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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

HollywoodHitman said:

This is probably the dumbest thing I have seen/heard today. I did spend the day at home though, so maybe I am reaching.

Jesus wept!  It is a bad moon week.
Hmm I wonder if he will sell it


CEEBEE501 said:
Hmm I wonder if he will sell it

You will not beleive the kind of things people sucessfully auction off on eBay.

I heard of one individual who sold a bumblebee because it was, apparently " the first bee of the summer 06"
CorporalMajor said:
But in higher ranks, you are supposed to know something, and sadly I only know so much.  The trade is very multifaceted and seemingly does a back flip every few years. That's why getting promoted is always a double edged sword.  You get the honor of taking charge and showing the way.  But if you don't have a clue, there are many stumbling blocks you will trip over.  My aim is to actually be more technically proficient, be a MASTER of my trade and soldiering, before I get Master Corporal.

NOW, am not shying away from courses.. I just don't think PLQ is what I need now, but I am sure it will come in handy if god forbid I wind up on it.  I would simply prefer, to focus on my technical skills and followship, before my leadership. Not to mention, I need to up my marksmanship, fitness and even go on a tour, so I can truly lead through experience and by example.

back flip every few years?? Don't have a clue what you mean there.

Let's clear this one - you will never truly master the trade as it is - there are too many possible parts to it.  Most in our trade do not even realize that the amalgamation was 3 trades not just 2. From year to year there are too many changes so if you are away from something - say pay - for a few years you have to basically relearn it when you go back. We are a trade of use it or lose it skills.

It's great that you want to go on tour but realize that it is not required to develope as a leader.  I have met some people with tours that were useless as leaders and great leaders without any tours. They also do not generally impress people in our trade as at the end of it you are still doing the same thing - being a clerk.

I would go with oldsolduer - take the course when offered, take the rank when offered after that.  As you move up in rank in our trade it eventually becomes a matter of knowing more about managing your staff and dealing with policies than knowing all the in and outs of the trade.
A lot of people think that PLQ = promotion.

It actually seems to be that these days.. we are so short of instructors it's ridiculous!
Bzzliteyr said:
A lot of people think that PLQ = promotion.

It actually seems to be that these days.. we are so short of instructors it's ridiculous!

I would rather have someone with the PLQ promoted than all these acting-lackings we have.  Mind you that could be because I end up dealing with messages on PLQ failures that are stripped of thier acting. Imagine 3 years A/MS and then put back to LS.
CountDC said:
I would rather have someone with the PLQ promoted than all these acting-lackings we have.  Mind you that could be because I end up dealing with messages on PLQ failures that are stripped of thier acting. Imagine 3 years A/MS and then put back to LS.

Imagine over three years A/MCpl, and taking three PLQ courses to get a pass.  Never lost the rank, either.

No, it wasn't me.  ::)
The record holder (that I know of) was a Reserve infantry company commander in the 1980s, who had been an acting/lacking Captain for over 10 years.
CountDC said:
back flip every few years?? Don't have a clue what you mean there.

Let's clear this one - you will never truly master the trade as it is - there are too many possible parts to it.  Most in our trade do not even realize that the amalgamation was 3 trades not just 2. From year to year there are too many changes so if you are away from something - say pay - for a few years you have to basically relearn it when you go back. We are a trade of use it or lose it skills.

It's great that you want to go on tour but realize that it is not required to develope as a leader.  I have met some people with tours that were useless as leaders and great leaders without any tours. They also do not generally impress people in our trade as at the end of it you are still doing the same thing - being a clerk.

I would go with oldsolduer - take the course when offered, take the rank when offered after that.  As you move up in rank in our trade it eventually becomes a matter of knowing more about managing your staff and dealing with policies than knowing all the in and outs of the trade.
1.  That was exaggerating - it doesn't BACKFLIP, but it changes.  The trade was largely different in terms of mechanisms and ofc the policies, which also change... and it merged from 3 others ...unlike some other trades which may have not changed as dramatically as ours if not stayed the same.

2. Will I "master" the trade? What I really want is enough knowledge and hands on experience so I can answer most questions off the top of my head like my CC can before I get my leaf.  He's been at it for 20 years, so there.  I've been behind a desk for roughly two and a half years.  I am surely experienced enough to delegate minor tasks, answer Pte No-Hook's questions, but I've only started "mastering" HRMS and have yet to learn RPSR. So I don't really think it would be wise, to put someone like me as a 2IC just yet.  Thankfully my COC knows better.

3. Again, the tour thing is a matter of experience.  It's beyond a personal goal, and it doesn't mean I'll be a better leader right away after it's done, but experience is what we all build on.  I know how to lead at the level I do right now, because of where I've been.

4. I have decided to take the block MODS 1-5 course this June in Meaford as offered.  It has been agreed between myself and the COC that it is not to make me an overnight MCpl, but to give me the building blocks of leading in the CF and help me grow.  That doesn't seem too bad.  I don't think passing that course will be a problem for me. 

This might be ironic after what I wrote, but after having considered what OldSoldier has said it's probably a good thing.  (I really am impressionable, aren't I?) It is also not like I have a choice - all of the senior staff in my unit are CTing or going to Afg, and that means people like me have to get a grip, smarten up, be mature, and be ready to take the lead.  So be it, let's make it happen.
It's amaazing how much & how quickly you learn when you're pushed up front.
Will you make mistakes - yes, will you learn from those mistakes - we can only hope so.
Well i didnt know whare to put this so here it goes

I dont know if this is true or a joke, but looks like RAFAEL is making music videos
Today 20 of us from a QL3 combat engineer course were helping out at the CFSME Winter Family Day.  One of the officers present made a comment about having 'Genie' on his capbadge and one of my course mates queried "it does"?. As we all laughed at him he pulls off his beret and checks out his cap badge. We've only been wearing it for 4 months.
It's better than him grabbing your head & having a close encounter of the worst kind.... almost looks like he's intending to give ya a great big kiss >:D
Heh... you're welcome!

(BTW, I will either wear Génie on my shirt & Engineers on my tunic ... or vice versa... as the mood fits me)
Just walked into the Building to continue my ILQ and one of the Sgt's asked.  " Are you in but not in today?"  Of course the answer is Yes.
Is it more sad that I understood and laughed at that one, or that I have been "here but not here today"  Translation, I am indeed at the office, but if you ask me a question or ask me to do work, you can piss off, I'm on leave (but still at the office, Dork I am )
Remember Catch 22 ?

Major Major.... when he's in - he's out / when he's out, you can go in
"Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them. With Major Major it had been all three."
Last night, phone call, "WO this is the Duty Desk, I am calling the recall fanout............." "So there is recall, and what is the rundown." Says I.  "Oh no I am just calling the recall to confirm the numbers"  "Then come up with a better greeting when you get people on the phone".  Click.