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What's the Dumbest Thing You've SEEN Today?

Coffee cup


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Besides the funeral where they forgot to take off the suicide vest this has to be the dumbest thing that I saw today:

Commonwealth Games Scottie dogs 'disrespectful to Muslims'

By Lim Ling Fong, Kuala Lumpur3:58PM BST 28 Jul 2014

Malaysian politicians and religious leaders have attacked the use of Scottie dogs during the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony, claiming it was disrespectful to Muslims.

Around 40 Scottie dogs were used in the opening ceremony in Glasgow last Wednesday to lead teams around Celtic Park.

The dogs, which all wore tartan dog coats with the name of each team on them, were widely praised on social media, with many people stating they thought they had "stolen the show". Hamish, who led out the Scotland team, received one of the biggest cheers of the night.

Judy Murray tweeted after the ceremony: "Scottie dogs in tartan coats at CG opening ceremony. Barkingly brilliant."

However, not everyone was as impressed. Political and religious leaders in Malaysia have claimed the use of dogs connected to Muslim countries was "disrespectful".

Many Muslims refuse to have direct contact with dogs, which are considered by some to be "unclean" in Islamic culture. Some overseas Muslim groups have reportedly previously called for a jihad on dogs.

Possibly making matters worse was the fact that Jock, who was supposed to lead out the Malaysian team, sat down and refused to move as soon as his coat was put on, meaning he had to be carried by the team representative.

Mohamad Sabu, the deputy president of the opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party said: "Malaysia and all Islamic countries deserve and apology from the organiser.

"This is just so disrespectful to Malaysia and Muslims – especially as it happened during Ramadan. Muslims are not allowed to touch dogs, so the organiser should have been more aware and sensitive on this issue.

"It is hoped this incident can teach other Western countries to be more respectful in the future."

Dato Ibrahim Bin Ali, a far-Right politician, former MP and founder and president of Malay supremacist group Perkasa also called for an apology.

"I think it is unbecoming. The hosts have not been sensitive enough – especially in a so-called knowledgeable and civilised society like Britain," he said. "It is shameful and has offended not only Malaysia as a Muslim country, but Muslims around the world."

A Glasgow 2014 spokesman said: "Glasgow 2014 have received no complaints from the Commonwealth Games Associations of the competing nations and territories following the Opening Ceremony."

So?  If dogs are unclean, why are they often on the menu of so many of these South East Asian Muslim countries' restaurants?

A Jihad on dogs.  What next?  Goats?
Jim Seggie said:
Some mid level politician....preferably a Scot...should tell these losers to "go f:$k yourselves.....pi$$ off "

I say Sean Connery while doing his best Malay accent.  ;D
I must say that that beats my seeing an overweight couple and their overweight children in the Health Food isle at Canadian SuperStore, not buying food for themselves, but stocking up on tins of Health Food for their dog.
George Wallace said:
I must say that that beats my seeing an overweight couple and their overweight children in the Health Food isle at Canadian SuperStore, not buying food for themselves, but stocking up on tins of Health Food for their dog.

I wonder if they have tried walking the dog?
Reality and hoaxing bleeding together around the edges:


UPDATE: Okay, Civilization is Not Over; Satire Got Me…Or DID It?
August 1, 2014 by Elizabeth Scalia
stupid fire

There are two videos attached to the story. In the first, a good looking, entirely ridiculous young man cheerfully puts lighter fluid, or something, all over himself while standing in a bathtub.

Because that will save you when you use a chemical to set fire to yourself.

And he seems kind of shocked when he goes up in flames. So shocked is he by the intensity of the pain, that he jumps out of the bathtub screaming for water. Eventually his friends smother the flames.

There is nothing remotely entertaining or amusing here, nothing edifying. The only thing you can say about the video is that it should teach people not to set fire to themselves, because it brings an unbearable dose of reality.

Apparently, we live in an enlightened age, where everyone is special, and people need to be told…not to set themselves on fire. Because it’s objectively bad. There is no relative “good” about it.

Finally, people, we have found a way to demonstrate that some things really are not subject to relative truths. Some truths are true always. Human beings are flammable. Flame hurts human beings.

Honestly, if this is the point we’ve come to, we might as well drop mic, close up shop, go home and tell Jesus to hurry it on up with the end times.

UPDATE: Yeah, they got me. My own damn fault, too. Turns out the “firechallenge” story came from a satire site. (Or did it? See further update?)
I’ll be honest, I wondered if it could be satire — in fact, after hitting publish, I toyed with the idea of editing the thing with a note that I hoped it was satire, because I would be happier to know that.

But I didn’t do it. It was probably my Guardian Angel saying, “Lizzie, don’t be a putz” but I didn’t listen, and I always regret not listening to those promptings.

