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What kit do i get???

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i know this is probably a stupid question but i need to report to the "Quarter Master" to get my kit, how much stuff do i get issued, do i get Cadpat or OD, webbing and all my combat kit, my issue rifle ect. im just curious as to what i initialy get. thanks guys and girls for any help.
Well you sure won‘t be getting your rifle, dude. The Canadian Forces takes a little thing called "weapons security" fairly seriously. Other than that, you‘re going to get a boatload of stuff, and to list even half of it would take way too long.
From what I have seen and herd. Most new recruits (for the reserves) do not get issued their CADPAT in the first year.
Your be getting a lot of kit, it‘ll most likely be OD stuff, but some recruits are being issued cadpat, but thats mostly in the east.

As for what exactly your be kitted out with, just wait an see.
I was suppose to get my kit last week, but the Commander wasn‘t there, so I‘ll be getting it this week. I‘ll try to list them here by the weekend, since I havn‘t found anyone listing theirs. It might differ from what you get though.

Rifle? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLZ!!! suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuRe, hehe. :dontpanic:
well..you wont be getting anything cool like pocket knives... You‘ll get your helmet, webbing, duffle bag and ruck. LOTS of clothes (3 pairs of pants and shirts), 3 pairs of combat t‘s, wool sox..2 pairs of boots, beret and CF cap badge, rain gear..ALOT more that Im forgetting

beautiful thing is..it looks impressive when you‘ve got so much baggage that you look like a pile of green bags with legs. BUT, the excitement quickly wears off after you learn how annoying it is to lug around everywhere. I‘ve got a ruck (packed to the brim), a duffle bag (can barely close it) and my uniform that i wear. It becomes a pain...

You dont get CADPAT until you‘ve been in service for a year.
Some of the tiddly bits you may get include:

- Fighting Order
- Webbing complete (belt, mag pouches, butt pack, utility pouch, canteen holder, kfs holder, bayonet frog, straps and yoke, plus canteen, canteen cup, and kfs)
- Helmet, helmet cover
- Scrim net and scrim (if you‘re lucky)
- Marching Order (above plus:)
- Rucksack complete (frame, pack, padding)
- Valise
- Sleeping bag inner & outer
- Sleeping bag liner
- Utility sheet
- Travel order (above plus:)
- Duffel bag

Now, what‘s missing from the list is your cbt clothing.

You should also receive beret, cap badge, bush cap, cbt shirts, cbt pants, singlets (t-shirts), underwear, grey wool socks, cbt boots x 2, spare laces, gloves inner, gloves leather outer, cbt coat and liner, rain jacket, rain pants, mud boots, green touque, and cbt scarf. Don‘t forget melmac plate & cup.

That will be your basic, bare bones kit issue.

If you are lucky enough, you may get the new sock system (5 x sock liner, 5 x temperate sock, 5 x arctic wool sock), and if you are really lucky, you might get Gortex issue (coat, parka, wind pants, and fleece top and bottom, with new underwear system).

In the reserves your unit will probably issue winter kit (old parka and liner, white camo complete, arctic mitts, mukluks x 2 and liners). My unit also issues on temporary basis bivvy bags, canteen thermos, and some other gucci kit. At Meaford, I got a second duffel bag issued, together with a bug bar and head net, which I found to be semi-useful.

Unit will probably also issue your field message pad, sunscreen, bug juice, chapstick, cam paint, and other extra infantry sh!t (EIS) like that. Some units are rich, and have more kit to give you, some aren‘t.

I managed to avoid getting a cot issued permanently, and instead relied on temp issue cots during my weekend BMQ. Summer course already had cots and barracks boxes there. I also managed to avoid getting gas mask, filter, carrier and the MOPP suit issued, lucky for me. I have no more room for green stuff in my house.

If you‘re doing a tour, you may get your own barracks box or two, plus myriad additional EIS.

Good luck, and enjoy! You will burn through more than a few black markers trying to mark all that stuff.

Oh, and don‘t worry, it‘s still not enough stuff and you will find yourself buying things later on (sunglasses, fancy FMP covers, green wallets, nuke bags and other carry-alls, etc., etc.) It never ends!!!


So mark it well and watch it at all times.

GW :soldier:
I was issued the big white mittaines(sry if thats spelled in french, i dont know the english word, but the big white gloves with no holes for fingers) and was wondering if they are really effective or not, they look like they would be great oven mitts, but they seem to be lacking a trigger finger, it seems to me like it ill be quite the task firing my weapon wearing these things, also whats the point of soft material on the reverse side of the gloves, apart from the fact that its nice and soft i dont see any use for it, can anybody clarify???
Reading from other threads and all the others that indicate that your kit can be stolen at base...

It‘s sad to hear that soldiers would steal from each other. Even if my kit wasn‘t marked doesn‘t mean someone should steal it.

Just curious... :S
Originally posted by leopard11:
one question though , I was issued the big white mittaines(sry if thats spelled in french, i dont know the english word, but the big white gloves with no holes for fingers) and was wondering if they are really effective or not, they look like they would be great oven mitts, but they seem to be lacking a trigger finger, it seems to me like it ill be quite the task firing my weapon wearing these things, also whats the point of soft material on the reverse side of the gloves, apart from the fact that its nice and soft i dont see any use for it, can anybody clarify???
thanks, [/qb]
The english word is "mittens" or mitts for short. It‘s a bilingual army though, so if you don‘t know the english words, don‘t worry about it ;)

Are they effective? Extremely. To warm and bulky for most use, primarily intended for sedentary tasks (Sentry duty) or very cold weather. You‘ll find your combat gloves (The black leather ones with a green liner) are effective for mid-range temperatures, say down to -5C to -10C or so, depending on what you‘re doing.

The trigger gaurd on the C7, as well as the C9, can be opened (Removed all together on the C9) to allow it to be fired using the arctic mitts. The system also issues "trigger mitts" which are winter mittens with a trigger finger... they‘re lighter weight then the arctic mittens, but presumably warmer then combat gloves... I‘ve never actually used mine.

The soft part on the back is a cheek warmer. Assuming it‘s not caked with snow, you can put it against your cheek for a minute or so, to warm up.
Originally posted by leopard11:
[qb] I was issued the big white mittaines(sry if thats spelled in french, i dont know the english word, but the big white gloves with no holes for fingers) and was wondering if they are really effective or not, they look like they would be great oven mitts, but they seem to be lacking a trigger finger, it seems to me like it ill be quite the task firing my weapon wearing these things, also whats the point of soft material on the reverse side of the gloves, apart from the fact that its nice and soft i dont see any use for it, can anybody clarify???
thanks, [/qb]
Those things are extremely warm but they‘re a pain when you want to really small things when I go on winter exs I bring a pair of small gloves that I wear underneath incase I have to pick something up, tie a knot etc.