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What is your military status?

What is your military or non military status?

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Ex-Dragoon said:
I'm on the Iroquois right now...awesome posting thus far. Sonar Ops have a good department here.

Hubby doesn't want to be on another 280...spent 3 yrs on the Algonquin before we were posted states side...now we are here on the east coast.
Officially Retired, but I've started the process to get back in. Call me a sucker for punishement.

The paperwork is in motion, and if all goes well, I'll be back in by the end of September.

Lt / Armoured / Windsor Regiment

Ofter 20 years on Civi street ... decided to finally grow-up and join the Air Force.  :warstory:

Best decision I have ever made. (except marrying my wife ... she told me to say that) ;D
Was in the Army Primary Reserve...now in the Army Supplemental Reserve! ;D
Reservist with 1RNBR.  Just finished SQ a couple of weeks back and had a blast. :salute: :cdn:
CIC Officer - Airforce

I'm hoping to receive my commission in the fall.


I don't think it's hard to figure who I'm with. I have almost 5 years in. The only reason I placed bitter in front is because that is how the battalion feels, watching every other unit in the Canadian forces deploy! sorry for griping. >:(
Hello all...  :salute:

Did 1 year with Queen's Own Rifles in Toronto from 80-81
Joined Regs in '83 .. started with 8th CH (PL) in Petawawa 83-85, after RV 85 when to Lahr, Germany, switch badges to become a Dragoon, reg't rotated back in 87, I stay and went back to 8CH until 1990, then got out.
Did RR of C cadets as a civilian instructor for a year .. Full time civie now.. works too busy to get back in, work odd hours doing IT/Computer work etc.. still try to keep up, just recently joined here.. got my SSM finally the other.. be nice to maybe get back with CIC and get my CD... ciao for now.
Sergeant, Artillery 1991-1998
30th Field Regiment, otherwise known as the Bytown gunners
Got out of the reserves and now a Constable with Peel Regional Police,

Joined the site today. From 96-99 I was an Infanteer with the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment. Then I travelled the world on my own for several years, and am now a student back in Canada.
:salute:ex uk special investigation Branch RMP-16 years service and now a civvy bobby...only 3 years to go!!
Third year college student, army SigOp is one of my top career choices, but I'm still trying to come to a decision.
RCD from 93-01 then remusstered to the AirForce (AVN Tech) from 01-05
Currently employed with the Toronto Police Service
Well this is my first post on this site, though I have been a lurker for a few months.

I am ex British Army having joined as a Junior Leader at age 16 I spent the next 15 years split between the 1st Bn, The Royal Hampshire Regiment and the Corps of Royal Military Police.

Been a civvie for just over 10 years now, but still miss the life, but not the crap pay.
Im a newbie in the army training to be an FCS Tech. Just finished SQ now i'm wating for my MOC course in Borden