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What's the Dumbest Thing You've SEEN Today?


This was posted on reddit and I thought some members here might laugh then sadly shake their heads. One of the comments summed it up best:

First it's GI JOE then it's going to be violent video games and the final step will be a father and son mass shooting. How dare he indeed! This newscaster is a hero.
I'd like to believe that this is a 'joke' website but....

Article Link

Portland Schools Spend $500k to Deem PB&J Sandwiches Racist

PORTLAND, Ore. – Dr. Verenice Gutierrez, a principal with Oregon’s Portland Public Schools, has become convinced that America’s “white culture” negatively influences educators’ world view and the manner in which they teach their students.

For instance, last year a teacher in the district presented a lesson that included a reference to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Gutierrez says that by using sandwiches as an illustration, the teacher was engaged in a very subtle form of racism.
“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” asked Gutierrez, according to Portland Tribune. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”

Gutierrez is not the only Portland administrator who has become obsessed with identifying such forms of alleged racism. Almost all Portland school leaders have gone through “Coaching for Educational Equity,” a week-long seminar on race that’s conducted by the Pacific Educational Group.

The Pacific Educational Group is the brainchild of Glenn Singleton, whose mission is to enlighten educators about how public schools promote “white culture” and “white privilege.” He argues that those conditions are responsible for the black/white achievement gap that exists throughout America’s public education system.

The Portland school district has certainly taken Singleton’s message to heart.

EAGnews discovered that since the 2010-11 fiscal year, the cash-starved school district has spent $526,901 for services provided by Singleton’s Pacific Educational Group.

That’s a serious “investment,” especially when one realizes the district is facing financial problems, and has been forced to lay off teachers and cut classroom resources.

What are Portland schools getting in return for all the money spent on PEG?

According to the Tribune, Portland educators are subjected to “intensive staff trainings, frequent staff meetings, classroom observations and other initiatives,” all based on Singleton’s premise that only by becoming aware of the pervasive “white privilege” can teachers change their classroom practices to reach minority students.

In addition to teaching that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist, PEG trains educators to view “rugged individualism,” “adherence to rigid time schedules,” and the belief that “hard work is the key to success” as traits of the dominant white culture.

PEG teaches that minority cultures value “color group collectivism,” “interdependence,” group success, shared property, learning through social relationships, and making life choices based on “what will be best for the family or group.”

Upon receiving this revelation from PEG, educators are encouraged to create culturally sensitive lesson plans that make use of “group homework preparation,” “cooperative projects,” and “choral reading.”

So how’s this new approach working for Gutierrez’s school?

The Tribune reports that “Oregon’s Department of Education just last month identified Harvey Scott School (where Gutierrez is principal) as a ‘focus school,’ which means it’s among the state’s lowest performing 15 percent.”

Perhaps if the staff spent more time on academic fundamentals, instead of obsessing about non-existent racial issues, the students would learn more.

We wonder how taxpayers will react when they discover Portland officials are wasting precious time and money to promote an ideology that may soon classify peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as a “hate food.”
I can't believe that they would be able to talk about PBJ sandwiches to start with? What if some one is allergic and has a reaction to it?  ::)
Eye In The Sky said:
Dr. Verenice Gutierrez,
I wonder if she was swift enough to consider the fact that her skin was "White", she was automatically a "Racist" and therefore offensive and negatively influencing her non-white students?  ::)

Would that then not qualify her as a person who should be removed from the Education System?
I'd say she may be waging war against PBJ sandwiches, Big Macs and Taco Bell and has claimed her share of casualties on the field of batter!  ;D
Our office has started a smart garbage system where everything gets recycled and our garbage bins have been taken away. So organics, soft plastics and mixed plastics.

My colleague was standing at the recycle containers wondering which one to throw her banana peel in....
Cbbmtt said:
Our office has started a smart garbage system where everything gets recycled and our garbage bins have been taken away. So organics, soft plastics and mixed plastics.

My colleague was standing at the recycle containers wondering which one to throw her banana peel in....

The answer is obvious, the bottom desk drawer of the dumbass that came up with the new policy.
Go Easy On The Soy Sauce, Bro, It Could Kill You


First, let's spoil this tale right away by telling you the 19-year-old man in Virginia who downed a quart of soy sauce on a dare survived.

It's a happy ending of sorts. But the guy had a close call. And you definitely don't want to try it.

While there's been quite a debate lately about whether the salt in the modern American diet is risky, there's no question that a massive amount of salt ingested quickly can lead to death.

