First of all let me clarify something the FE trade is NOT being phased out. it is how ever under going some big changes. If you are still in Borden and have not recieved a posting message , push for a unit that currently has FEs (not fighters). There is a move a foot to lower the rank level forthe entire FE trade (Cpl- Sgt) after Sgt you get remusterd back into the Tech side of the house. The other thing is that if you train on an aircraft as an AVN tech you will be (can be) employed on on the same aircraft as an FE. I have one guy who was a Herc tech, who is now a Cpl FE on the Herc course as we speak. Things are changing in the trade, but at this point we don't know what the final out come will be. It is a very rewarding job, how ever there are large demands on both your personel and profesional life.
Good luck