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What's your gas price? 2.0

Well if its between paying 93 or a 139 like we were paying several months ago I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Enjoy the low gas prices while we have them.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Well if its between paying 93 or a 139 like we were paying several months ago I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Enjoy the low gas prices while we have them.

True, very true.
Celticgirl said:
79.6??? No fair!!!  ??? It's 93 here in Sydney, but when I left Fredericton yesterday morning, it was a nice 89.9...love it. :)

I know how frustrating it is. I remember paying 1.42 in Petawawa when it was 1.26 in Ottawa. Can't think of a good reason why there is such a big difference in price from one place to another. Still anything under a dollar is good these days. :-\
89.9 here in some parts of the Peg today. By the looks of it most aren't near where I live though. Go figure.  :rage:
Around Brisbane its about $1.15 for unleaded regular, which is about 90 cents CDN.

Filled up this morning in Kingston East for 77.3.  On the other side of the causeway, the Shell station was 84.9!  :o
PMedMoe said:
Filled up this morning in Kingston East for 77.3.  On the other side of the causeway, the Shell station was 84.9!  :o

I haven't seen fuel at 77.3ish prices for so long I can't remember when it was that low.  Maybe...2003?? here in the HRM.
Eye In The Sky said:
I haven't seen fuel at 77.3ish prices for so long I can't remember when it was that low.  Maybe...2003?? here in the HRM.

They just mentioned on the radio that Kingston pretty much has the lowest prices in Ontario.
In Thunder Bay, average price around town is ~98 cents/litre - on reserve (there's four gas stations on the Fort William First Nation), it's usually 3-4 cents/litre cheaper than in town.  It's nice to again see the litres reading climbing a bit slower than the dollars reading....

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays a couple of the local stations offer two cents a litre off on ethanol and super. I gassed up with the former at 77.9 this morning, while one of the other stations has regular for 78.6.
Finally got under the $1.00 mark here in Victoria...... if you consider $0.999 under a buck......  ::)
Brisbane area 109.9AUD, about 84.9CAD, the cheapest in well over a year, peaking at 165.9AUD in July.

77.6 this morning and jumped to 82.6 when I came home after work.
Sitting on top of all this oil here in Ft McMurray, 94.9 today. I paid 85.2 at Pearson Intl yesterday aft.