In fact, suicide by soy sauce is not unknown in Asia. A 2011 report in the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine describes the case of a 55-year-old woman diagnosed with depression. She died after drinking "a large quantity of shoyu (Japanese soy sauce)," doctors wrote.

Back in the early '90s, Mayo Clinic doctors reported on a 41-year-old man who died after swallowing a salty gargling solution. That case and a look at the medical literature up to that point led them to caution other doctors about using salty water to induce vomiting.

A salt dose ranging from 0.75 grams to 3 grams per kilogram of body weight can kill someone. A tablespoon of salt weighs about 15 grams, in case you're wondering.

If you're metrically challenged, just consider that the unnamed fellow in the report published online by the Journal of Emergency Medicine, weighed about 160 pounds and probably consumed around 170 grams of salt by drinking a bottle of soy sauce. That works out to a little more than 2 grams of salt per kilogram in his case.

After downing the soy sauce, he ran into trouble pretty fast. Within two hours he was in the emergency room at a local hospital. He was grinding his teeth and didn't respond to pain or verbal commands. His arms were stiff and at his side.

Doctors were worried about seizures and put him on drugs to control them. They also ran a tube from his nose into his stomach and sucked out some "brown material with scant streaks of blood," the report says.

The patient was transferred to a bigger hospital, the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, within four hours of the soy sauce guzzling.

His blood sodium level measured at the medical center was the highest ever seen in an adult who survived such intoxiciation without lasting neurological problems, the medical paper says.

But the doctors didn't know if that would be the case. They opted for rapid treatment with water containing dextrose, a sugar, to dilute the sodium and encourage urination. The guy got six liters of IV fluid in half an hour. The sodium concentration in his blood fell, and he produced more than four liters of urine in short order.

The doctors took an aggressive approach even though there was a risk the man might experience brain swelling and other neurological side effects. They didn't see any.
Chad Ochocinco gets 30 days in jail for slapping his lawyer on the butt for doing a good job.

Judge flips out, denies plea deal.


ABC news clip makes a good point that football players typically slap butts for good plays and jobs well done.

cupper said:
Chad Ochocinco gets 30 days in jail for slapping his lawyer on the butt for doing a good job.

Judge flips out, denies plea deal.

ABC news clip makes a good point that football players typically slap butts for good plays and jobs well done.

It's a courtroom, not a football field.  I wish she could have given him more time. 

CBS Sports has this take on it:

The judge in the Chad Johnson case might well have gone too far, but you know what? She went too far in the right direction by sentencing him to 30 days in jail after he tried to turn her courtroom -- a place where justice is dispensed on behalf of domestic violence victims -- into a locker room.

Domestic violence is no joke, Chad Johnson.

That's what Broward (Fla.) County Judge Kathleen McHugh was saying when she changed her mind on his jail-free sentence within seconds of his stupid display of locker room foolishness by patting his attorney playfully on the rump. Want to be playful, Chad Johnson? Be playful with your kids. Be playful with the mother of your kids.

Don't be playful with a judge who oversees cases of domestic violence.

Eye In The Sky said:
I'd say she may be waging war against PBJ sandwiches, Big Macs and Taco Bell and has claimed her share of casualties on the field of batter!  ;D

Jim Seggie said:
Me thinks the cow doth protest too much.

*looks at picture* Yep, couldn't agree more with this one.

$20K sounds like a perfectly fair price for this poet's testicles
Raffael Medina Brochero has balls to spare. Or at least balls he's willing to part with. The Colombian poet is offering his testicles for the bargain price of $20,000 to fund a peace-promoting trip to Europe, because peace and Europe are awesome, and who needs testicles? Brochero reportedly suggested that the 52-year-old nuts could be used by a sterile dude or simply made into a delicious soup. As for the asking price, "There is no real value for any body part," author Scott Carney, who's written extensively on human organ sales, told The Huffington Post. "It's what gets negotiated, like a used car." [Source]

sharing under the agreement that  this is just NUTS, no pun intended
I sold my bearded dragon on the stipulation that the lady would send me some pictures every so often.

I sent her an email asking for some pictures and she replied with "he's doing great, just send me your email and i'll send you come pictures"

First thing I thought about was this forum and the dumbest thing you've seen today!
I may not know all aspects of the hair/facial hair regulations, but I'm pretty sure the chin strap beard isn't authorized

-Skeletor- said:
I may not know all aspects of the hair/facial hair regulations, but I'm pretty sure the chin strap beard isn't authorized
SQFT marching to the beat of their own drum.