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What to wear when reporting to a new base?

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Greywolf said:
I am reporting to 2 GS BN.   I'm a supply tech.   And I haven't been issued a CADPAT combat jacket yet.


If you mean the cadpat gortex jacket you are with like 90%of the CF. atleast from what i see in Borden.
hey Greywolf, long time no see, I thought u are Medic A
Greywolf said:
I am reporting to 2 GS BN.  I'm a supply tech.  And I haven't been issued a CADPAT combat jacket yet.


It isn't that cold yet.  You can show up in your shirt.

mess dress or full dress...yep do that....

hehehe naw if it is a weekend I would say yer safe in civvies.  Only people on duty wear a uniform . . .

In the UK, you report in the Uniform of the Day of the unit that you are reporting to.  The unit Orderly Room should be able to tell you what it is.  If it is the same here.
Heck John,

What a great idea!  ;) How bout calling your new OR and asking. Sheesh, figured someone would've thought of that by now. ;D
No, yot.  I'm a supply tech.  Hey, how's your application coming along?
Like Parasoldier said, wear combats.  I've never seen anyone clear in wearing DEU's, and I personally would never do it either.  Don't over-complicate!
wouldnt there be SOP's posted in one of the barracks so he can look and find out what he has to do?
Just to let everyone know, I reported in combats (everyone else did)...and that was fine.  Thanks for all the suggestions. 
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