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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Stacked I can sympathize with.  I've shown Niner Domestic several times how to perform certain functions on the computer....but it doesn't sink in. ::)
Jim Seggie said:
I've shown Niner Domestic several times how to perform certain functions on the computer....but it doesn't sink in. ::)
Maybe she's just not into porn.    >:D

read this on a youtube comment,

thanks man , im really thinking about joining the only thing that worries me is my future! whats the pensions like ? other then that i would not hesitate to join and bag me some rag heads.lol

And the only thing that would worry me is if he decides to join! He furthur continues to make an ass of himself when someone calls him on his comment, I would post it but I think it breaks some guidelines  ::)
The Weather Network forecast for Alliston, ON:

Wednesday Overnight - Few flurries

Thursday Morning - Few flurries

Thursday Afternoon - Few flurries

24-Hour Precipitation Outlook
We don't expect any precipitation from Wednesday Overnight to Thursday Evening

kratz said:
The latest safety hazard on school grounds: trees

New Jersey’s manual of requirements for child-care centres states that outdoor play areas must be free from “hazards to the health, safety or well-being” of children, but nowhere does it mention trees as possible sources of harm.
And I would argue that these meddling, idiotic scumbag pieces of fecal matter are hazardous to children's health, safety, and well-being!  >:(

Kids no longer develop immunities to common diseases; growing up no one had to disinfect their hands every 30 seconds, yet we survived.

Kids have no concept of being responsible for their behaviours; we were told playing with pointed sticks would put an eye out -- hasn't happened yet.

Having to put hazard warnings on everything simply reduces the likelihood of Darwinism doing it's best to help out our gene pool, provides income for ambulance-chasing lawyers, and increasingly breeds a society that believes you never have to work for your income or take responsibility for your actions -- simply sue someone.

"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."
William Shakespeare, King Henry VI

Can you tell it's a bit of a peeve?  :nod:

NSDreamer said:
I did my BOTP-2 in Wainright this past summer, and BWW was tacked on to that in the middle of blistering heat. Dragging toboggans over dry ground is a pain for the record!
A comment on this video:

would you mind awfully utting the whole film oon you tube, please? if you upload it in 10 minute chunks and state clearly that you do not own any of the material shown and all responsibility and/or credit oes to paramount pictures. this way you are not breaching copyright and it is unlikely that they (the owners) will try and have it removed.
Riding the bus back to work here in Ottawa.  It goes through a rather poor and drug-influenced hood (Vanier) and this is where it's going through now.

The bus is crammed full of people, and a young woman hops on and recognises a good freind of hers.  She exclaims "WHOA, how you doing!!!?  Last time I saw you, those cops TOOK YOU DOWN!  They ran past me, and took you out!  You doing okay?" ......  :facepalm:... He replies "You shouldn't say that shit in public.  But yeah.  The cops have a hate-on for me.

I found it funny
Let's see if I can simplify this scenario.

A group of people is victimized by a large corporation.  The large corporation is fined heavily.  The large corporation bills the victims to pay for the fine.


Not in Ontario.
Occam said:
A group of people is victimized by a large corporation.  The large corporation is fined heavily.  The large corporation bills the victims to pay for the fine.
Not in Ontario.

The "House" always wins, and as a homeowner, utility payer, and taxpayer....I hate it.
Same here in NS.
We pay $390/Mo for electricity in a 1600sq/ft house...and we heat the upstairs with a gas fireplace....And, we're not home from 0800 through 1700......
I'm not even growin' pot......(maybe I should, to calm me down from getting the energy bill)....  ;)
Proving the value of proofreading.......again......

An ad on kijiji:

I'm a stay at home Mom of a 2 year old girl and offering childcare in my home Mon-Friday for children 2 years and older. Charging $12.00 for part time and $20 for full time including snakes and lunch.

I live near Highview public School. My home is smoke free, with a fully fenced yard.

Snakes?  Cool!  8)

See it here:  http://renfrew.kijiji.ca/c-services-childcare-nanny-Childcare-Available-W0QQAdIdZ262053959
This headline will feed into supporters of the gun registry:

No one calls RCMP after man fires 15 rounds inside apartment

The Canadian Press

Date: Wednesday Feb. 23, 2011 6:26 AM ET

WHITECOURT, Alta. — RCMP say they are disturbed by the fact a man fired 15 rounds from a shotgun inside his apartment on the weekend, yet no member of the public notified police.

Two shots were also fired out the kitchen window into a parking lot near Hillcrest Apartments in Whitecourt, Alta.

Staff Sgt. Rodney Koscielny said witnesses indicated the shooter, who was "intoxicated and agitated," spoke of going to war with officers.

"At one point he strapped three guns to his body and was ready to go at it with the police," said Koscielny.

"Believe it or not, at one point a passerby walked by him and still didn't call us."

more at link
I was the In-charge flight attendant on board a flight to Punta Cana (airline shall remain unnamed) and I had just finished the amenities announcent, which clearly outlines the location of all lavatories on board.

Passenger: Are there any toilets on this plane?
Me: No, but we do sell adult diapers at a cost of $10. May I remind you that this is a cashless flight, and we only accept credit cards.

I smile and walk away.

ringknocker82 said:
I was the In-charge flight attendant on board a flight to Punta Cana (airline shall remain unnamed) and I had just finished the amenities announcent, which clearly outlines the location of all lavatories on board.

Passenger: Are there any toilets on this plane?
Me: No, but we do sell adult diapers at a cost of $10. May I remind you that this is a cashless flight, and we only accept credit cards.

I smile and walk away.

Careful, don't give RyanAir any ideas.

A commercial I keep hearing on a radio station from Barrie regarding health care (and a coming election) has this guy asking "Shouldn't I get lab results in minutes instead of days?"  And I always think "What do you think this is?  CSI?"  ::)