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What is your military status?

What is your military or non military status?

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Spent two years (1979-1981) in 'C' Sqn 1st Hussars as a crewman (most of the time as a rad op, OR clerk, and all-around housecat or some combination thereof).

Shouldn't have been there (and that's a whole 'nother story) but I did my two years, had a good time and learned something. At least I had something to show for it - my corporal's hooks!! Now I'm just a civvy.

Well, technically I'm a civilian but I think they should have included dependant as an option in the poll. I've been a military wife for 10 years. Grew up in Moose Jaw, I spent 5 years in Petawawa, hubby spent 11 (RCD), 2 years in Gagetown (Armoured School) and now we're in Edmonton (HQ & Sigs).  :)
Medically released after 26 1/2 yrs.  My Choice.  8 yrs Armd - 2 in Calgary (LdshRC) 2 in  Armd Sch (TSS) Gagetown, 4 Yrs RCD Lahr remustered to INT in 87 and then life got rrreeeeaallly interesting.  Left the CF on 06 Sep 05.
I'm currently reg force navy, a sup tech at CFB Esquimalt. I work at clothing stores right now.

M  :brickwall:
I'm in my 3rd yr. Business Management at Ryerson University, in the process of applying.
Yes, the NDP Leader spent time as a professor in the late 70's early 80's at Ryerson and U. of T. With a Ph.D. in Political Science from York University I would imagine that is what he also taught at Ryerson.
The Gues-|- said:
Jack Layton was a prof. there no?



Res Army Infantry since joining in 1984. Currently hold the rank of Sergeant and the position of Section Commander and am still holding strong with the younger troops but you have to work hard at the physical fitness thing more as the years accumulate!
13 years in this month! :o Still no jail time. Was a Veh Tech, spent all of my time in Calgary, then Edmonton. Now, I'm sitting on my ever expanding ass (1 pt period a week is NOT cutting it) in class at RMC. Joined the dark side last year. I don't feel any smarter yet.
hehe, thanks. I'll be fighting the good fight, don't worry about that.  >:D
RMC?! I wish you the best of luck, I also wish I could be there myself soon.
I just need to pull off some better grades next year when I upgrade some highschool courses.
Finally finished our course today (ASLAV M242 chain gun and turret maintenance course). Been here in Darwin since the last wk in Jan. Left home when it was still the southern summer, and home to autumn in Queensland. Not that that means much, its still hot, but just shorter days.

It will be good to get home, flying out tonight around midnight for a 4 hr flight south to Brisbane.

From crocs to some great pubs, truly a great place the NT are Darwin are.


I'm currently a private in the Nova Scotia Highlanders and i am hopefully going to the regs sometime soon as a Plumbing/Heating tech. I really love infantry but i'm planning for the future and i need to persue my trade and have a career that i can build on when i retire. ( if i live that long) . but you never know so at least im BIQ trained if i change my mind and become a full time infanteer and live the real life of a canadian soldier :army: