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What is the 2x10 fitness test?

super26 said:
I did the trial for the new BFT which is 13km ruck,100m fireman carry,simulated loading of ammo cans into the back of an MLVW (timed event), and shoveling gravel from one box to another box (timed event) but the last I heard they where not going to introduce the last two events.

I just did my BFT here in Gagetown in June. We did the 13k, fireman's carry and the "trench dig" pea gravel shovel (6 minute max time limit!!!)as part of our test. No ammo cans were involved in ours. :-[

Edited to add: We wore our helmets.

My muumuu stills fits nice!! ;D
I just did a BFT today, 13km in full battle gear (combats, webbing- complete, Rucksack with full kit -list items, rifle w/5 magazines) Helmut worn not carried, no MP3's, CD, or walkman's etc, rifle slung not attached to rucksack.

I took my time and paced a 2-hour completion without any running.  I am usually out 3 times a week regardless and have accumulated 700+ kilometers since Feb.  I can usually run half of that easily... and drop my time to 90 - 105 minutes.  I do not get blisters or suffer from shin splints..yet...

I have 27 years in the regular forces....and I am a fat old AirForce guy with chicken legs  :P
archer said:
May not be suited for this thread, but what is/was a 2x10? I take it was a leg-borne excersise, or a march? (I also know it to be a dimension of lumber - which I work with regularly  :))

Its all about blisters, sore feet, and the proper application of Absorbine Jr.


basically its a forced march
your needed somewhere so you hoof it
you do 10 mile one day
and ten the next
usually between 2hr 30-40- min
if i remember correctly
then again my decimal point could be all over the place
cheers lol
AHHHH the good old 2x10, thank God i don't have to do those anymore.

Word to wise on a few items.

1.Don't wear new boots
2.Get yourself a good set of insoles Ever hear of (Gell) insoles. (Chuck the ones you get from the QM)
3.Wear a cotton sock next to the skin and a wooly over the cotton
4.Don't tie your boots at the top to tight, you'll end up with bad shin splints.
5. And don't blowse your pants with and elastic. OHHHHHH the pain of it!
6. Before you start it eat a banana, the extra potassium will help stave of muscle cramps, and eat one while your walking. I used to eat spagetti the night before for dinner, the carbs in the pasta gave me plenty of energy the next day for the march.

Good luck
Popurhedoff said:
I just did a BFT today, 13km in full battle gear (combats, webbing- complete, Rucksack with full kit -list items, rifle w/5 magazines) Helmut worn not carried, no MP3's, CD, or walkman's etc, rifle slung not attached to rucksack.

13km?  Is that all they are doing now?  The thing I always loved (said sarcastically) was with the 8CH/RCD's the end point was at the top of RCD hill so you had that to look forward to at the end
If your an idiot like me, you can do this:

1. Put 16' Royalex Explorer (Mad River Canoe) in the N Sask River at Emily Murphy Park in Edmonton.
2. We paddle downsteam for about 25 minutes to the Low Level Bridge, and turn around. It is starting to get hot out.
3. We then spend 2 hours 35 minutes fighting the current to return upstream to our start point. At one spot, us and the current are tied, and we paddle like hell only to hold station off the same rock for ten minutes. We beach, drink a bottle of water each (very hot day), and put in again with more effort spent on route selection. We throw the canoe on the car, drinking water as we go.
4. Rtn to LP, drink about two liters of iced tea each, fall asleep in lawn chairs while my wife BBQs steaks.
5. After supper, pack up and rtn to Wainwright. Still drinking lots of water.
6. After four hours sleep, get up and make wpns draw at 0530 for the BFT with OPFOR.
7. 13 km march, 100m Fireman's carry, pea gravel trench dig. Drink more water. Lots more.
8. Turn in Wpn, walk to B599 to await  OCT Tm adv party.  Drink water.
9. Spend day meeting busses, issuing bedding and keys. Finally get to shower at 2300. Drink more water.
10. Up at 0600 - still dehydrated - drink lots of water.
11. Spend morning tiring of telling my peers I marched with OPFOR because marching with the OCT Gp would not allow me to meet the adv party in time.  Changing my tune, I tell them I would rather carry some wiry OPFOR kid than some of my 'sveldt' 40-ish peers. 
12. Spend rest of day defending myself to my fellow OCT Gp types, and strongly denying the hurtful rumour that I told the OPFOR guys to try not to spill any gravel out of the trenches, as that would make it easier for the follow-on shovelers from the The Crystal Cabin on P.O.W. Hill.
13. Still dehydrated from the canoe paddle on Monday...
I lauphed when I saw this, then I thought not everyone has been in that long and we don't do the 2x10 anymore....
The last 2 x 10 I did was a 2 day event of a 10 mile/16 km platoon jog/walk in battle order. The jogs took around 2 hrs 25 min on average. This was in 1988 at Val Cartier with 2/ R22R.