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WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

Trish said:
Good idea FDO : We don't have ''Shoppers Drugmart'' in Quebec, so it will be lllloooooonnnnnnggggggg before I can reach one and come back !!!!

Well the nice thing about a NOAB is that they will be close to a Shopper's!

Assuming that's your reason for going of course.
I meant to watch VDQ come in. The Shoppers is a bit of a hike from NOTC.
I have a question for MARS or gcclarke or anyone who is in the know about such things.....

Is it likely that those of us that are successful and are given job offers at the NOAB would be immediately sent on BMOQ two weeks later on OCT 19?  Or, would it take too long to process everything in time and instead we will start BMOQ in January?  And lastly, would they let us choose our preferred option between those two dates?
I am dreaming every minute that I can get on the October 19 BMOQ.  That would make everything right in the world of Steve.  Waiting until January might just drive me mental.
rob1972 said:
I have a question for MARS or gcclarke or anyone who is in the know about such things.....

Is it likely that those of us that are successful and are given job offers at the NOAB would be immediately sent on BMOQ two weeks later on OCT 19?  Or, would it take too long to process everything in time and instead we will start BMOQ in January?  And lastly, would they let us choose our preferred option between those two dates?

I'm going to say possible but not likely. Assuming that you have everything else checked off that needs to be checked off and assuming that there are actually still spots open on the course 2 weeks before the course starts, and assuming that the recruiting centre receives official word of your acceptance and can action accordingly, it could happen.

I'd try posting this question to one of the site's many recruiting centre staff, such as Otis, FDO, or Jingo.

Quite honestly, I'd say the biggest impediment to this happening would be the number of open slots on the BMOQ.
Antoine said:
Shoppers Drug Mart = Pharmaprix  :)

Oh thanks Antoine !  :P

Anyways, since you have 100% more chances to run into a fake plastic Inukshuk ''made in China'' in the Old Montreal than a Pharmaprix, I could have tried that ! (the last girl at work that went to look for a drug store came back an hour later, without any med !!)
Add my name to that list gang!  I did not hear from my RC yet, but I did get a phone call from someone in Esquimalt who saw my name on the list.  This is going to be a fantastic week. Can't wait to meet everyone.  The expected numbers for this NOAB is 83, but not all MARS.  There are a couple of MARE in the mix as well as some others.

8 days to go....

Anyone leaving from the East Coast? I will be flying out of Saint John, NB.

Steve (one happy camper)

Steve_D said:
Add my name to that list gang!  I did not hear from my RC yet, but I did get a phone call from someone in Esquimalt who saw my name on the list.  This is going to be a fantastic week. Can't wait to meet everyone.  The expected numbers for this NOAB is 83, but not all MARS.  There are a couple of MARE in the mix as well as some others.

8 days to go....

Anyone leaving from the East Coast? I will be flying out of Saint John, NB.

Steve (one happy camper)


Great Steve, I think we are almost all there ! Who's missing a call ?
Same thing for me, so for a moment I thought we were from the same RC ! hihi

On another note, I went to visit NCSM Ville de Québec today.

Maybe I had high expectation because those who experienced the day sail seemed very excited about it.  I though it missed interactivity on the visit (sorry, I'm translating my thoughts from French, so I don't know if it really makes sense !)
The ones that were at the recruiting tent were really nice, but where were everybody on the ship ??  I think I saw one guy near the weapons, almost at the end of the tour, and that's it (oh and 2 more at the recruiting table before getting off the boat).  I though their would be staff a bit everywhere explaining how it worked and the use of this, and that...  I'm already in my process, but for people who go there and want to know more before applying it wasn't much of a help I thought.
At least I'll get my full visit next week !!
Fantastic, Steve!  So happy to hear that you made it.  I know this is very important to you on many different levels.  I am looking forward to meeting you there.  I am flying from Sudbury, to Toronto, Vancouver, then to Victoria.  I don't know if you go through Toronto or not, but if you do, my flight is on Sunday the 27th.... Air Canada flight 1175 from Toronto leaving at 0900.  I am flying from Vancouver at 1200, arriving at 1223 in Victoria (local time).

I can't remember if I mentioned this earlier, but there are two other guys from Sudbury going to NOAB too.
Thanks.  I don't have my travel docs yet, but suspect that I will be going through Toronto.  I will let you know as soon as I find out.

Sounds like we have a party started before NOAB even begins.  Works for me  ;D
rob1972 said:
I have a question for MARS or gcclarke or anyone who is in the know about such things.....

