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What to do- Avor's Journey

Good news to hear. You will be up and about in no time.

Avor said:
I'm getting out today, radiation in 15 miniutes and then I go live on base fot a few days. The weekend I get to go home, then its only 2 or so treatments before Im home for good.

Almost over, then I can finnaly begin to recouver.

Huzzah! Don't let anyone catch you at the Carleton Club  ;)
Holy fuck, the booster radiation is intense. The normal treatment was 6 mv, the 4 more booster treatments will be at 18 mv, the highest power the machine is allowed to be operated at. I thought I felt drained before, this is like how you would feel after a week long field ex, just drained

But one day of living on base, then home. We could stay in victoria, but home is worth a few days of commuuteing. I miss my cat..

There is a legal side. My condition was made so bad because I fell between the cracks in the medicl system, I am going to have it looked into if I have legal ground. A few people and Drs. say I do. Im going to investigate this, talk with VAC about legal assistance. Im not after a cash grab, but I feel wronged for my needless pain, if I have a case good, if not, oh well. I'm smart and have plans, so that whatever happens money is not going to be a worryy.

But what I cannot plan is how well or fast I will recouver, thus what my future in the CF is. Will my eyrs be shot for life? Will I work as PPCLI doing garrison work? Or will I be medicaly transfered, ending up as a clerk, driver, or some kind of navy job? I hate not knowing, because it stops me from planning.
Avor said:
But what I cannot plan is how well or fast I will recouver, thus what my future in the CF is. Will my eyrs be shot for life? Will I work as PPCLI doing garrison work? Or will I be medicaly transfered, ending up as a clerk, driver, or some kind of navy job? I hate not knowing, because it stops me from planning.

Hey now... I'm a driver. The trade is pretty sweet deal, but I'm sure all trades have their little sweet spots too. Being a driver (MSE Op) isn't the end of world. At lease all the places I drove, I haven't found the end of the world. Just remember to keep it all positive. We're all with you.

BTW.. do you know how to double clutch?

Sgt  Schultz said:
Hey now... I'm a driver. The trade is pretty sweet deal, but I'm sure all trades have their little sweet spots too. Being a driver (MSE Op) isn't the end of world. At lease all the places I drove, I haven't found the end of the world. Just remember to keep it all positive. We're all with you.

BTW.. do you know how to double clutch?


Nothing wrong with MSE, just not the job I signed up for. And honestly, I see MSE as a mixed opertunity. If I can't be infantry, its a good way to get action overseas, but then again you could be stuck on the wainwright-edmonton med-run everyday.

Yes I can double clutch.
One day at a time, don't ponder your future or what it may entail, until you complete the treatments.

I went through the same treatment " booster radiation" I believe you called it. It worked for me ( removed all the cancer on my lower spine).

You will feel very tired after each treatment and when your body tells you to rest, REST. It took me two weeks after my last treatment to start on the road to recovery.

Your recovery will depend on how long your treatments are. My treatments were quite long but I survived it.

Keep smiling soldier and all this will be nothing but beer talk at the mess.

I hear what your saying. Im home on the couch, but its going to be a while untill I really start to feel better. I guess I woun't untill last treatment is over wensday.

Im just sick of feeling sick.
Consentrate on your recovery friend and then you can plan for post recovery once you are on your way back to fit. You've come this far and you don't seem the type to back off so put your efforts towards recovery and well see you when your ready to come back Bud.
Avor said:
I hear what your saying. Im home on the couch, but its going to be a while untill I really start to feel better. I guess I woun't untill last treatment is over wensday.

Im just sick of feeling sick.

Think of it this way ...

Getting better is just making you feel sicker for a little while --- it's a necessary evil, but it's all sooooooo worth it in the end. You'll last ... there's steaks and beers and girls to be partaken of - and couches to be jumped on. Look after you for now, and if you do that ... the future is bright indeed. You'll see.

Be well. Think good thoughts.  :)

Holy crap, Mcauley..

This is Lang, I guess we should've kept in better touch after I left Wainwright. Man, I didn't know it was that bad.. Last I heard you were just getting something removed from your spine.. Didn't know it was cancer. Wow..

Listen man, take care of yourself, and don't worry about it. I'm not good with motivational stuff, but trust me no one is looking down on you for this.. Keep in touch man.

I'll stomp you at Battlefield and Supreme Commander again sometime :P
I know what it is now that I've had a chance to sleep on it, Im on the homestreach, and I hate that place. The real work, challage is beat, and now I just want to be done with it all. Im not patient, even driving places, the closer I get to home, the faster I want to drive. As treatment rounds out I get more frustraited and eager with everything. I feel trapped like this, especialy just the pain. My knees are a mess, they hurt every morning from useing stairs the day before. Ice pack cures it with pain killlers just fine. But I feel even more trapped, living on the couch watching TV and messibg about on my computer. Im accualy pissed off because I cant find all my computer game CDs. But at least I got boxes from Wainwright, gives me some things to sort out and do. Im going to need nore chocolate cake....

But fuck, Lang, medicaly things went crazy, anyways my email is Ares2121@gmail.com, msn is the same but @hotmail.com. conntact me.
frig, this is what I hate. I literaly just got back from the grocery store, picking up all sorts stuff I hope is good and know is good, but I feel so tired. I hate that my taste is ****ed, or that I can't see frig all outside a room, but I hate being this ******* weak. Not feeling weak, being.

Avor said:
frig, this is what I hate. I literaly just got back from the grocery store, picking up all sorts stuff I hope is good and know is good, but I feel so tired. I hate that my taste is ****ed, or that I can't see frig all outside a room, but I hate being this ******* weak. Not feeling weak, being.


