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What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

Romanmaz said:
I was wondering how exactly you are supposed to go about paying your bills while at BMQ since I'm assuming that you will not have internet access.
what about pre-authorized payments?
PMedMoe said:
You could always arrange pre-authorized debit.
But to do that wouldn't it have to be a set amount every month? Or can it fluctuate and adjust to whatever the bill would be at the end of the month?
Romanmaz said:
But to do that wouldn't it have to be a set amount every month? Or can it fluctuate and adjust to whatever the bill would be at the end of the month?
Put approximately.
For example if I pay Bell  every month 22.50 I can put 25$
Talk to your bank. We have both fixed and variable payments deducted each month.
Romanmaz said:
But to do that wouldn't it have to be a set amount every month? Or can it fluctuate and adjust to whatever the bill would be at the end of the month?

Yes, it can be different amounts.  As Old Sweat posted, talk to your bank.  I have had all my bills paid this way since I went to Afghanistan.
Just give a void cheque to all the companies who you need to pay on a monthly basis, and then you don't have to worry about it.  I never had to talk to my bank about payments.  Just handed a void cheque to my cell company, cable/internet and insurance companies and that was it.  Money automatically comes out at the end of the month, all bills paid and I don't have to do a thing.
Thanks for the replies guys, I'll definitely go in to the bank today and see what my options are.
Skeletor: You're allot more trusting then me, I would never give BMW a void cheque  :o
This does sound like fun. I have been through it before. And I want to do it again.

BTW, some mercs I know want to know what will happen if you ever told staff members, "but staff, I did it this way in another country's military?" Have anyone of you ever encountered that?
chris the merc said:
BTW, some mercs I know want to know what will happen if you ever told staff members, "but staff, I did it this way in another country's military?"

If I were the staff, I'd say, "Sorry Dorothy, you're not in Kansas anymore."  ::)
chris the merc said:
This does sound like fun. I have been through it before. And I want to do it again.

BTW, some mercs I know want to know what will happen if you ever told staff members, "but staff, I did it this way in another country's military?" Have anyone of you ever encountered that?


Chris is back, and in fine form!


chris the merc said:
This does sound like fun. I have been through it before. And I want to do it again.

BTW, some mercs I know want to know what will happen if you ever told staff members, "but staff, I did it this way in another country's military?" Have anyone of you ever encountered that?


If they actually fought for money anywhere in the world they would know the answer.....
the 48th regulator said:

Chris is back, and in fine form!



Can we direct him to the mental health professionals he so clearly needs somehow?  Slovenian Army Chaplain?  That's a new and very wild one indeed.
chris the merc said:
This does sound like fun. I have been through it before. And I want to do it again.

BTW, some mercs I know want to know what will happen if you ever told staff members, "but staff, I did it this way in another country's military?" Have anyone of you ever encountered that?

As an answer one of two things would happen - they'd have a capital "L" Sharpied onto their forehead by said DS and or a squadmate, or they'd be pumping pushups uhtil they graduated or were released.  Just a guess though.

chris the merc said:
Look, I just want to rejoin you guys, okay?
Am I the only one that thinks this is probably some 13 year old kid just trying to screw around on the internet? :whistle:
Romanmaz said:
Am I the only one that thinks this is probably some 13 year old kid just trying to screw around on the internet? :whistle:

Nah, his spelling is too emaculate. I think I smell a poser with nothing better to do.  :facepalm:
rmc_wannabe said:
Nah, his spelling is too emaculate. I think I smell a poser with nothing better to do.  :facepalm:

That or some asshat who showed up to BMQ, and couldn't hack it and or couldn't pass the PT to save his life. Thank god though the DS downed him fast, I had enough of the apparent "merc" last time he popped up on the boards.
MysticLies said:
I must add, that not all platoons were the same, while my platoon lost 16 people, others lost around 4-7. maybe it was because our instructors were harder then anothers, maybe it was because we were an only-male platoon, maybe we just got really bad people.

some of the reasons why the people in my platoon left.

1) one hurt his lower leg or something...they allowed him to continue, but he missed to much classes so he was sent back home.
2) to many security infringements....left his door and locker open way to many times.
3) the majority failed inspections, and hence failed the course
4) we had one fail the shooting range, which was really depressing because he was such a good recruit.
5) one failed to many tests, Among other things
6) I was wrong there were 5 people that VR-ed/ one left half way through the course.(usually those who VR do it in the first week or so)

I think your stretching that a bit seeing as when I did basic little over 2 years ago YOU could not VR till atleast week 4 or 5 and as for my platoon we graduated with only a handful dropping out. Im still very sure you cannot VR till a certain point because I remember my buddy who did it this summer making a joke on FB status about his staff making mild jokes about it offering Tim Hortons applications as a haha after an afternoon of change parades. The best advice I could give is just remember its all a game but the game carries weight also they are giving you a hard time or making it hard for a reason listen to them and learn from them. On Grad day and at your Grad party when you really get to talk to your staff you will see. Best of Luck all future recruits and Welcome to the new members who are joining us daily!
bfp100 said:
I think your stretching that a bit seeing as when I did basic little over 2 years ago YOU could not VR till atleast week 4 or 5 and as for my platoon we graduated with only a handful dropping out. Im still very sure you cannot VR till a certain point because I remember my buddy who did it this summer making a joke on FB status about his staff making mild jokes about it offering Tim Hortons applications as a haha after an afternoon of change parades. The best advice I could give is just remember its all a game but the game carries weight also they are giving you a hard time or making it hard for a reason listen to them and learn from them. On Grad day and at your Grad party when you really get to talk to your staff you will see. Best of Luck all future recruits and Welcome to the new members who are joining us daily!

You do realize the post you replied to is six years old and the person who made the post hasn't been around since 2007?