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What's your gas price? 2.0

Peterborough Ontario was at 102.9 This morning which seems to be around average.  However there only seems to be 3 gas stations in the whole city that have gas.
There were a couple of Stations here in Cambridge that were closed because of no gas and I have noticed that they have opened up again. It's still 99.9 here, that is what I saw on my way to work this morning.

Kingston, 102.3 at the Ultramar and 109.9 at Shell.....guess who has no business??
Hmmm interestingly,

I stopped last night on my way back to Gagetown to fill up in Port Elgin (a 1 gas station town). What a difference 4 days make!!


Monday it was 90.2;

last night it was 104.9!!

That's 12.7 14.7 cents in 4 days!! Apparently the Irving refineries around here must all have fire's happening too that they've yet to tell us about.  ::)

Edited because I can't subtract or add!! (No worries ~ normal ~ Sup tech thing!!  >:D )
Imagine that, a Sup Tech with poor math skills:
"Why of course you have 15 Tac Vests!  It says so right here!"  ;)

Don't forget the REAL reason for high gas prices in NB: the transportation costs to get the fuel from the refineries to the stations.....

Also, what are you doing going through Port Elgin?  When you get off the bridge, turn RIGHT onto Rte 955 and follow it along the road.  It meets up with Rte 15, and you save about 15 minutes of driving time.  But that "one stop" does have beer, though....

(Eureka!  Garvin just realised why you spend that extra 15 minutes!) 

Oil companies have us hooked

My SUV's gas tank is pretty low -- as is my tolerance for these fat cat oil companies and their treatment of us.

The sick reality is there are few businesses that have no supply but can still make as much profit as if they did. But there are not many businesses like the oil companies. We are the crackheads and they have the stuff. We know it and they know it.

They do what they want. We do what they tell us to. It's all about them.

Consider nothing in your life does not involve gas and oil. It had to get to you somehow. If you bought it, a gas-guzzling truck probably brought it.

How does that song Banditos by The Refreshments go? "I've got the pistols, so I'll keep the pesos, that seems fair." But my favourite line in that song is "everybody knows the world is full of stupid people." That is us.

We are hooked and we know who is boss. Hamsters on the treadmill. Stand in line and fill up. Even if the rodent on the wheel decided to complain who is going to listen?

Just accept it. Your job is to shut up, run on your treadmill and pay.

But then there's Dan McTeague -- a Liberal MP for Pickering/Scarborough who never shuts up. I hope he never does. The big oil wine-and- dine budget obviously hasn't come his way. He admits he has not been successful in this war (even when he was in the party of power) and admits he gets tired of hearing himself bitch too. "But somebody has to say it and I am not going to quit."

Just look at today's prices. In many places it's $1.03 a litre -- if you can find a station that has gas thanks to the supply problem because of a refinery fire which I believe is just a small part of what is really corporate greed and inept management which shows how vulnerable we really are.

"And they are not going to lose money," said McTeague of the oil companies. "If they do, all they will do is use this to write it off against profits."

Remember the wholesale price for gas per litre in Canada is 67.7c, compared to 57c in the U.S. What gives? It's more than 10c higher than it should be.

"That to me is unacceptable," says an angry McTeague. "There is no reason for it. They are making at least 5c a litre more and when you are talking about a million litres that could be an extra $2 or $3 million dollars. The windfall will be substantial."

No wonder the tax-hungry politicians don't complain. But McTeague says he wrote a letter to the prime minister asking for support in reducing the price of diesel for truckers. He'd also like to make "one change" to the competition act that would end the monopoly of the big four oil companies -- Petro Canada, Shell, Sunoco and Imperial Oil -- and force them to compete with some new players.

The hamster says why not? It's our country after all. Where are our leaders elected to protect us from this gouging? Where's Silent Stephen Harper?

There must not be a hockey game to his liking here? And how about Premier Dalton McGuinty who said "let's stay cool; let's stay calm; we're going to get through this together." Yeah, sure. Get through at $1.03 a litre.

"We've asked them to be as fair as they possibly can in distributing the limited supply they have," said McGuinty.

The oil execs must have chuckled.

But my favourite McGuinty line was "so it is from time to time going to inconvenience us as motorists and as families. It may require that we visit another gas station or two before we actually get the supply that we need." Yeah, he's a tough fighter. Big oil must be nervous.

If anybody sees that wimp hunting for a gas station this weekend ask him why he didn't ask the oil companies to keep the prices down during the crisis and implore them to ship extra supply by train and or truck from Montreal and even Buffalo? That would be leadership!

McTeague likes the Buffalo idea but says "the problem is the gas there is a different environmental standard." It's also cheaper.

As for those phony standards, if the gas is good enough for New York State, it's good enough for here for a couple of weeks while the refinery gets back on line.

