve D says he spoke to a CWO2 and he said the next one is in early Dec.....then I would bet the farm on it and start packing my bags.  Forget what the recruiting centre said......Steve D is correct, guaranteed.  If you need to narrow it down, then figure that it will be either from Nov 30 to Dec 4 or Dec 7 to Dec 11.  I can't see them doing it later than that and get too close to Christmas.  Plus, they probably want to have enough time to get some of the successful NOAB candidates loaded on to the Jan 11th BMOQ.  I would bet on the Nov 30 start date.