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What's the Dumbest Thing You've SEEN Today?

And then there is the latest research (not conducted by Masters and Johnson, however):

What happens if you have sex in space? Pornhub wants to find out by filming the first ever adult movie in orbit next year

-Dubbed 'Sexplorations', the film will star Eva Lovia and Johnny Sins
-The actors will receive 'six months of rigorous training' prior to launch
-Pornhub is asking fundraisers to donate a $3.4 million (£2.2 million)
-Investing $150,000 can get you one of the performer's used space suits

PUBLISHED: 18:05 GMT, 10 June 2015 | UPDATED: 20:41 GMT, 10 June 2015

Pornhub wants to boldly go where no man has gone before.

The site says it is planning to send 'sextraunauts' into low-Earth orbit next year to film the first ever adult film in space.

Dubbed 'Sexplorations', the film will star porn actors Eva Lovia and Johnny Sins, who will receive 'six months of rigorous training' prior to launch.

'There are many elements about life in space that need careful consideration and research…specially sex.' Pornhub said.

'As such, Pornhub is...joining the ranks of Armstrong and Gagarin by pioneering a one of a kind mission to defy gravity, make history, and push the boundaries of intergalactic 'Sexploration'.

The site is now asking IndieGogo fundraisers to donate a $3.4 million (£2.2 million) to help make sex in space a reality.

A tiered reward system will give rewards to those who contribute to the campaign, with the biggest investors able to direct entire scenes, including the positions and script.

At the lower end, $1 'Pluto investors' will receive a certificate, while top-level 'Uranus investors' will get their hands on a performer's used space suit.

Another adult entertainment company previously recorded a film, The Uranus Experiment, but it was set on an aircraft doing parabolic flight to simulate microgravity.

Pornhub says it will be the first ever company show what happens when people have intercourse in zero gravity.

They haven't yet said how they will get there, or how long the sextranauts will spend in space.

As far as we know, no human has ever had sex in space – but that hasn't stopped dirtier minds thinking about how and if it could happen.

In 1992, imaginations were set wild when it was reported that Jan Davis and Mark Lee, two astronauts who went to orbit together, had secretly married nine months before their mission.

Paul Root Wolpe, a senior bioethicist at Nasa, says the logistical difficulty of body-to-body docking in microgravity will probably put astronauts off in the first place.

The release of fluids could also cause some problems for the astronauts in microgravity.

Then there's the fact that gravity helps our blood flow to the lower parts of our body, so in space, blood rises to your head and chest, making erection problematic.

Male testosterone levels have been seen to fall during their time in space, although Nasa isn't sure why this occurs.

Pornhub, says it will find out for 'the love of science and sex'. So far the project has raised $1,017 (£655).

Video and more on LINK.
Seriously? Redneck Sandals. Why? :facepalm:

'Redneck Sandals' Are the Bastard Children of Flip-Flops and Cowboy Boots


Have you ever sat down to tug on your cowboy boots one sunny morning and wished there was a way you could make a bold, Western fashion statement while still feeling a cool summer breeze on your toes? Wish no longer. One lone visionary from Missouri named Scotty Franklin has announced plans to start producing and selling Redneck Boot Sandals—cowboy boots that have been lovingly crafted into open-toed sandals. Franklin posted on the Redneck Boot Sandals's official Facebook page that "lots of gals are getting them for weddings and special occasions," and that he's already seen them worn out at the "rodeo, lake, [and the] beach."

For the time being, Redneck Boot Sandals is not selling sandals themselves—but for $75 (with shipping), you can send the company your favorite pair of boots and they will send them back fully customized into a pair of Boot Sandals you can proudly sport this summer. Spurs are not included, and neither is the decades-long therapy you'll need once you realize that wearing cowboy boot sandals has ruined all your chances of finding a mate.
This might just explain a lot of people I know.

I Went to a Bizarre Conference on How Abortion Affects Men


Do you know a guy who's always angry, drinks way too much, or randomly went out and bought an expensive sports car? How about a guy who's just really immature or bad in bed? Or even a gay guy?

Turns out he might be acting up because the woman he got pregnant had an abortion, according to the speakers last weekend at Canada's first conference on men and abortion hosted by the Alliance for Life Ontario.

I came across the event's poster and was intrigued by the photo of a forlorn-looking man clutching his forehead framed by the title: "Men & Abortion: Reclaiming Fatherhood & Finding Peace."

Even as a staunch advocate for a woman's right to choose, I found myself feeling sorry for the dude and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. So I made my way to Niagara Falls last Friday and nestled in with hundreds of pro-lifers, made up of mostly white middle-aged folks, evenly split between men and women, all packed into a conference room at the Crowne Plaza. Jakki Jeffs, the Alliance for Life Ontario's executive director, kicked the morning off by saying the event was non-denominational, but went right into a prayer in the name of Jesus.

"Help us to be patient as we learn to go forth after this conference with the absolute courage and integrity of being able to share the truth of this other piece of the abortion story," she pleaded.

After the "Amen," the woman next to me squirmed in her seat waiting for the first session, "Men Hurt Too—The Reasons May Surprise You," to start.

