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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

m.k said:
those pants CAN get rather distracting...on the right lady of course  ;D

Even on the wrong lady it can be distracting... and not in a good way :(

m.k said:
"people here get paid to do that" and walked away. 

Just doin' his part to help the 99% maintain the lifestyle that they have become accustom to. :facepalm:
Staff Weenie said:
I had a great laugh in KAF when they ran my C7 through the x-ray, and then the guy behind me had a C9 they ran through. Yes, the x-ray confirmed it - it was indeed a weapon.....my bad.

I had a pretty good laugh to in Kabul last year. Some of the guys were flying down to Kaf and when the one guys kit went through the x-ray they saw a loose round and proceeded to strip his kit while he is standing there with a 150 rds in his tac  vest  asking about those ones ... and they said they were fine to have
startbutton said:
I had a pretty good laugh to in Kabul last year. Some of the guys were flying down to Kaf and when the one guys kit went through the x-ray they saw a loose round and proceeded to strip his kit while he is standing there with a 150 rds in his tac  vest  asking about those ones ... and they said they were fine to have

At least they had their priorities right. ::)
Oh hey, navy movie.  Wait, whats this?  Aliens?  Sure, why not?  Wait, what?!  You Sunk my Battleship, the movie.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDMXkPfxjOc
jasonf6 said:
Ya, I thought the same thing when I was told I couldn't bring my nail clippers with the file to Wainwright back in 2000.  Here we are flying to a base inside Canada, entirely military, and we can't bring a SMALL nail file?  What are my chances of even reaching the cockpit let alone taking out a pilot with a tiny nail file? :)

We landed two Griffons at LFCA to fly a bunch of staffers down to Fort Knox for an exercise recce early one November several years ago. We got a bunch of blank looks plus other interesting assorted expressions when we told them that they could bring their poppies but not the pins.

Yes, we were kidding, but it was stupid enough to be believable.
jaykay said:
And so, marks DO matter? *sigh... I have awful marks, and didn't really care at the time because my plan was to always just join the military... but now, what if i don't get in? If i don't get into the military OR university or college i'm kind of screwed

I'm absolutely friggin' speechless.
Michael Jackson's hair clump to become roulette ball

Even in the afterlife, Michael Jackson is still on a roll. Or at least he will be.

Internet casino portal OnlineGamblingPal.com has purchased a clump of the deceased King of Pop's hair, which the company says it will turn into "a one-of-a-kind roulette ball." (Let's hope they hold to their promise that this will be an isolated incident.)

The strands were collected at New York's Carlyle Hotel -- where the singer stayed during a charity event -- and were part of an online auction Saturday. OnlineGamblingPal shelled out $10,871.

More at link

Seriously?  WTF?  ::)
Hmmm.....how about someone like Brooklyn Decker, et al from the swimsuit edition.....but Michael Jackson? really.........

and this cue ball is to used in kids tournaments, I presume?  ::)
Okay, we need a "WTF?" thread, but here's the latest from the generation of "I'm entitled"......

Teen writes death threat to Santa

Daily Mail link:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2073907/Christmas-list-Spoilt-girl-13-demands-presents-says-Santa-Claus-die.html

Girl's letter:

"This Christmas, I don't ask for much, so if I don't get at least two of the things I want, I will literally kill you! Do you understand?! Oh, also, I'll hunt down your reindeers, cook them and serve their meat to homeless people on Christmas Day," Mekeeda Austin, 13, wrote in her letter, the Daily Mail reported. "No one wants that, so here's what I want."

The girl lists a BlackBerry, money, a dress, high-top Converse shoes and the real Justin Bieber.

"Remember, two of these or you die," she wrote, signing it, "Love from Keedy."

Quote from her mother:

'I know it sounds like she is spoilt but I like to get my daughter what she wants also you don't want to get on the wrong side of her.'

And stay-at-home mother Tracey says she will endeavour to deliver all the presents, even though she suspects Mekeeda will lose the Blackberry.

'She loses phones constantly, so I know the Blackberry won't be in her possession for long, but she will be furious if she doesn't get one.

More at links

I'm not sure what's worse here; the death threat letter, Mom's reaction, or the fact that a 13 year old is still writing to Santa?

Oh and check out the image of her letter at the second link.  It's worthy of being posted on http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/  :nod:
I am so glad Milnet now has a facepalm emoticon...  :facepalm:

That Girl... just wow.... Someone needs to lay the smackdown on her.....

I don't know what's worse, that a TEEN girl still believes in Santa or that her mother backs her up by getting her what she wants because she doesn't want to get on the bad side of her daughter.  Somebody needs to get a grip.
Well, maybe now that it's all public, maybe someone at school will give her some shoe leather for an early present...

She's probably collecting disability. That looks like a cane hiding behind her lifesucking demon.
Gee, she sure looks like a happy kid to me - compare and contrast....