I even looked around the page for a sign of satire, but I didn’t see it, and I didn’t do due diligence and check out the source, the site — all the things I’d normally do, as a matter of course.

It turns out you have to go to the home page and then scroll all the way down to read:

The stories posted on TheNewsNerd are for entertainment purposes only. The stories may mimic articles found in the headlines, but rest assured they are purely satirical.

Bastards! They got me! :-) Through my own fault, my own fault, my own grievous fault, yes, but it was just so well done — the video, the news story — and so shocking, that my brain said, “this has to be real! You’re seeing it with your own eyes, aren’t you?”
And the world is so screwy these days, that it just wasn’t that hard to believe. And clearly, my brain wanted to believe it.

So, no…civilization may still be over but it’s not because of people setting themselves on fire for fun. But after nearly ten years of blogging, during which time I don’t remember ever getting snookered like this. And so much for “who you going to believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?” Good ‘n snookered, indeed.
Ah, well…it happens. I’m glad it wasn’t true.
pie in face

UPDATE AGAIN: Wait a second….IS THIS A HOAX or NOT? I can’t even tell, anymore. Anyone have info about this?
Welcome, Instapundit readers! And Thanks Glenn! Maybe y’all can help me get to the bottom of this!

UPDATE: Apparently this really is real
We must do everything we can to keep that Gay Agenda in check.  :facepalm:

Blogger claims school fired him for post about homophones
A Utah social media specialist says a Language Center believed that writing about words that sound the same but are spelled differently associated the school with a gay agenda.


Tim Torkildson insists that, funnily enough, the language school he used to work for minded his language to an absurd degree.

Torkildson's role was as a social media specialist. He blogged about fascinating language matters such as when to split your infinitive or leave it clenched, and where to use a colon or keep it from public view.

Naturally, I pulled those examples out of my, um, imagination. However, he says that one post in particular bothered his boss so much that he was dismissed.

As Fox 13 in Salt Lake City, Utah reports, Torkildson wrote an ode to the homophone. Because Technically Incorrect readers all have advanced degrees, they will know that a homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word, but is spelled differently.

Torkildson insists that his boss told him that merely using the word 'homophone' associated the Nomen Global Language Center with, you know, homosexuality.

Torkildson told Fox13 of his boss: "He was now afraid that people would associate Nomen Global with some kind of gay agenda. That was his fear. And he expressed his frustration to me very clearly. He just said, 'This particular blog is the last straw.'"

It may, indeed, have been the straw that broke the camel's back. For Torkildson acknowledged there had been previous issues with his posts.

Some might find it odd, though, that a language school should get its underwear in quite such a pretzel over, well, entirely inoffensive language.

The school released a statement that read: "Mr. Torkildson was fired for cause. Nomen Global does not have an anti-gay agenda, nor do we discriminate against anyone. We have had 6,500 students in the last 15 years from 58 countries. We do not discriminate."

If this is true, why remove the homophone post from its Web site, as the school has done? Torkildson insisted that it had no jokes, not even the merest innuendo.

On his personal blog, he explained that this was a "minor misunderstanding." He added, though, some helpful information about the comments he's been getting since his story appeared.

His former boss's name is Clarke Woodger. Now, says, Torkildson: "There is now a movement afoot to turn the last name of my former employer, Woodger, into a noun and/or verb. To be woodgered; to be a woodger; to go woodgering."

Yes, once upon a time men called Roger thought they were safe. And we know what happened there.

Torkildson believes his own personal brush with fame will wane. He wrote: "By next Monday I'll be Stale News, and nobody will remember a thing about me or my story. It's all just a flash in the pan." Be careful how you use the word "flash" there, sir.

However, if the school truly is one that doesn't have an anti-gay agenda, it has inadvertently embraced one by firing Torkildson and removing the post.

Sometimes, it isn't the words that expose us. It's what we do after the words are said.
:facepalm: A "Army vs. Marines" argument turns personal and fatal this time...

Man killed in argument over military branches
Aug. 5, 2014 - 01:56PM  | 

BILLINGS, MONT. — A Montana man who faces a deliberate homicide charge for slashing another man's throat told police they were arguing over which branch of the United States military was better, the Army or the Marines, Yellowstone County prosecutors said.


"I cut him. He's dead," xxxxxx told police, according to charging documents. "The knife's on the table."

Source: Marine Corps Times
Jim Seggie said:
And here I thought the parking spaces were for extra large women.....  :facepalm:

that too!!  ;D
If you are going to display the bodies of those killed in Gaza, ensure that the bodies don't move:


That's soooooo Monty Python.  "I'm not dead yet.  I'm feeling much better...."  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grbSQ6O6kbs