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What is your military status?

What is your military or non military status?

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Decrepit neo-militia man re-enlisted at age of 43 - having left at the age of 18 after a stint as armour soldier.  Now happily spinning as unit PAFFO.
Started out as an air Cadet (591 Dunlop, 6 years). Then Combat Engineer (45 Fld, 3 years) Then Reg force infantry( 1 RCR, 7 years). Now primary reserve in Ottawa. Damn I feel old.
I was an Army cadet for 4 years. Now I am going through the recruitment process to be an RMS Clerk. Meanwhile, I am a college student while I wait.  :(
12  years reserve as of this april 26th

Too many courses (including leadership)

only 1 red chit -  for attitude
(in my current trade... figure that out.. and then have a good laugh!!!)

and I was following orders to boot....  yet i shall be humble

Reserves, just finished basic a few weeks ago.  Finally got off my a$$ and joined. Something I have should have done years ago when I was in High school (15 years ago). :salute: :cdn: 1RNBR

Hello all, this is my first post, was with 2RCR for 5 years, remustered to avn tech, been doing that for 5 years, now im going back to the army.  reserve this time, Loyal Edmonton regiment.  anyone else in this regiment?
R 031 with the RHFC for 2 1/2 years now...

"I'm lovin it Jerry, I'm LOVIN EVERY MINUTE OF IT JERRY!" - Cosmo Kramer
:warstory: Army reserve Med A with 23 Fd Amb in Hamilton, Ont. MCpl with 4 yrs. experience with various exercises under my belt. :salute:
Former RCR.
Currently in beauracratic limbo awaiting security check.
Entering into (R)Navy. Trades I've listed in order: PID / Boatswain / MARS

For the record, the unit recruiter's preference was for me to opt for MARS; notice I'd rather be a Boatswain, you can take the boy out of the Infantry...
hey enzo bosun s are over strength. i was told 4 days ago 116%  :crybaby: if you want to be happy go for a spec pay job bosuns aint that
I'm planning ahead, no way I'm getting in this year, maybe next (but with my luck?). I trained out of country a few months ago, my pre-security will take years, so...

I've been putting some more thought into this. I doubt I'll go for Boatswain to be honest. I've put PID down as my first choice, but by the time I get in and the final decision is going to be made, I'll probably go MARS. I like the idea of being involved with NBP at some future point, but all that scraping and painting. I dunno. Pros and cons to both and I have way too much time to think about this.

Who knows...
RMS CLK, 19 years Reg F, 2 years P Res prior to that.  Served with the Air Force in Winnipeg and the Army in Calgary and Edmonton.  Very glad I wear green vice blue.
I've been 6 years in the reserves. I just came back from tour on the Golan almost 2 month ago.  :D