See you at the pumps everybody.

Save some for me.

          Great article and so on the money. We love to go on rants in this country about the high gas prices and fat cat oil companies gouging us at the pumps. The oil companies who say that the high price of crude oil is causing them to increase their gas prices to make ends meet yet they are making multi billion dollar profits every year. Who is actually doing anything about it? Certainly not the politicians who keep telling us it will get better soon so please be patient. Patience my a**, let's start culling the herd of weak politicians out there. I live in Ontario and I can't wait for the next provincial election so I can put a big neon X on any other politician but McGuinty. Rant over.....for now! ;D
The Librarian said:
Hmmm interestingly,
Edited because I can't subtract or add!! (No worries ~ normal ~ Sup tech thing!!  >:D )
1-2-3 many and we are good to go right Librarian.

  It is 99.7 In Comox BC. My son just bought his first car and filled it up now he realiseswhy I cry when I fill up.
A large part of the problem is Canadian refinery production.  To many people crying NIMBY.  IIRC the last major refinery was the Lloydminster Alberta upgrade in the 80's.  Since our capacity to refine is low, we are more subject to the wims of the world market if a refinery pops a gasket. 

Oh well.... $104.9 in Campbell River....  I fill in Black Creek for 96.5

I went a bought a "green" vehicle in a deeply socialist and liberal tree hugging moment. What a stupid idea that was! I'll never listen to environmentalists again!!  Who knew a 95 Tahoe 4X4 would get crappier mileage than the 86 Mercedes 560 SEC.  Next time I'll get a lighter colour... save weight and all. ;D

FWIW  a man is judged by his cylinder index!  My yard has 31 cylinders!  3 V8's,a 4, 1 cylinder generator, weed whacker and La Lawnmower!

I support OPEC!
About $0.92 on Highway 14 east of Edmonton last night.  Why am I paying so much for YOUR shortages?


10 cylinders: 4,4,1,1.
Where i live out slide of Montreal it 1.01. In Montreal 1.02 to1.08 :crybaby:
Hit 100.8 today in Ottawa. I'm thinking of dragging out the dog sled now that we have snow and making hubs mush into 101...
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Don't forget the REAL reason for high gas prices in NB: the transportation costs to get the fuel from the refineries to the stations.....
I REFUSE to buy into this. I got a refinery less than hours drive away form where I'm typing right now, yet my lovely little city still has to pay more for gas than Vancover most of the time. >:(
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Also, what are you doing going through Port Elgin?  When you get off the bridge, turn RIGHT onto Rte 955 and follow it along the road.  It meets up with Rte 15, and you save about 15 minutes of driving time.  But that "one stop" does have beer, though....

(Eureka!  Garvin just realised why you spend that extra 15 minutes!) 


I don't drink beer normally VonG. Not a good thing to do 955 in the winter either, especially with the lovely snowstorm we had here last evening. No worries though, even taking the long way, I make it in here about one hour quicker than if 9er drove it the short way!!  >:D
warspite said:
I REFUSE to buy into this. I got a refinery less than hours drive away form where I'm typing right now, yet my lovely little city still has to pay more for gas than Vancover most of the time. >:(

Oh really?
sober_ruski said:
Oh really?
Yes really  >:(

Price as of march 4th: 92.9 - 96.9
With most stations selling at 96.1 or 92.9 later in the day.

Price: 99.9 cross the board

So not only did abbotsford start out lower their price dropped at the end of the day.
And some further reading:

Edit: yes I'm aware Abbotsford isn't Vancover, but it is in the lower mainland and it doesn't have it's own refinery.
warspite said:
Yes really  >:(

Price as of march 4th: 92.9 - 96.9
With most stations selling at 96.1 or 92.9 later in the day.

Price: 99.9 cross the board

So not only did abbotsford start out lower their price dropped at the end of the day.
And some further reading:

I dont want to be an ass, but "future" officer should know geography a bit better ;) Abby is not part of GVRD. Right now prices here range from 102.something to 106.something.
sober_ruski said:
I dont want to be an ***, but "future" officer should know geography a bit better ;) Abby is not part of GVRD. Right now prices here range from 102.something to 106.something.
Arrggghhhh I really need to pull my foot out of my mouth today :brickwall:
But I stand proven wrong horribly horribly wrong..... :brickwall:
I will now have top correct the comon belief that we pay more for gas than vancover. Thanks for the correction. ;D
warspite said:
Arrggghhhh I really need to pull my foot out of my mouth today :brickwall:
But I stand proven wrong horribly horribly wrong..... :brickwall:
I will now have top correct the comon belief that we pay more for gas than vancover. Thanks for the correction. ;D
Yep, considering that it takes about 40 minutes and 100 or so km to drive from Vancouver to Abby, difference in prices is rather astonishing, and maddening.