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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?


Today is the first time I have heard it called a tunic.... 
It does rank up there as the dumbest thing I heard today. ( the conversation on the jacket/ coat/ tunic.)

My own 2Cents  gortex jacket aka Jacket

Cadpat shirt, aka shirt
""         pants  aka pants

but what the hey bus driver jackets and lagoon green shirts for everyone
just peeked at my shirt's label...

I'm wearing a

Cheez... silly

not to be confused with


Sooo... I guess the only thing that is a shirt.... is my undershirt
Dolphin_Hunter said:

Today is the first time I have heard it called a tunic....   

Oh brother someone please stop the renaming insanity.!!!!!!!!
Just for dirt...I asked today at the Wing Supply counter if they had a shortage of "CADPAT tunics"...the guy looked at me and said...

"a what???"

Hey, it IS the "what is the dumbest thing you heard said today" thread.  "CADPAT tunic" and "outdoor dress" (wtf in the army ISN'T outdoor dress aside from DEUs?)  ::) seemed to fit for me when I was reading.
Before we got sidetracked on the issue of "tunic" versus "shirt" et al, our young friend CorporalMajor brings up a good point:

The point being that too many people are still worried about dress/deportment issues versus performance (or lack thereof) issues. They either have no common sense, been surgically removed or turned it in when they were promoted.

Some of our "recruiting poster" soldiers turned out to be real duds in the field, while some of our Barney Rubbles were solid performers.
It's the age old story.

You are enrolled
You know a fair bit about a whole lot of things
As time goes on, you learn more and more about less and less
Till you know everything about nothing
Then they promote you.... >:D
and you start the whole cycle all over again.
I am not trying to defend those who didn't want him to dress for the weather as it sounds like they were just going for the LCF.
but I have also had my share of troops overdress for the weather and could barely perform the tasks they were about to do or as they were stripping off the clothing to prevent overheating ( under supervision mind you ) What they thought was cold didn't take into account the days activities.  For the most part they learn but there are a few die hards who take longer to figure out what they need to wear vice what they are wearing as they think it is cold.  Ahh the fun of juggling the learning curve and preventing idiots from going the LCF route.  

not a problem helpup... Rememebr seeing a recruit (of jamaican extraction) crawl into the 10 man tent & proceed to get into his sleeping bag wearing his mucklucks, parka.... the works.  Didn't want to believe me when I told him that all he would do is SWEAT his bag off in his bag AND FREEZE....

He learnt - it wasn't pretty, but he learnt.
geo said:
It's the age old story.

You are enrolled
You know a fair bit about a whole lot of things
As time goes on, you learn more and more about less and less
Till you know everything about nothing
Then they promote you.... >:D
and you start the whole cycle all over again.

But,  what happens when you can't get promoted anymore? 
geo said:
not a problem helpup... Rememebr seeing a recruit (of jamaican extraction) crawl into the 10 man tent & proceed to get into his sleeping bag wearing his mucklucks, parka.... the works.  Didn't want to believe me when I told him that all he would do is SWEAT his bag off in his bag AND FREEZE....

He learnt - it wasn't pretty, but he learnt.
I thought I made this reply already but had a error in posting it.

I think we may of been working with the same crew, I recall the Jamacians up when I was with 3 CDO and they were a chuckle to watch. Mind you so were the U.S. Army from the South. And in many ways more so as the bitching was north american in dialect if not accent.  The Norwegians on the other hand fit right in and had a blast with the weather.
This happened last night. My Wife is asking me to watch the Birthing video's to "prepare myself" for the big event.  Being the good guy that I am told her sure I can but know most of it by now since I am not 20 with no life experience or TV Viewing.  "But you should be prepared for watching the Placenta come out." Says my Lovely Wife.  Nah, I don't need to see that as I wont be watching the Placenta coming out of you. "But why wouldn't you want to watch that" she asks? ..........................

