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What if ? Debate On Whether Canada Could Stop an Invasion

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Filthy, filthy sailors. :D

Not to mention those **** moderators, always hijacking threads to talk about completely off-topic stuff.
Originally posted by Just a Sig Op:
[qb] Um, we‘re sort of getting ready to do that now... Denmark has recently attempted to claim Hans island (Canadian territory) by planting a flag and creating a military presence...

Personally, I think the best bet would to have the military issue ME a lawn chair and a dozen beer. I‘d go sit on Hans island and hold up my middle finger. [/qb]
Originally posted by Che:
[qb] From what I hear all the Timbits (Muffins and donuts as well) are coming in frozen from Ontario, that could turn them into some pretty lethal projectiles if you live on the coasts.

Actually has anyone else heard that or is it just rumor? I have noticed a decrease in the size of the muffins as well as the donuts have this "new and improved" shriveled look. [/qb]
Actually I heard that as well must have to do with Wendy‘s taking them over. Quality went down big time. ;)
I heard that the Chinese are supposed to surpass America in alot of areas in the future,(?output..economy, anyone know?), I really don‘t remember.
All I remember are snippets from something on CNN, or one of those travel shows on OLN so I could be wrong; any truth to that?

That must make the US a little more then nervous, I mean imagine if the Chinese could get their 1 Billion plus strong act together.
New Flash!!!

It is true. Tims no longer makes fresh doughnuts. They are made in Ontario, 1/2 cooked, and sent frozen to stores across the country. I actually wrote to them complaining and they responded with a form letter telling me that they had done a lot of surveys, the doughnuts were actually fresher now etc... Bottom line, they are now frozen food, heated up in a microwave or such.
I used to work at a tim hortons.

Donuts, bread, Bagels, Tim Bits all come pre made at a factory frozen. The breads (bread and bagels) have always been this way, you can usually see them getting heated up in the oven at storefront.

Donuts are taken out of the freezer and put into an oven hidden in the back which is much like an easy bake oven, they are heated and than put out front. Tim Hortons has done this to compete with Crispy Cream by having "fresher" donuts, if you can call it that.

Muffins come in the form of a mush in a bucket, if say you want to make some blueberry muffins, you scoop some blueberry muffin much into a muffin tray and heat it up in the oven out in store-front.

In the future you will be able to watch tim-horton employees glaze your donuts in storefront, evenpull them out of the oven cooked, but never frozen because they will be loaded into the wall mounted oven through a rear door.

All of this is done to make their food appear fresh when it really is not.

Beverages haven‘t changed accept for the pops juices (the ice tea and punch) which is bottled / canned because of inconsistancies with carbonation in tap drink.
Pte. Gayson,

How do they make the filled donuts with the powdered sugar on the outside? Can you freeze those too?
They come frozen and empty.

They heat them up.

Ever notice the hole on the side? That is where it is filled, they use a machine that fills 2 donuts, muffins or timbits at once. You stab the donut with this spike tube, like a very big syringe and press the "fill" donut, the amount of filling is preset.

Than they take the filled donut and dip it in a container of that white sugar crap.

Donuts come different frozen flavors

If I remember right they are:

Cake: make old fashion donuts
White Cake fill: All the fills like boston cream.
White Cake Ring: Chocolate / maple dip
Chocoloate Cake: Chocolate glazed / double choc dip
Sour Cream: Kind of obviouse
Cruller: Obviouse.
In terms of China‘s economy growing, it is definitely growing faster then any industrialized country in the world, right now it‘s economy is growing at an unsustainable 8%. Consider all its human resources available and 8% is unsustainable. The US employment figures just came in last week and last year they had a net job growth of 308 000 which puts the job growth defecit for the bush administration at i believe 2 million, last month Canada had more job growth then the US, and Im talking net, not percentage. George Bush the younger, will be the first president since Herbert Hoover to leave office with less jobs in the country then when he started, and remember Hoover was in office during the depression. By 2050 chinese economy, output will way surpass the US. People think that maybe technology is actually starting take the jobs of ppl.That‘s economics from an engineering student!!!!

In regards to Tim Horton‘s, I‘m truly appalled, but I will stay loyal, and not worship the Krispy Kreme. Being from Oakville, the Timmy‘s headquarters, that news was widely debated.

Well, getting back to the original question about a Western European country invading Canada. I think in order to keep the whole of Canada under control they would have to send one huge force since Canada is 30 million strong and one of the largest countries in the world. I know that I surely would take up arms and rather die fighting an invading force than accept a foreign government in power here in Canada, but I am probably in the minority since there are a lot of tree hugging hippies who just don‘t care who is in power.
Assuming a country did want to invade, I think that atleast some of the other members of the commonwealth would come and help, unless it was the English invading.

As for Hans Island, I have not heard of that anywhere but here, I find it a little unsetteling that our sovereignty would bu so unimportant to the Canadian Media.

Frankly, if the Danish do take over that island with force, I think we should (The CF) go in and kick some ***. Though this will most likely be solved diplomatically diplomatically.
Pte. Gayson..thats amazing. I used to at one point during my college career, singlehandidly keep Timmies afloat with my generous contribution; (EX lrg French Vanilla 20 box of assorted timbits) every morning). thanks for the info
In the last one hundred years, the geo-politics of the world has changed significantly. In the next one hundred years, geo-politics will change again.

I disagree with Michael Dorosh that countries or people in general have advanced beyond the application of military might or the desire to control.

Europe, particularily France, Germany, Britian, and Spain, and the reactions of eastern Europe have recently shown the individual/collective
co-operation and friction. Europe has always been resource dependant and has looked elsewhere in the world for opportunities. Its part of their history. You will notice the histories of the USA, emergent China, and Russia and where these countries are placing their interests. I‘ve taken trips to both Europe and China and opinions of ordinary people there are much different from ours.

Certainly Europe will seek a more dominant role in the world economically and politically. The creation of the Euroforce suggests militarily or the ability to act in the future. It will squeeze the US, intertwine with Russia, and watch China. European and US foreign policy is not congruent.

Without a scenario, its difficult to seek how or why Europe in the next two decades would attack Canada or the US. Given international trade and foreign ownership, they‘d have the ability to screw up the North American economies making a hard military venture pointless anyway.

NORAD and defense co-operation with the USA makes Canada a distastful country to attack. A land invasion is certainly a vast undertaking especially in winter. Water, oil, and natural resources here are not so important to make an attack imminent. NORAD would be successful against a large attacking force. The application of nukes around the world would make it all pointless.

If an attack came, it would be an economic disruption
made to be subtle against North America. Drag down the economies, reduce military spending and development, tie up forces in the rest of the world by causing instability, and then gather control over North American politics.

Or made quickly by taking out or controlling command and control. Interesting that Europe thru NATO has a good understanding of North American defense and how the US manages its military in war.

Thats IT!! I‘m throwing out all my Tom Clancy books. Probably printed with delicious sugar coated just baked smell of Tim Hortons money.
MMmmmmmm... donuts.
Originally posted by Jason Bourne:
[qb] Pte. Gayson..thats amazing. I used to at one point during my college career, singlehandidly keep Timmies afloat with my generous contribution; (EX lrg French Vanilla 20 box of assorted timbits) every morning). thanks for the info [/qb]
I bet, donuts these days in Ontario cost 80 cents after tax, it costs the store between 1 - 3 cents to make a donut due to the vast numbers they produce. A Tim Hortons owner can easily be a millionaire due to the huge profit gains on the vasr number of product they sell. The Tim Hortons I was at (or am just leaving) makes 8-10 grand gross a day, pays 1.5 m a year in payroll.