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What was your price Stronach??????


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Spoiled brat belinda stronach has sold out to the devil,What was her price ????Was her integrity worth it?She had the potential to be part of something great and now shes just a joke.Anyone see the press conference,the reporters laughed in Martians face when he said it wasnt about thursdays vote.I am sick to my stomach after seeing such blatent pandering for personal gain.And she is supposed to be trusted with implementing the gomery inquiry after she sold her morals to the highest bidder.Instead of deciding the country could benifit from ousting a corrupt goverment she has slipped into bed with them for whatever gain they offered her and a cabinet post.There is a word for girls like that,I wont use it in here though.
"The Woman Who Would Be Prime Minister" is probably what her ego is telling her.  She comes out of nowhere to run for the Conservative Leadership and lost.  Now she crosses the floor to sit in the 'corrupt' Liberal Cabinet.  Where is there any hope of a Credible Government in this country?
Good riddance; I feel bad for those Conservatives who voted for her, though.

Hopefully they'll get the chance to take her seat from her after Thursday, eh.
I'm almost sick to my stomach at the thought that she *may* have handed the fiberals a fighting chance at winning the non-confidence vote on Thursday.  I sure do hope she gets tossed out on her ear during the next election - any politician crossing over in this kind of context to sit with a corrupt, desperate govt, and to head the department of boondoggles to boot, deserves nothing less than to be sent into the political wilderness for the rest of her life.

I weep for my country  :'(  If I wanted to live in a banana republic I'd move to the island of Dominica - at least there the weather is great and the scuba diving excellent.
Let's see:

Paul Martin + Canadian Steamship

Belinda Stronach + Magma

Is there a pattern of old money running together here?
I wonder what long-time Liberal stalwarts like Bonnie Brown (Oakville), Brenda Chamberlain (Guelph) and Karen Redman (Kitchener) think about Belinda jumping straight into a seat at the cabinet table?

Also, what about perennial Liberal rebels like Roger Gallaway (Sarnia) and Pat O'Brien (London)?  They, both, have good reason to feel betrayed by Martin.

Politics makes strange bedfellows.
That was my thought too, Edward. There has to be some very disgruntled Liberal members right now who are not terribly happy about being sold out.
I just saw Steven Harper give a press conference on losing Belinda to the Fiberals.

He certainly didn't do here any favours, did he?! But then, I guess she doesn't really deserve any better...

Perhaps we can get Ralph Klein to lead the Bloc since parties apparently don't mean much to partisan politicans.
Prariedawg said:
Spoiled brat belinda stronach has sold out to the devil,What was her price ????Was her integrity worth it?She had the potential to be part of something great and now shes just a joke.Anyone see the press conference,the reporters laughed in Martians face when he said it wasnt about thursdays vote.I am sick to my stomach after seeing such blatent pandering for personal gain.And she is supposed to be trusted with implementing the gomery inquiry after she sold her morals to the highest bidder.Instead of deciding the country could benifit from ousting a corrupt goverment she has slipped into bed with them for whatever gain they offered her and a cabinet post.There is a word for girls like that,I wont use it in here though.

I'm officially going to be sick....

M.    :rage:
Mo-Litia I think you're on to something there. That would explain why I was having trouble telling Stephen Harper apart from his new pal, former Communist Workers Party man Gilles Duceppe. That might also explain why Stronach crossed the floor, and why, despite the sponsorship scandal, Canadians aren't demanding an election - with such a pathetic alternative. 
You can watch a video of Martin and Stronachs statements here.


(look in the top right-hand corner under "CBC Newsworld Coverage"). 

In Paul Martins statement, the reporters laugh at him around 2 minutes and 30 seconds into it after he says this won't alter Thursdays vote.  ::)
Well now she can say she has dabbled in both the 'world's oldest professions'. Politician and that other one that was alluded to by the thread starter ::).
Man oh man I actually used to like her ,well not any more . I wonder what was her asking price ?
The amount of credibility circulating around Ottawa is diminishing about as quickly as a sunset. Next time our MP's stand up to talk in parliament they might as well turn around and drop their pants, because from what I can make of it most of them are already talking out of their ***.   >:(:rage: :crybaby:

Is their no hope for sane LEADERSHIP in this country? :-\
Blue Max said:
Is their no hope for sane LEADERSHIP in this country? :-\
Obviously not, seeing that the leader of the opposition is behaving in no more statesmanlike fashion than the PM - talk about missed opportunities - and no one in the realm of politics is actually noticing that the people are sick to their stomachs.
If people are so sick to there stomachs, get out there and do something. Bitching and moaning gets no where. I don't see anyone stepping up to the plate and saying there are going to run to make things different or getting more involved with the process. Any one can armchair quarterback, but I don't see anyone even attempting to get in the game.

If you think a banana republic is better, then move there. Ask the guys who have been to Haiti, parts of Africa or Afghanistan, to see which they prefer. This country continues to have one of the best standards of living in the world, regardless of all the chicken littles out there proclaiming the sky's falling. It isn't. I don't see a change to that, as we continue on inspite of what stripe we of gov't we have.