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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Dumbest thing I heard yesterday:

"Where the hell did all these bruises on my hips come from?"

"Probably from the bodysurfing Brian, you & CJ were doing across the floors last night."

"Well, who made me do that?"  :-\
PMedMoe said:
I suspect Captain Morgan or maybe Jack Daniels......    ;)

A wee bit of the Captain, followed up with a lot of the Crown, 5 or 6 'big sips' of tequila and some shots of horrible stuff named "Bahja Rose (??)" and champagne.


Mostly, I blame those (males of course) who have been responsible for my corruption.
Dumbest thing done today:

(from my crackbook status update)...

FACK! Just auto-started Darrell's Jeep, then grabbed snow brush to take the foot of snow off & put keys in the ignition, LOCKING damn doors on my way out. Spare key is with Darrell in Trenton because he drove my Jeep in to work this morning. Cripes. Jeep is running - it'll be warm when I eventually make it inside!! Anyone know a good locksmith in Petawawa? FACK. LMAO - only I could pull this boneheaded move off.

Yes siree, Darrell's on his way to Trenton to do the Ramp Ceremony and here I am ... behaving normally.  >:(


I am truely such a very special loser.

I am going to avoid the temptation to make a comment about the missionary position and only being able to screw up.
ArmyVern said:
A wee bit of the Captain, followed up with a lot of the Crown, 5 or 6 'big sips' of tequila and some shots of horrible stuff named "Bahja Rose (??)" and champagne.


Mostly, I blame those (males of course) who have been responsible for my corruption.
Heehee...1-I knew Tequila was going to make it into the conversation and 2-Who corrupted whom?????? 
Oh, Happy New Year to All and Hope that Hangovers were light...just the like the snow we had here in Trenton that day that I  had to move !!!    :blotto:

I should have read further before replying...
Jeep--is it a hardtop or softop?  And how much would a new roof cost?  Why would your S.O. have the spare keys to YOUR Jeep? 

Just some simple questions to simple situations.. ::)

Oh, and OS, perhaps Vern will not comment on missionary etc...methinks she is the command and control type of lady    ^-^

I also have locked my keys in my car while it was running. I now carry a spare key in my wallet, which usually is a great thing to have unless I manage to lock my wallet in my car as well...

And I believe the horrible liquid you were referring to was Baja Rosa, there is also Baja Luna and Baja Tango. Tequila should not be flavoured IMO
BYT Driver said:
Heehee...1-I knew Tequila was going to make it into the conversation and 2-Who corrupted whom?????? 
Oh, Happy New Year to All and Hope that Hangovers were light...just the like the snow we had here in Trenton that day that I  had to move !!!    :blotto:

I should have read further before replying...
Jeep--is it a hardtop or softop?  And how much would a new roof cost?  Why would your S.O. have the spare keys to YOUR Jeep? 

Just some simple questions to simple situations.. ::)

Oh, and OS, perhaps Vern will not comment on missionary etc...methinks she is the command and control type of lady    ^-^

He has a Jeep (silver) and I have a Jeep (blue). We each have a key ring. Each key ring has a set to both Jeeps. He is currently at your location for tomorrow's Ramp ceremony tasking with his set of keys (thus 'the spare') as my Jeep was parked in back this morning when he left.  Ergo, I guess that I will get a third set cut for each jeep ... or 4  ... a spare set for here and a spare set for Borden.  :-X

As well, I am ALWAYS in control ... always.
JBoyd said:
And I believe the horrible liquid you were referring to was Baja Rosa, there is also Baja Luna and Baja Tango. Tequila should not be flavoured IMO

It was pink. It was disgusting and was an insult to Tequila. It was a 'chick drink' and I do not do - will never again do - chicks drinks. YUCK.
Old Sweat said:
I am going to avoid the temptation to make a comment about the missionary position and only being able to screw up.

A very wise choice me thinks  8)
On a new document that will have to be updated twice a year:

"(New document) will not add another level of reporting .... Most information already exists but not in one place ...."



BERLIN - A German man was temporarily detained at Stuttgart airport on Tuesday after he repeatedly told security personnel that he had explosives in his underwear, police said.

Police said a full body search of the German man did not turn up any explosives. However, Tuifly airline refused to let the man, his wife and daughter board the plane to Egypt, where they planned a vacation.

The police said in a statement that the family would not be refunded for the cost of their cancelled trip and could "expect a fine of up to C1,000 ($1,444) ... and possible costs for the police operation."

Here's yur sign...
Anyone recall the 'Incredible' paternity allegations against Keanu Reeves??

In her affidavit, Sala suggested Reeves uses hypnosis and disguises himself as different people, including her now ex-husband, who Reeves' lawyer Lorne Wolfson said is the real father, as is stated in documents in their divorce proceedings.

While Sala said she has no money and is on the verge of losing her home, Graham ordered her to pay $15,000 to Reeves for costs incurred. He said celebrities such as Reeves are vulnerable to "spurious" lawsuits and a message must be sent. Wolfson suggested Reeves may not seek to enforce the cost order, even though he is still on the hook for $85,000 in legal bills.

Graham noted Reeves offered to not seek costs if Sala dropped her suit after the DNA results came back showing he was not the father. But Sala questioned the validity of the test, raising the possibility of tampering or that Reeves used hypnosis to affect the results.

"I do know for a fact that he is the biological father," Sala, who represented herself, told the judge, adding that she had proof but could not show it to the court.

Sala maintains she had a sexual relationship with Reeves before, during and after her marriage, that they lived together and that he was present at the birth of three of her kids.

Reeves has vehemently denied ever having met the woman.

She said she had known Reeves since she was four or five, as Reeves grew up down the street from her. She didn't connect him to the actor until much later, because she always knew him by several different names, she said.

"I didn't know he was Keanu Reeves," Sala said. "To me he was Marty Spencer."

She also claims Reeves phoned the Barrie food bank and told them not to give her any food, and that she has recently been trying to get a job but that Reeves follows her around and "interferes."

Jeez, lady, can you say "delusional"??  ::)