"Fine Honey I will watch the Placenta if and when I have to do the delivery. "
The look on her face was priceless and we agreed I don't need to watch that particular video
Birthing Videos = Waste of time

Been through 3, all 3 were different, and not one video out there would have done anything to prepare me.  I could give two $hits about some other woman giving birth, and why on earth would anyone want to watch that stuff is beyond me.

As for the dumbest thing.  Found this on cbc.ca regarding the Belgian murders this morning
"This is exactly why I will never support a nationalized daycare program. The government cannot guarantee the safety and security of my child and it would provide a central location for pedophiles and/or nutcases to find children"

What does nationalized daycare have to do with a nutjob?
Dolphin_Hunter said:
Birthing Videos = Waste of time

Been through 3, all 3 were different, and not one video out there would have done anything to prepare me.  I could give two $hits about some other woman giving birth, and why on earth would anyone want to watch that stuff is beyond me.

I agree with being a waste of time but when dealing with a pregnant wife my philosophy is pick my battles.
helpup said:
I agree with being a waste of time but when dealing with a pregnant wife my philosophy is pick my battles.

Amen to that!

the scar on my tounge may never heal, and I'm starting to answer every question from authority with "That sounds great sweetie, I'll get right on it" which can cause akward moments at the head shed.

the hardest part is not doing everything she asks and agreeing with her, it's remembering to be excited about everything otherwise she swings from giddy to teary eyed depressed in the blink of an eye.

5 more months...

Dumbest thing I heard recently was newscaster refering to Obama as the first American African-American to be president.
Eye In The Sky said:
Just for dirt...I asked today at the Wing Supply counter if they had a shortage of "CADPAT tunics"...the guy looked at me and said...

"a what???"

Hey, it IS the "what is the dumbest thing you heard said today" thread.  "CADPAT tunic" and "outdoor dress" (wtf in the army ISN'T outdoor dress aside from DEUs?)  ::) seemed to fit for me when I was reading.
Look. Perhaps it isn't technically correct, but I here in the Army Reserves in the NCR, almost every time people refer to the "CADPAT SHIRT" they say "CADPAT TUNIC".  The two are interchangeable. 

"The point being that too many people are still worried about dress/deportment issues versus performance (or lack thereof) issues. They either have no common sense, been surgically removed or turned it in when they were promoted."

Thanks Sir. This is it right here. If anyone wants to be uncomfortable or threatened by the elements when not needed, they can do it themselves, I will do the smart thing instead.
CorporalMajor said:
Look. Perhaps it isn't technically correct, but I here in the Army Reserves in the NCR, almost every time people refer to the "CADPAT SHIRT" they say "CADPAT TUNIC".  The two are interchangeable. 

"The point being that too many people are still worried about dress/deportment issues versus performance (or lack thereof) issues. They either have no common sense, been surgically removed or turned it in when they were promoted."

Thanks Sir. This is it right here. If anyone wants to be uncomfortable or threatened by the elements when not needed, they can do it themselves, I will do the smart thing instead.

Funny.   I there in the NCR have never ever heard of the use of the term/words CADPAT Tunic, even when I there Army Reservists talking.
I just finished a stint,with the GGFG and the only tunic I heard talked about was the red one for the Ceremonial Guard. Mind you I may of missed someone calling that but everytime I brought it up in conversations it was Cadpat-shirts,  or Cbt Shirts ( hey it is what I grew up with )
Can I be polite in saying "who the fark cares?"  We know what he was referring to I am pretty sure.. did anyone think the guy was walking around in CADPAT DEUs??

Seriously, if someone points at a LAV and calls it a tank, I'm pretty sure I'll figure out what they are referring to!!  The energy we waste just to tell someone they are WRONG and we are better than them is silly!!

Can't we just move on?  I am sure we have heard dumber things than that today! 

Okay, I just polled my office and apprently the dumbest thing THEY heard today was me stating that the squirrels in Oromocto will wait for traffic and then cross once they stop.  I have seen it happen myself but these Montrealers don't think it's true.