"I can't wait to soak it all up and hear about these poor, poor men. I've been waiting all week," she said to no one in particular.

Brad Mattes, president of the International Right to Life Federation in Ohio and a "post-abortion" peer-counsellor for men, took the mic and rattled off all the other symptoms men can experience when their partner gets an abortion.

These include sleeplessness, panic attacks, becoming addicted to porn and masturbation, impotence, and even misogynistic tendencies, he said.

Because a man might feel so frustrated at his lost opportunity of being a father, he might develop a destructive attitude and "a general hatred" toward other women.

And he might pursue "homosexuality" because it provides "sexual gratification with no fear of pregnancy" and therefore no fear of abortion, he said.

"Just imagine the human carnage only from the man's point of view that many of us have not even stopped to think about," Mattes declared. "When abortion takes place, it can damage or totally obliterate aspects of men's development."

He put up a slide with a quote from a former vice-president of medical affairs at Planned Parenthood: "It doesn't matter how much men scream and holler that they are left out. There are some things they are never going to be able to experience fully. I say tough luck," her quote read.

"See, Planned Parenthood doesn't even care about the guys," Mattes said.

He really knew how to rile up this crowd.

"WHAT A BITCH!" blurted out another woman at my table, who later told me she was from a church group for women. Others across the room mumbled worse obscenities.

But Mattes quickly reassured everyone that all was not lost.

There are ways we can all help these men through the trauma of abortion. "What they need is a peer-counsellor environment," he said, before listing the ways the counseling ought to be done. This could include helping the man name the unborn child and creating a certificate of life to hang on the wall.

Everyone rapidly took notes.

"He also needs a gender-neutral environment in which to share his story," said Mattes. This apparently means no frilly curtains, flowered upholstery, or art on the walls depicting anything feminine; things typically found in pregnancy resource centers, which might scare him away from getting help.

"A man goes in there and he runs because he thinks if he goes into that room, his penis will fall off!" he cried.

"The answer is really easy to resolve: put a big screen TV and a remote...if you want to throw in a black leather couch, that's icing on the cake."

The woman next to me agreed wholeheartedly. "That's absolutely right, that'll get him talking."

Mattes signaled that his presentation was nearly over, and clicked to a slide with a stock photo of a man smiling ear-to-ear.

"Abortion is a cancer," Mattes continued to a sea of nodding heads. "It maims and kills everything and anyone in its way. It doesn't pick out the poor, or it doesn't exclusively target the rich. It doesn't care if you're white, black, brown, or in between."

In the afternoon, Linda and Chuck, a married couple—high school sweethearts from from St. Louis, Missouri—took the stage to speak about the abortion they had back in 1976 when they were 17, and echoed many of the symptoms Mattes discussed earlier in the day.

After their abortion, they said they became depressed and angry. Linda said she ended up in the psych ward because she couldn't cope. Chuck said he felt emasculated and eventually became a workaholic. Linda described how she overcompensated when raising their two children, and, as a result of the abortion, became a "helicopter mom."

But after many years of counseling, they eventually overcame the experience and have made it their life's mission to tell others how much it hurt them and almost destroyed their marriage.

After the conference, I wondered if all this was just another iteration of the men's rights movement—which insists that men hurt too and are often silenced by feminists.

Can feminists who advocate a woman's right to choose also accept that men can be traumatized by abortion?

I talked to Kelly Gordon, a professor at the University of Ottawa who researches anti-abortion movements in Canada and the US, who said conferences like this represent a trend in the anti-abortion movement, which is slowly trying to change its identity and move away from shaming women who choose abortions as a way to stop them.

"It's rebranding itself as a sympathetic movement that doesn't necessarily vilify people, but is there to help them heal," she said.

But, she added, it's a trend that's unlikely to make a real splash in the anti-abortion, or pro-life, movement in Canada and that we should be critical of studies linking behavioral problems among men with abortion.

"What my research has found, is that the anti-abortion is moving away from using religious arguments against abortion," she said. "They are trying to use this scientific research that's often not that scientific, and can reaffirm harmful gender stereotypes."

"Whether there can be a therapeutic space for men and women to talk about these issues, I'm sure there is. I don't know if conferences like this are it. These discussions need to be centered around women's experiences."

But for Jeffs, that is precisely the problem.

I caught up with her after the conference to discuss what she hopes it will accomplish. "We are sowing the seeds to get counsellors and therapists and Canada to look at the other part of the abortion drama," she told me.

"Being involved in pro-life for 30 years, I would say we didn't think men were affected by it. All we were looking at was the woman, and how she was feeling. It was a complete oversight on my part, but this is how that changes."
Sometimes you can't make this up. :facepalm:


But there's more:


Bring's a whole new meaning to company benefits. ;D
And the US government still wants this nut after saying stuff like this?!!!  :facepalm:

Yahoo News

Edward Snowden: Aliens Are Trying To Contact Planet Earth
Yahoo News – 10 hours ago

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has extraordinarily claimed that aliens are real - and they are trying to make contact with us.
Snowden, who leaked classified files that exposed government agencies spying on civilians, is currently in hiding in Russia but his latest revelations are anything but low key.
The 32-year-old claims that aliens are actively looking for life on other planets - and that the noise from satellites is proof that they exist.
The former US intelligence contractor told scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson on the StarTalk podcast: “So if you have an an alien civilisation trying to listen for other civilisations, or our civilisation trying to listen for aliens, there’s only one small period in the development of their society when all of their communication will be sent via the most primitive and most unprotected means.

