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What's your favourite thing about Canada


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Happy Canada Day everyone! :cdn:  Thought I'd throw up a thread and find out what your favourite thing about this great big country is.

I love the outdoors and actually having four distinct seasons.  Makes the same hiking/camping trip a little different with its own challenges and sights 4 seperate times.
-I love the warm and welcoming people of this country. Though I may sometimes rant against the general populace, in no other countries could my parents, fleeing the civil war in their old country, have managed to reestabilish themnselves so successfully.
-I love how tolerant and open minded so many people are here.
-I love how big this country is and how different a flavour each and every part of this country possesses.
More importantly I love my home city of Montreal, the best possible place to live in the entire multiverse, IMO. ;)
I love what we stand for.


We may not be perfect, but we are the best country on earth.
Jim Seggie said:
I love what we stand for.


We may not be perfect, but we are the best country on earth.

Ditto!  :salute:  :cdn:
The thing I most appreciate about Canada is our financial wealth.

The majority of the world is trapped in desperate squalor.
I love the people and geography of this most blest country. I love being able to go from province to province without worrying about visas etc, it's as simple as going from a room in my house to another room in my house.

I love the welcome Canada gave to my parents after WWII, I love the spirit of service and sacrifice that has been bequethed to us. I love the opportunity Canada gave me to serve and contribute to this land.

I love the fact that this is a country worthy of the sacrifices so many have made for us.

Every time I get to hear and sing O Canada, a tear wells up in my eyes and my heart if full of pride
I love how people who have never set foot outside of Canada find reasons to complain about living here, go see some of the world's less attractive shitholes, and report back to me.  I love the fact that, as a generally peaceful people, we can go kick serious ass when requred. 
Some of the things I've gotten out of the last 20+ years in the CF travelling around the country and parts of the world - I love how huge and different this place is from end to end, top to bottom; I'm definitely thankful for what we have here in ways of supports, freedoms, lifestyle compared to some of the places I've been sent to internationally; I love the diversity of people here and what those people being to the table to make this place what it is.

I love how well we poke fun at ourselves. We've got nothing to prove, and little collective ego cloudy our sense of fun.
I'll echo the comments about distinct seasons too: Though we were skiing on Vancouver Island this Canada Day. Weird.
The food.  You can go from NF to BC and eat every cuisine found around the world, and of course ever regions distinctive dishes.
Kat Stevens said:
I love how people who have never set foot outside of Canada find reasons to complain about living here, go see some of the world's less attractive shitholes, and report back to me.  I love the fact that, as a generally peaceful people, we can go kick serious *** when requred.

I come from the opposite side of things - have left Canada only once, but that is largely because I love Canada so much (what better place to take a vacation, really?)

I love just how diverse our country is - Ethnically, politically, environmentally. Every place I've been (as a military kid, that has been plenty) had something unique about it. Sure there is some negatives mixed in, but on the whole the experience of being Canadian is amazing.
The fact that everyone is treated equally and with respect by others, the fact that our country cares about its citizens, probably the friendliest culture in the world.
Being out of the country for a year (Netherlands) makes you really appreciate how good life is in Canada  :cdn:

edit to add: disagree about Rush  ;D
My mom is a bit older and used to tell me stories about when she went back packing across Europe in the 60's. She went to France, Holland, England and a few other countries. She said what made her most proud about being a Canadian was seeing how Canadians impacted the lives of so many outside of Canada. She said wherever she was in Holland, for example, people would see the maple leaf on her pack and demand that she let them feed her supper and give her a place to stay. In every country she went to she was thanked for things and sacrifices that others made, and it made her so proud to be a Canadian.

She certainly passed that pride on to her children. With myself looking into joining the forces, being married to a soldier, my brother being in the forces and also being married to a soldier, patriotism is in no short supply!
I love the fact that I can proudly display this on both sides of my truck and have total strangers come up to me, shake my hand and say with a friendly smile "Thank you for doing that for us".  Makes it all worth while.