From everything I've read your case is a lot worse than mine was - I had testicular cancer. Keep hanging in there man, where you are now is too far down the road to let it overtake you. :)
JimMorrison19 said:
From everything I've read your case is a lot worse than mine was - I had testicular cancer. Keep hanging in there man, where you are now is too far down the road to let it overtake you. :)

I know I screwed when people with testical cancer feel sorry for me...I guess its no different than how I feel sorry for people who live 7 months in hospital undergoing treatment.

But this is the suffer in silince part, we know whats up, we just sqaure our sholders and march on. Come on, its only 3 more treatments for crying out loud,I will not be overtaken here. I just keep reaching out for the little comforting things, like anybody , but they are so hit and miss. Hits like tonight, where the saveing grace was imitition crab meat, one of the few things that tastes the same, it felt so good to have any kind of normality. A miss is just a needless kick to the knee, it realy just brings everything else down.
Avor said:
I know I screwed when people with testical cancer feel sorry for me...I guess its no different than how I feel sorry for people who live 7 months in hospital undergoing treatment.

But this is the suffer in silince part, we know whats up, we just sqaure our sholders and march on. Come on, its only 3 more treatments for crying out loud,I will not be overtaken here. I just keep reaching out for the little comforting things, like anybody , but they are so hit and miss. Hits like tonight, where the saveing grace was imitition crab meat, one of the few things that tastes the same, it felt so good to have any kind of normality. A miss is just a needless kick to the knee, it realy just brings everything else down.

I never had the issue with loss of taste but I always felt so sick whenever I smelled anything that the only thing I really could eat was graham crackers and apple juice.

Testicular cancer is actually a very treatable kind, and with the way your treatments are going, yours must be too (I'm not too sure about any kind except my own), it's just taking longer. I actually feel glad for you, not sorry, because I'm a firm believer in things like this making people stronger. Do you play Starcraft?
JimMorrison19 said:
I never had the issue with loss of taste but I always felt so sick whenever I smelled anything that the only thing I really could eat was graham crackers and apple juice.

Testicular cancer is actually a very treatable kind, and with the way your treatments are going, yours must be too (I'm not too sure about any kind except my own), it's just taking longer. I actually feel glad for you, not sorry, because I'm a firm believer in things like this making people stronger. Do you play Starcraft?

No, I stoped playing that years ago. To many people took it to far, useing spreadsheets to determin what they should build. Plus, my eyrs are still to bad to keep up to a RTS game.
Avor I am a new OCDT with no military experience yet. You have inspired me so much and made me realise the level of dedication and perseverance, and a whole bunch of other good things, it takes to be a solider. Anything less and I will be doing an injustice to you and all other soldiers like you.

You sir, are the cream of the crop.

From reading your post I am getting the impression that your medical condition is getting the upper hand. That's not good.

You have to be in control of your daily routine. Don't let this get the best of you. Avor, when I was told that I had cancer in three different parts of my body. My family was in the hospital room. After the Dr. explained about the cancers, I just layed in the bed, pondering as to how I should react.

My reaction was decided by my family being there. I made up my mind there and then, that I would never allow my family to know the misery that was to follow. I did not want to pass my misery on to my family or others.

I only allowed the misery to have the upper hand when I was alone and only for a few minutes.  Do not allow your mind to dwell on your condition,  keep both your mind and body active.

I am surprised that you were not provided with instructions as to how to handle your medical condition.

As with you, I lost all my hair, I went from being a 6' 2", 225lbs  to 6'2" 176lbs, everything was tasteless and life sucked.

Avor, no matter how bad things are, stay positive. As my Dr. told a nurse when I was having a very bad chemo treatment. "Soldiers make great patients"
I was always positive, miserable but positive.

You will lick this, your prior post tells me so.

Avor, no more negative rants. One day at a time and before you know it. Its nothing more than a bad dream.

My prayers are with you.
GUNS said:

From reading your post I am getting the impression that your medical condition is getting the upper hand. That's not good.

You have to be in control of your daily routine. Don't let this get the best of you. Avor, when I was told that I had cancer in three different parts of my body. My family was in the hospital room. After the Dr. explained about the cancers, I just layed in the bed, pondering as to how I should react.

My reaction was decided by my family being there. I made up my mind there and then, that I would never allow my family to know the misery that was to follow. I did not want to pass my misery on to my family or others.

I only allowed the misery to have the upper hand when I was alone and only for a few minutes.  Do not allow your mind to dwell on your condition,  keep both your mind and body active.

I am surprised that you were not provided with instructions as to how to handle your medical condition.

Thats the other thing, this mess has been going on for over a year now, the whole "you have cancer". Admin wise, I was told alot of things and eventualy fell between the cracks. Its only recently that my camcer has become an issue. I don't know whats going on, the doctors don't, the other doctors are just there for the radiation. I'm left out of the loop so much because there is no loop, by the time I was in for radiation they were asking my mom about resuscitation orders. Things got realy fucked realy fast, and alot got missed.

GUNS said:
As with you, I lost all my hair, I went from being a 6' 2", 225lbs  to 6'2" 176lbs, everything was tasteless and life sucked.

Avor, no matter how bad things are, stay positive. As my Dr. told a nurse when I was having a very bad chemo treatment. "Soldiers make great patients"
I was always positive, miserable but positive.

You will lick this, your prior post tells me so.

Avor, no more negative rants. One day at a time and before you know it. Its nothing more than a bad dream.

My prayers are with you.

Of course I will beat this. but understand that this is the only negative outlet I have, the only place I can just let some of it out. I'm half fucking blind, I cant work on my models, I can't play video games, I ccan't read the TV listings. Maybe I whine and rant alot, but it makes me feel better and right now its one of the few things I have.

2 more treatments left.