S.M.A. said:
And the US government still wants this nut after saying stuff like this?!!!  :facepalm:

Yahoo News

Maybe former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer is Snowden's dad LOL

Tom :-)
S.M.A. said:
And the US government still wants this nut after saying stuff like this?!!!  :facepalm:

Yahoo News

He would know, he had access to everything. Maybe even good medicinal products.  ::)
The following is a summarized e-mail chain from my day. Names have been omitted to protect the stupid.

DOT INSPECTOR: We need an approved copy before we can let you proceed with fabrication.

ME: Here is the approved copy.

INSPECTOR: It needs to be signed off by someone from the DOT district office confirming that this the correct one.

ME: It is. Read the submission approval. I believe the cover letter from District confirms this.

INSPECTOR: It needs to be signed off by someone from the DOT district office confirming that this the correct one.

ME: Did you read the approval? It's on the cover letter.

INSPECTOR: It needs to be signed off by someone from the DOT district office confirming that this the correct one.

ME: I told you it was signed off by District. Read the approval.

INSPECTOR: It needs to be signed off by someone from the DOT district office confirming that this the correct one. We can't just take someone's word that it's the correct one. Someone from District office needs to sign off that this is what they are approving so we can confirm that it is the right one when you start production.

ME (To Contractor's Project Manager): Please resubmit the approval package to the District Construction Unit to have them sign off that this is the right approval. You will find the address and contact info on the District Construction Unit's cover letter approving the submission.

CONTRACTOR (to INSPECTOR): It's on the cover letter from the District office.

DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION UNIT MANAGER (to INSPECTOR): As indicated on the DOT District Construction Unit Transmittal cover this submission was approved, under my signature. I'm not sure if this clarifies the situation for you so I'd like to contact you tomorrow at your number at a time of your convenience to discuss any confusion that still may be lingering.

copper, if you didn't have that confusing Nova Scotia accent, he might have understood your pleas.  ;)
jollyjacktar said:
copper, if you didn't have that confusing Nova Scotia accent, he might have understood your pleas.  ;)

It got even better after I posted that up.

cupper said:
CONTRACTOR (to INSPECTOR): It's on the cover letter from the District office.

DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION UNIT MANAGER (to INSPECTOR): As indicated on the DOT District Construction Unit Transmittal cover this submission was approved, under my signature. I'm not sure if this clarifies the situation for you so I'd like to contact you tomorrow at your number at a time of your convenience to discuss any confusion that still may be lingering.

INSPECTOR: DOT MANAGER and CONTRACTOR, thanks to you both for the clarification. We just needed to clarify that the submission that was approved was part of the approval submission. This clears it up. I will pass on to the DOT Supervisor tomorrow and we should be able to permit them to start fabrication tomorrow.

Un F'n believable. You really can't make this crap up. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

What the...I can't even.


"Why the Earth Is Flat, Straight From the Mouth of a Very Popular Rapper"

Dimsum said:
What the...I can't even.


He's a special kind of stupid....  :nod:

My stupid thing today: a "smoke" shop that sold no tobacco products. But then, this is California....
No wonder she's single...  ::)  full story, photos and video at the link below, shared under the fair dealings provisions of the copyright act.

'I was born in the wrong species': Woman who says she's a CAT trapped in a human body hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night
Nano, 20, from Norway realised at age of 16 she was born a cat
Claims to have superior sense of smell and ability to see in dark
Speaks to best friend Svien in 'cat language' of meows
Psychologist says she can grow out of it, but Nano wants to be cat for life

BySiofra Brennan For Mailonline

Published: 21:47 GMT, 27 January 2016 | Updated: 00:57 GMT, 28 January 2016

A woman who believes she was born a cat has opened up about her life as a feline, describing how she has a superior sense sense of hearing and sight which allows her to hunt mice in the dark.

Nano, 20, from Oslo, Norway, makes the revelation in an interview published on the NRK P3 Verdens Rikeste Land YouTube channel, and it's been viewed 122,000 times.

And she claims to possess many feline characteristics including a hatred of water and the ability to communicate simply by meowing. 

In the video Nano, who reflects her inner cat by wearing a pair of pointed ears and an artificial tail begins her interview with a series of rather convincing 'meows'. She then explains that she first discovered her true identity as a teenager.

'I realised I was a cat when I was 16 when doctors and psychologists found out what was "the thing" with me. Under my birth there was a genetic defect,' she explains in the video. -snip-

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3419631/Woman-says-s-CAT-trapped-human-body.html#ixzz3yYe35u8c
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jollyjacktar said:
No wonder she's single...  ::)  full story, photos and video at the link below, shared under the fair dealings provisions of the copyright act.

I hope the government does everything to accommodate her(?) species dysphoria and provides her(?) with publicly funded litter boxes.