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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

It just showed 15 on mine, probably 25 now. I went down to -5 because I deleted my post that you answered as I was posting. Oh well. I think it's a neat concept though,it'll all work itself out.
Dumbest thing today?  Bzzzzz - Dzien dobry! - Hi jack it's Aga! - Errr..hi! It's been a long time! What have you been up to? - Oh, the usual. Jack.. could we meet? I am having problems with my master''s paper. - Well, ok, look, I'll just walk my dogs and tell you what, we could meet downtown at the Nescafe around 12 - Well, could we meet in the park? I don't want anyone to think that I'd be desperate enough to go anywhere with anyone who looks like you....
Chapeski said:
It just showed 15 on mine, probably 25 now. I went down to -5 because I deleted my post that you answered as I was posting. Oh well. I think it's a neat concept though,it'll all work itself out.

Seen. That's for time online I think.
On a webbing march  we passed a jogger and her husband as they jogged by us I heard her say " is that the army?"

Father said to me as he was fooling around with the radio station, "static, as he tried to find a station, quick the static is a code from the enemy what are they saying?"  "I replied your dads an idiot" " he laughed at it....
Bzzzt... Hi Jack, It's Asia.. and I know it's midnight, but i am wearing my black silk negligee and well.. it's a full moon and  I was just thinking of you and  i just wanted to ask you... How do you use make this sentence into a contrafractional conditional...?
It is only early in a new week, but...from this thread.

Sito Origami said:
The medals do not get fixed to each other; they do get attached to the ribbons, which are themselves permanently attached to some item - perspex or some type of material, to which the pin fasteners or broach is itself attached. If anybody ever took the metal "gongs" and actually attached them to each other, I think the owner would be very upset.

I'm confused.  What's wrong with his statement?  I didn't touch the thread yet but I am assuming he is talking that a medal mounter does not glue the actual medals together, but has them on the ribbon and then attached to perspex(?).

I mean, I look at my medals and they are attached with fishing line to keep the gong part from swinging.  His explanation takes some deiphering, but it does make some sense when read alone.

Edit after linking to the thread but not reading the 35 pages of it: It's funny how something out of context looks to the uninformed eye.  I seriously would have no issue with his statement as being "dumb" after seeing it as a reply.. but simply posted here with no background, it's actually very innocent.
A medal mounter shouldn't glue medals together, but there's lots of horror stories out there.

lol, nope, my group is only half the size of that one (and relatively newer).

It's a pic I collected from a medal forum I participate on.

I am sure there are more than just that for horror stories out there... when we got back from Afg this spring, the boys were getting their medals done through the unit and it was taking them forever to get them.  I offered to take them to Gagetown with me on the weekend.  The tailor shop medal mounter (her name escapes me right now, Mrs. Gordon I believe) would take them in from me when I got to Oromocto on Friday night and have them ready for me by the time I left on Sunday!! Now that is service!!
Well, I didn't hear it - I read it in the letters to the editor section of the local paper.  Among all the rest of it I'm not sure what the Boar War was or what America had to do with it - if he's talking about the Boer War, which was over 100 years ago, I don't think the Americans even cared about it at all...


To the editor:

Re: Editorial, Grim anniversary is a reminder of why we are fighting, Sept. 11.

You say in your editorial that the Taliban were defeated in December 2001, but that Canadian soldiers have been fighting in Afghanistan since then to keep the Taliban from regaining control of their country, and attacking another World Trade Center.

I disagree.

Firstly it was not the Taliban who attacked the World Trade Center. There were no Afghans among those terrorists.

Secondly, when the Taliban were fighting the Soviet Union when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, we referred to the Taliban as "freedom fighters."

We are in Afghanistan because George Bush asked us to be. He asked us because he didn't want to be seen by the world at large as attacking a country without cause, all by himself. We have now been a George Bush pawn for seven years.

It remains to be calculated how many jobs we could save and create in our country if we avoided these huge expenditures. It remains to be calculated how many lives we could save around the world if we became peacekeepers again, instead of fighting a foreign war.

We have a warrior prime minister and a Liberal party leader who can't say much against the war, because his party put us there in the first place. They will tell us it's OK to keep killing and to keep being killed, because our security is threatened and it's unpatriotic to speak against the war. Like the American politicians during the Vietnam and Boar wars, they hope this will stifle any discussions.

Do we continue to kill and spend money, or do we come home now? What have we accomplished in seven years? Have we lessened any possible threat of Canada or have we increased it? Let's have this debate.

John Sproule


My reply would read as follows:

Mr Sproule,

7 years ago America (and Canada) was attacked by Al Quada, which was supported by the Taliban, who happened to be the political leaders in Afghanistan. When the hostilities started there women were not allowed to leave the house without an escort, clean water was rare, and the economy there was dire. Now, that's to the help of Coalition Forces, there is clean water a plenty, there is a much better economy and women are actually allowed to leave the house on their own, heck, they can even go to school. Imagine that, educated women! Wow, I know the concept may seem strange, but it's being embraced there.

Oh, and it was the Boer War, not Boar war, animals weren't being hunted there (well, not as a functioning part of the war anyway). The Boer War was a British war against Dutch pioneers, and there were in fact two wars. You seem to be thinking of the Second Boer War with this comment.

I find it very insulting to be called a pawn, as would my Grand-Father who fought in WWII, or my Great-Grand-Father, who served in WWI. Before criticizing a conflict please ensure you have proper facts on the conflict in question as well as any conflict you compare to so as not to look like a total moron.


Sorry I missed this from yesterday, but this has to be a serious contender for the dumbest thing heard today (yesterday):

oligarch said:
In the absence of a Warsaw Pact, why do we need NATO?
I think every ad serves its purpose. The CF seem to be working since there is huge recruitment levels, at least from what I see.  Although the british ads are very interesting
Not necessarily dumbest, but funniest...was watching Big Bang Theory:

Girl - Did so and so ever date someone that wasn't a brainiac?

Guy - Well once he did go out with a French Literature PhD candidate...

Girl - How is that not a brainiac?

Guy - (With very incredulous voice) Well, to start with, she actually was French.    ;D
