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what to do to be FE

Ok, so i`m getting ready to finish my AVN course, and bound for 8AMS in October. But my question is, that 5 years before you can start the OT process over to FE, where does that 5 years start? Like from the start of my AVN contract last year (meaning i have 4 years left)? or does it start when i am not an apprentice anymore and fully qualified at 8AMS?
Starts once you're not apprenctice anymore. 5 years is the average for getting your level A. I believe that is why.
The five year figure is just a ball park number.  The time to level A will depend on what fleet you are on and where you're working.  Once you get to Trenton the folks there will have seen many people through the process, and will be able to give you a better frame of reference.
AAF said:
Ok, so i`m getting ready to finish my AVN course, and bound for 8AMS in October. But my question is, that 5 years before you can start the OT process over to FE, where does that 5 years start? Like from the start of my AVN contract last year (meaning i have 4 years left)? or does it start when i am not an apprentice anymore and fully qualified at 8AMS?

Seeing you're ending up on Hercs, look at about 4 yrs before getting level A, meaning you can sweep floors unsupervised and the such. That puts you near the what, 5.5 year mark in the military? Apply then. Do NOT let your CoC bs you that you cannot do it. Follow up on everything you submit, and I mean everything. It is well known that applications vanish or sit on the bottom of a basket belonging to a bitter SAMS who hates FE's. So, once there, get to know some of the FE's on the base. And once it's time to make the leap, enlist their help.  You may find much "resistance" when you decide to remuster, that's why you ask for the FE's help. They know the ropes and can get things rolling if you meet a wall of crap from your CoC. Saying that, when you do make the leap, good chance there will be a AM Sup(maybe your crew chief or the SAMS)who was an FE (trade restructuring thing I'm sure you've heard about) and he/she would be the person to talk to then.
I've seen probably a dozen guys go the FE route and I've yet to see the chain of command 'BS' them to stump an application.  Most guys have found that they get more support once they decide to leave the trade than they ever had before expressing interest in a change.  I can't imagine any SAMS anywhere being the least bit personally concerned, or probably even aware of some Cpl tech looking to OT.  ETO likes to know what people are planning so they can set their plot accordingly, but aside from that.... nobody will care if you want to go flying. 

You'll be doing far more than sweeping floors once you have type training/POM authorizations. 

Once you've met the prerequisites, fire in an application and off you'll go. 
otis111, I have been an FE for a little while now and I can tell you that although not EVERY FE has a "my remuster got buried" story, the vast majority do.  I have one personally but won't bore you with the details.

As far as what to do to become an FE, the biggest hurdle that you are going to have is getting your level A.  If you can get your lvl B or even C signatures than do so.  For any prospective FE out there, my advice would be to get to the unit that you would like to be an FE in.  Easier said than done I know but give it the old college try at least.  So apart from A level, just work hard as a tech, try not to get sucked in by the bitter guys out there and stay positive and try to engage the aircrew.  Ask some of the FEs in your unit if you can go on a couple ride alongs with them so that you can see if it really is for you.  See if you can go for a ride with your unit Standards FE, as he will be more experienced and will be used to instructing and explaining things in the air.

At the very least, this may make you a better tech and give you a bit more appreciation for what the aircrew looks at in flight.

Best of luck in your career and who knows, maybe we will fly together one day!

mr peabody said:
I've seen probably a dozen guys go the FE route and I've yet to see the chain of command 'BS' them to stump an application.  Most guys have found that they get more support once they decide to leave the trade than they ever had before expressing interest in a change.  I can't imagine any SAMS anywhere being the least bit personally concerned, or probably even aware of some Cpl tech looking to OT.  ETO likes to know what people are planning so they can set their plot accordingly, but aside from that.... nobody will care if you want to go flying. 

You'll be doing far more than sweeping floors once you have type training/POM authorizations. 

Once you've met the prerequisites, fire in an application and off you'll go.

