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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Old Sweat said:
You could have been given Big Mouth Billy Bass. Count your blessings.
Believe me - I do.  That was an option - that I quickly said no to.  Told them we had no room :P
Just about every comment here pooh-poohing the fact that a pandemic may be developing.  ::)  Then again, it is the Globe & Mail.  >:D

Case in point:

Weigh In  from Canada writes:  The 'When Pigs Fly Flu' virus is:

(a) An excuse to stay home and catch up on your email;
(b) An excuse to cancel your dental appointment;
(c) A U.S. government psychological operation designed to terrify you and everybody, as
(d) A ploy to get us to take deadly vaccines to reduce our numbers by hundreds of millions.

Tinfoil hat anyone?
Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt wed, for real this time
Updated Tue. Apr. 28 2009 9:55 AM ET

The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES -- Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt made their union legal.

A spokesman for the couple says the reality TV stars were legally wed Saturday during a ceremony at a Pasadena church that was filmed by MTV.

Montag and Pratt announced their elopement on a magazine cover in November but later acknowledged that the impromptu ceremony they had in Mexico was symbolic and not legally binding. The couple appeared before a deputy commissioner at a Beverly Hills courthouse in December, but didn't say "I do."

Spokesman Rick Rhodes said Saturday's wedding was "100 percent legal."

Montag, who is 22, and her 25-year-old husband are set to appear on the NBC show "I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here!" in June.



PMedMoe said:
Better question:  Who hell are Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt?  ???

Agreed. Had to Google to find out. Now I wish I hadn't bothered wasting that one minute.

Dumbest thing I heard today was that apparently someone started a rumor about how the reason why I was unable to be reached lately was because I was jailed for a bar brawl!! Yes, you have to look out for us 5'0, 100lbs of danger in bars! (FYI: It isn't true! People have too much time on their hands. :nod: )
PMedMoe said:
Better question:  Who hell are Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt?  ???

duh.. don't you like.. watch "The Hills''  or anything...  ::) 

totally kidding.  The real answer is "they're a waste of skin/ poster children for birth control"
dumbest thing i heard:
at the end of the day, the mcpl waited for 3 of the 4 of us to leave, to tell the senior corporal, who holds the same position as us (the 3 of us are cpl's and 1 pte), he tells the cpl to make sure to keep us busy with more make work projects, EVEN WHEN i told the fucking master jack that there is work to be done and we need to get going on other stuff.  Gotta love the COC
i've got a few..but todays gem..

about 6 months ago the mb government and Canadian government gave a special interest group 12 million tax dollars to open a facility that duplicates the training delivered by a particular department at a local community college. They also dumped several million dollars of public money into a private company to duplicate the training. This morning, they cut the colleges budget in that field by 300K.

The conservative government has announced millions of dollars of training money, but the province cut the colleges overall budget by 12 million today.
Hmm, i dont know how this will translate but today in the sim...
Crewie "T Seventy...ah, BNP...Ah...Shell! oh, ah...Sabot, BTR, On!"
Gunner Hale, confused, finds an BMP2 front on in the area the crewie has waved the turret to - "Confirm BTR?"
Crewie "BTR70! Sabot! ON!"
Hale, thinks, "What ever, he's the crewie" - "On!"
Crewie "...lay the target gunner!"
Hale - lays the target, 440m away, waits for the solution....dumps the solution, destroys a BMP with sabot using the battle sights.
Crewie - "Next target right...Ah, BRDM - Oh, BTR...No, wait, BMP..."
And afterwards he has a go at me about questioning his fire orders! If I knew what they were I wouldnt have to question them!
I'd rather invite him to take a long walk off a short pier... When you cant tell the difference between a T72, a BMP1 or 2 and a BTR then you've no business in the turret at all, let alone as a crew commander!
How "real" are your sim vehicles??  It might just be that he has a hard time with pixellated images?

BTW, is the reticle on your gun the same as ours?  FCS as well?  Or are you "laze and blaze" like our tanks?
while in norway one winter i worked in the BN CP as an infantry communicator...over the radio i hear a british accented voice on the net..

'i've rolled my rover over, over'
CBH99 said:
Me:  "Excuse me....what time does the gym close tonight??"

Front Desk Guy:  "We close at 6pm."

Me:  "But the sign says 9pm??"

Front Desk Guy:  "Oh....yeah.  Ummmmmmmmm, I guess we close at 9pm."

must be the dumbest thing I've read... why would you ask if you already knew?
So, a student asks to speak to me in private. Comes into my office and asks me a bunch of questions about the military in general. States he's interested in finishing his AME program and then joining hte military as an AVS tech.

Goes on a bit about the 'job' part of the gig and then says "i'm really not loyal to this country, but i think it would be a good job"
Office Linebacker said:
So, a student asks to speak to me in private. Comes into my office and asks me a bunch of questions about the military in general. States he's interested in finishing his AME program and then joining hte military as an AVS tech.

Goes on a bit about the 'job' part of the gig and then says "i'm really not loyal to this country, but i think it would be a good job"

Maybe he'll use you as a reference.  >:D    One can only hope.......    ::)
Office Linebacker said:
Goes on a bit about the 'job' part of the gig and then says "i'm really not loyal to this country, but i think it would be a good job"
The idiot probably doesnt know the first thing about loyalty. Did they tell you what country they are loyal to? I suppose the one that supports them isnt worthy of loyalty. Better to love the past then the present ::)
The below was paraphrased to give some insight on the position of the players..

Bin rat " Of course Mr Air Force Flies on an Airplane trade Colonel, I can issue you one of them fancy schmancy cammo backpacks to carry your gear on your 8 DAY tour in theatre."

Different bin rat, 5 minutes later... "No army cpl of non combat arms trade, a fancy schmancy cammo backpack is NOT on your scale of issue for your very, very long full length tour in theatre"
Office Linebacker said:
The below was paraphrased to give some insight on the position of the players..

Bin rat " Of course Mr Air Force Flies on an Airplane trade Colonel, I can issue you one of them fancy schmancy cammo backpacks to carry your gear on your 8 DAY tour in theatre."

Different bin rat, 5 minutes later... "No army cpl of non combat arms trade, a fancy schmancy cammo backpack is NOT on your scale of issue for your very, very long full length tour in theatre"

Were you at 17 Wing Clothing Stores today?
Canex parking lot petawawa.
Exiting vehicle.

Man approaches and ask "Do you kayak?"

I look at my vehicle with two kayaks on the roof and keep walking.

Lead paint.