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What is battle school like, compared to basic?


Jr. Member
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Hi, I‘m going infantry soon, reg force. Wondering what battle school will be like in comparison to basic training. And how long is battle school? 16 weeks? Thanks :salute:
I‘m gonna give you one hint before you waste anymore bandwidth.....Do a search on your topic before you post. In fact do many searches on the same topic using different variables. That question and I‘m sure the million other ones you will think of HAVE been answered many times over on this forum.
RCR4LIFE said:
Hi, I‘m going infantry soon, reg force. Wondering what battle school will be like in comparison to basic training. And how long is battle school? 16 weeks? Thanks  :salute:

i can tell you, battle school was tough, mentally stressing, and one of the best times of my life. it was 16 wks in wainwright, starting in the dead of winter. many fond memories of shining floors, change parades, mountain climbers in the snow banks. hated it like hell at the time but relish the memories.

not sure how the schools are going nowadays. but mine was much more "trade oriented" than basic. basic was summer camp compared to battle school. lectures on weapons, regimental history (i still celebrate regimental day - and miss our broom-a-loo games - every march), and section to company tactics. the field phase was tough but worth every minute. i still remember doing a patrol through the battle river and only two of us wearing the issued overboots. we were the only two with dry feet that ex!

at the end - despite the fact that we were told we would be part of the new 3VP instead of going to Calgary to 1VP, we were still in high spirits throughout our defensive ex.

the final graduation was.....the most rewarding. knowing that we were a part of something bigger than us - fresh out of high school or soon thereafter. a huge family.

a huge tangent on my part but, yes, battle school should be tougher than basic.
You responded to a 6 year old thread.  The OP was last active here in 2006.
Hey carl!

Have you ever heard of the "Shift Key" or "Capitals"?  Your posts are hard to read with all the lower case letters.
Ha Ha Ha! I guess I should've looked at the date before replying....And appologies about the Caps, I'm just used to informal typing. For you, I will use Capitals.
carl_gustav317 said:
Ha Ha Ha! I guess I should've looked at the date before replying....And appologies about the Caps, I'm just used to informal typing. For you, I will use Capitals.

Its also in the Guidelines to co-operate with the DS to help things run smoothly around here. :)