You obviously missed the pun in the sweeping floors comment. I have seen way more guys and gals go FE and yes, many have had the road to FE filled with major road blocks. myself included. Has 12 Wing been your only base as a tech? I ask because there are no FE's there and once in that Sea King vortex, hard to get out...I was in 443, but managed to leave after 3 years. The big hassle, in most cases is from Sqn's that have aircraft that employ FE's. I know of guys who went FE out of 12 Wing and twin tailed plastic fag jet world, no issues...know guys who went FE out of 435, 8AMS & 408 to name a couple and many have had the pleasure of running into missing paperwork, misplaced paperwork, a SAMS who used to say to us FE's he thought we were a waste and just being outright lied to(more in the younger guys cases who are still green, in a way). The system works for the most part but there are still many things that need to be fixed. That's why when guys ask about becoming an FE, I tell them once they are ready, approach the FE shop. We have been there, done that and hopefully the process goes smoothly for the tech, but it always doesn't. Then we can rock the boat on behalf of the tech if need be.
Very well said Trunk Monkey.

If any of you prospective FE's out there want some more specific advise, feel free to PM me with details and I can try to help or send you a name of someone who can help.  Cheers,

I don't see how joking about sweeping floors is a pun?

I have been posted to Greenwood, Comox and Shearwater as an AVN Tech, it's in my profile I think. 

I have seen just one person unsuccessful with an application to FE and it was due to medical issues.  I can only speak from experience just as anyone else.... but I have yet to see a single case of a tech facing undue difficulty when applying for any OT, regardless of trade.  I have known several dozen people who have successfully transferred to NCM and Officer trades over my 12 years in the air force. 

If someone is interested in a trade transfer/commission, simply focus on meeting necessary prerequisites and make sure your paperwork is squared away and submitted well in advance of deadlines.  People may tell you they disagree with what you're asking for or give you flack about it.... who cares?  It's your career.  I won't comment any further on this thread, we're just comparing observations at this point.  Hopefully I've offered some info that was useful to the OP.

Like it was mentioned earlier, not EVERY FE has a story like that but several if not most do.  As an FE, for any prospective FEs out there, I would strongly recommend that you seek out some FEs at your unit and talk to them. 

If nothing else, you are making connections in a trade that is quite small and people remember names.  At best, you are making a contact that can help smooth your transition to the new trade and can offer you valuable advice.

Or you can throw in your paperwork, trust that your AVN superiors and AERE officers do their jobs properly and roll the dice and hope for the best.  Yoru call.  Good luck to all with their potential remusters!
AAF said:
Ok, so i`m getting ready to finish my AVN course, and bound for 8AMS in October. But my question is, that 5 years before you can start the OT process over to FE, where does that 5 years start? Like from the start of my AVN contract last year (meaning i have 4 years left)? or does it start when i am not an apprentice anymore and fully qualified at 8AMS?

Which part of 8AMS are you posted to?  Does your message say 8AMS exactly, or something else?  I only ask because 8AMS isn't doing first line maintenance any more.  People at 8AMS are now doing third line stuff - C-checks is what they're calling it, but they are starting that in a year.  Right now the guys are mostly doing admin and cleaning.  8AMS used to do all of the first line stuff, but now we've all split off into 424 (old hercs) and 436 (new hercs).  All that comes down to, is that if you're going to be at 8AMS, see if you can get them to send you to other shops/departments to get your quals -- without moving around, it'll be a little more difficult to get your A-levels.  If you need any Trenton info, PM me...  I'm at 424, my husband's at 436, and some guys who were on my crew until recently are on the C-check crew, so I can try to get your questions answered.  Cheers!  :) 
All my posting messages says is 8AMS, i would ideally like to get in with 424 if its possible, but if not oh well
HeavyHooker said:
424 not a CH 146 SAR Griffon sqn anymore???

We do the H-model herc maintenance at 424 as well now.  The sqn has pretty much doubled in size just from all the techs. 
CDN Aviator said:
C-Checks is not "third line".

Sorry if I'm mistaken -- just passing along the info I was given.  They haven't started doing anything yet, the actual job part of this posting is still about 9 or 10 months away, so I don't know if anyone's sure about what'll be happening there yet.
AFAIK no CF personnel conduct 3rd line maintenance.  I'll wait for a SAMEO/AERE to jump in a correct me if I am wrong.  Most 3rd line stuff is contracted out and done off-base.
Some AMS do 1st and 2nd line maintenance.
Some AMS only do 2nd line maintenance.

"3rd line" is depot-level overhaul type work and is done by the manufacturer or other suitable contractor. In the case of the CC-130s, the 3rd line contractor is Cascade Aerospace.
I've never known us to conduct 3rd line work on airframes, but there are some instances where a CF shop will be the third line facility for certain components.  Who knows, maybe it's something they're looking at in Trenton..... that would be a nightmare to set up.