Is it likely that those of us that are successful and are given job offers at the NOAB would be immediately sent on BMOQ two weeks later on OCT 19?  Or, would it take too long to process everything in time and instead we will start BMOQ in January?  And lastly, would they let us choose our preferred option between those two dates?

I can't say for 100% certainty, cause I'm not the person that gives job offers and loads people on courses, but knowing in general how far in advance we load BMQ's and BMOQ's, I highly doubt anyone on the next NOAB would be on the BMOQ two weeks later ... but you can always hope, I've been wrong before!

Trish said:
On another note, I went to visit NCSM Ville de Québec today.

Maybe I had high expectation because those who experienced the day sail seemed very excited about it.  I though it missed interactivity on the visit (sorry, I'm translating my thoughts from French, so I don't know if it really makes sense !)
The ones that were at the recruiting tent were really nice, but where were everybody on the ship ??  I think I saw one guy near the weapons, almost at the end of the tour, and that's it (oh and 2 more at the recruiting table before getting off the boat).  I though their would be staff a bit everywhere explaining how it worked and the use of this, and that...  I'm already in my process, but for people who go there and want to know more before applying it wasn't much of a help I thought.
At least I'll get my full visit next week !!

Try to remember that this trip for the ship is just another day at their job.

When they're away from home port, guys want to sightsee and visit the places they go to, just like anyone else would ... also keeping in mind that they have all kinds of "official" functions they have to attend or work on trips like this (visits from VIPs, ship's dinners and cocktail parties, daysails, crew visits to official functions and places like city halls or charities) you shouldn't be surprised that there weren't more guys hanging around to answer questions ... that's what the Recruiters are for!

On top of that, IF you were visiting during public tours hours ... a lot of people don't hang around because there's a LOT of just looky-loos and people who just want to say they saw it ... and they have a LOT of dumb, irrelevant questions that guys on the ship don't feel like answering (my FAVORITE was always, "Has the ship been to Afghanistan?" ... Look at a map! A'stan doesn't border on the ocean! ... I always used to answer, "Well, we tried, but we only made it 50' into Pakistan and had to turn around again" HAHAHA!)

Thanks Otis.  I think I would rather wait until January anyway.  So we'll just have to see what happens.

I like the dumb question too.... made me laugh.  I have to share that one.
Otis said:
Try to remember that this trip for the ship is just another day at their job.

When they're away from home port, guys want to sightsee and visit the places they go to, just like anyone else would ... also keeping in mind that they have all kinds of "official" functions they have to attend or work on trips like this (visits from VIPs, ship's dinners and cocktail parties, daysails, crew visits to official functions and places like city halls or charities) you shouldn't be surprised that there weren't more guys hanging around to answer questions ... that's what the Recruiters are for!

On top of that, IF you were visiting during public tours hours ... a lot of people don't hang around because there's a LOT of just looky-loos and people who just want to say they saw it ... and they have a LOT of dumb, irrelevant questions that guys on the ship don't feel like answering (my FAVORITE was always, "Has the ship been to Afghanistan?" ... Look at a map! A'stan doesn't border on the ocean! ... I always used to answer, "Well, we tried, but we only made it 50' into Pakistan and had to turn around again" HAHAHA!)


Yes, when I think about people I saw in line to go on the ship, I can image what you are talking about.  I did go during public tours hours of course.  At least the band was all there and ready !

Thank you for your explanation !
Good job Steve!! Im surprised at the number of people attending... but at the same time when I was on the VDQ one of the guys was in for 6 years, had fifty MARS in his NOAB and only him and one other are still working in the trade.  We have a 80% attrition rate and some dont even make it past NOAB.

Trish, dont be too upset about your trip... Otis said it right, the crew would probably never known you were a recruit.  We were extremely lucky to have 2 days and one night on the ship and still didnt see everyone.  Most of whom we talked to below decks in the ward room after hours.  My understanding of the NOAB day sail is we will be seperated into different groups and will get to see our trade in action.

Im leaving from London, with Cody.. I imagine we will head to Toronto too rob, let you know tomorrow when i get the details!!
There are 83 names attending this NOAB and only 13 of them are not classified as MARS; so it should be interesting to see how it all plays out in the end.  I know that I plan to be one of them still around when it is all said and done.

Looking forward to next week and meeting all of you.  It will be like we already know each other ahead of time.

Congrats Steve! 

So 70 MARS people.... hmmm... seems like a lot?  Might be a bit of competition going on there ya think?  Interesting that so many of them have not been involved with this forum....maybe a leg up for us.

I will be leaving from Toronto as well (though I have not received my travel papers as yet)  I'll post it when I find out.... maybe some of us will be able to chat over a beer before we take off?  One week to go!