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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

bridges said:
Which reminds me of a remark I got from someone at my table recently, who was apparently contemplating (but not too closely) the concept of putting a few ice cubes in a cup of boiling water:  "Won't that make it cold?"    :facepalm:

Just tell them "no, it actually heats up the ice cubes."  ;D
Bzzliteyr said:
her: *blink blink*

Positive spin: yoga pants.. lots and lots of yoga pants.

Now you know why they wear yoga pants...... ;D
medicineman said:
They're stretchy and nothing else where they shop fits...ooops, was that offensive or demeaning?? 


Yoga clothes are NOT designed for any but the fit & toned... consequently I do yoga in a t-shirt & sweats.  ;D
medicineman said:
They're stretchy and nothing else where they shop fits...ooops, was that offensive or demeaning?? 


Actually, I had a debate on my facebook not too long ago about why women buy 3 skimpy see-through baby t-shirts instead of one correctly functioning non see-through shirt.

Answer: layering.  Riiiiiight.
One of my students: "Are there 12 or 24 hours in a day?"

I'd just like to point out that this was in a Grade 12 classroom.  :facepalm:
RDJP said:
One of my students: "Are there 12 or 24 hours in a day?"

I'd just like to point out that this was in a Grade 12 classroom.  :facepalm:

easy peasy....just tell him/her that all they have to do is count the # of years they have been in school....just put "grade" in front of each year.....

see....easy... ::)
RDJP said:
One of my students: "Are there 12 or 24 hours in a day?"
I'd just like to point out that this was in a Grade 12 classroom.  :facepalm:

Valid question, since most of them sleep half their life away. ;D
over heard at Costco in Kanata
Memeber  asking the sales rep. which one of these video camera would be better after falling off a counter or being dropped on the floor?

I do not know mnay camera that  will work after a fall, the smaller video camera not made by  fisher pricare not built to be dropped  repeatly
FormerHorseGuard said:
over heard at Costco in Kanata
Memeber  asking the sales rep. which one of these video camera would be better after falling off a counter or being dropped on the floor?

I do not know mnay camera that  will work after a fall, the smaller video camera not made by  fisher pricare not built to be dropped  repeatly

We're you drinking when you asked this?
My wife was downtown.  Where she was there is an alley exiting onto a one way street.  She saw a car pull out of the alley and turn the wrong way onto the one way street.  The driver quickly realized his mistake and turned off the one way street onto another one way street, that bad thing though is he turned the wrong direction again.  This particular car was white, and had red and blue lights on top.
BREAKING: Eager to prove his math skills, Mitt tells elderly Florida woman that difference between vitamins B6 and B12 is six.  :)
Overheard in class today.

Instructor:  Can anyone tell me what the 3 Block War means?

Potential Mensa Candidate:  That is a war fought within three city blocks.
MJP said:
Overheard in class today.

Instructor:  Can anyone tell me what the 3 Block War means?

Potential Mensa Candidate:  That is a war fought within three city blocks.

They're not far off, just missing the fact that it's a training concept designed to illustrate the complexity of the ever growing element of modern urban warfare. "Soldiers may be required to conduct full-scale military action, peacekeeping or humanitarian aid in the space of three contiguous city blocks." -USMC General Charles C. Krulak
PrairieThunder said:
They're not far off, just missing the fact that it's a training concept designed to illustrate the complexity of the ever growing element of modern urban warfare. "Soldiers may be required to conduct full-scale military action, peacekeeping or humanitarian aid in the space of three contiguous city blocks." -USMC General Charles C. Krulak

Thanks, I know the concept.  They completely missed the whole point of the question and they just mouth breathed an answer without any elaboration.  They were serious that it is a war that is only fought within 3 city blocks.  Anybody who has been around longer than 5 minutes could have given a better answer.