Try to remember that this trip for the ship is just another day at their job.
When they're away from home port, guys want to sightsee and visit the places they go to, just like anyone else would ... also keeping in mind that they have all kinds of "official" functions they have to attend or work on trips like this (visits from VIPs, ship's dinners and cocktail parties, daysails, crew visits to official functions and places like city halls or charities) you shouldn't be surprised that there weren't more guys hanging around to answer questions ... that's what the Recruiters are for!
On top of that, IF you were visiting during public tours hours ... a lot of people don't hang around because there's a LOT of just looky-loos and people who just want to say they saw it ... and they have a LOT of dumb, irrelevant questions that guys on the ship don't feel like answering (my FAVORITE was always, "Has the ship been to Afghanistan?" ... Look at a map! A'stan doesn't border on the ocean! ... I always used to answer, "Well, we tried, but we only made it 50' into Pakistan and had to turn around again" HAHAHA!)