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What is your military status?

What is your military or non military status?

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Hey old F of S, I think we crossed WD6 once or twice over the long road
I'm a civi with no intentions of being in the military, i just have a strong interest in it since my daddy was in for 20 years and well tons of people I know are in. Plus I am going to be a reporter and well i want to cover the military issues. >:D
Cbt Engrs, 18 years, 1 CER, 2 CER, CFSME, 2 CER. Kuwait, Somalia, Bosnia x 3, Afganistan.

Air Force, RMS Clerk (formerly finance), MCpl, 16 yrs in the uniform to date, two "lovely" tours Golan Heights and Camp Mirage. Posting have been in the Bermuda Triangle of Alberta - Edmonton, Calgary, Cold Lake.
Sig Op, Comm Reserve, Private, 1 1/2 years, Hopefully a tour to Alert soon!!  :warstory:

Army Reserve 6yrs (Sadly No Tours Yet)

Also a 2nd year Policing Student Trying to Persue a Career with Halton Regional Police Service.  :salute:
Reg F - 22 years - RMS - working at an Embassy and loving every minute of it    :P
im a nurse minus a year and a half of school...waiting patiently(not really) to finish and get my first posting/real job!
Retired Armoured Engineer,23 years....miss it every day
Thirty-five plus years: Pte through ten ranks (including two appointments (LCpl and LSgt)) to senior officer:

"¢ Had the privilege of serving with many, many superb people - soldiers, NCOs, officers and civilians alike.   There were a few plugs ... less, i think, than on civvie street but maybe I'm prejudiced;

"¢ Sad that we appear to have fewer and fewer of the tough, cheerful, loyal, eager, hard working aboriginal soldiers who used to grace the rank and file and the Sergeant's Mess and, now and again but too rarely, the Officers' Mess, too (Any Royals remember Dennis Pariesienne [sic?] who served in 2RCR in the '60s and went to Australia and did very well in the RAR?);

"¢ Glad to see that we still have plenty of other tough, well disciplined, well trained and (I hope) adequately equipped, properly organized and well led soldiers;

"¢ Pleased to see the quality of thinking and expression - and good humour and patience, too - by all ranks here on army.ca; and

"¢ Happy and proud to have done my bit as well as I could, most of the time (I admit to having slacked off, now and again - more often than I should have, less often than I could have), but equally happy to let younger, tougher, smarter fellows do it now.
