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What if ? Debate On Whether Canada Could Stop an Invasion

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Say, I was wondering do you think in fifty years a european country (or super state) might shift their focus back to the North American continent?

Europe thinking a recent Isolationist America (after being tired of kicked around by the UN) would not have the stomach to do anything.  Do you think Canada could stop an invasion by a european?
Um, we‘re sort of getting ready to do that now... Denmark has recently attempted to claim Hans island (Canadian territory) by planting a flag and creating a military presence...

Personally, I think the best bet would to have the military issue ME a lawn chair and a dozen beer. I‘d go sit on Hans island and hold up my middle finger.
Nah we would freely welcome our socialist European brethern and allow them to use our soil to conduct offensive operations against the Capitalist Yankees. ;)
To answer the original question ("Do you think Canada could stop an invasion by a european?")
I think we could kick Lichtenstein‘s butt ... but after that ... hmmm ... we‘d probably need reinforcements from the submarine fleet at the West Edmonton Mall ...

And, oh dear - wouldn‘t repelling an invasion force violate their rights under our Charter?
Oh, my - that would be so ... so ... mean - we‘d just have to set up processing centres on their beachhead in order to process all their claims for social assistance - after all, invading is such a traumatic experience - the poor dears would need to receive Canadian compensation payments for all the bother we put them through ...

There have been some interesting novels written on this topic - written during the Cold War, they envisioned a world where the USSR and USA had nuked each other and then the surviving European nations (who "wisely" had hung back in the shadows) rolled in and claimed the spoils ...

Having said all that - hockey is "war on ice", and good old Canadian boys (and girls) love to kick Euro trash butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring it on ...
We shall fight them on the beaches, we shall fight them in the streets, but we shall never, never surrender in the hockey rink!
Bossi you slay me. Thanks I needed that.

Excuse while I go out and start setting up those Eurotrash processing centres now.

"Ok folks in an orderly manner proceed through all the lines alphabetically Twice, once in each official language

Line A Social Assistance cheque
Line B Free Health care and OHIP card
Line D Subsidized housing
Line D Free Higher education
Line E Direct access to your MPP/MLA/MP with bitching rights and a free copy of the Charter to wave around.

Ooops sorry you now all have to go through Lines F through W to register your assault rifles, SMGs, MBTs, mortars etc. Sorry this is Canada and we do have rules even for barbarian invaders."
I think we could repel an attack from a europeon super state but with high casualities due to the need for more funding to increase overall troop presence and upgrade or buy new equipment (attack choppers, more armour, artillery etc.) to support and assist on repelling the invader. Although the good ol United States of America super power to the south wouldn‘t turn down the chance to help out its needy and often ridiculously passive hippy neighbor especially if it gave em a chance to woop Britians *** again
Originally posted by Danjanou:
[qb] Bossi you slay me. Thanks I needed that.

Excuse while I go out and start setting up those Eurotrash processing centres now.

"Ok folks in an orderly manner proceed through all the lines alphabetically Twice, once in each official language

Line A Social Assistance cheque
Line B Free Health care and OHIP card
Line D Subsidized housing
Line D Free Higher education
Line E Direct access to your MPP/P|MO with bitching rights and a free copy of the Charter to wave around.

Ooops sorry you now all have to go through Lines F through W to register your assault rifles, SMGs, MBTs, mortars etc. Sorry this is Canada and we do have rules even for barbarian invaders." [/qb]
You forgot the Multi. Cult hand out‘s line.
No I didn‘t what do you think lines X,Y,&,Z were for.

Actually as far fetched as this scenario is, I‘m eagerly awaitng the Tom Clancy or Larry Bond techno thriller based on it. I want to se how they or anyone deals with that 4,000 odd miles over the Atlantic Ocean supply line. Hey even our leaky subs could have a field day.
Sorta makes you think that Denmark has no respect for our ambassador, eh? Oh, wait, he‘s back in Canada on CORRUPTION charges...do you think he sold Hans Island to them?
Hmmmmm the coffee shops in Copenhagen were pretty good...maybe we can have a reverse invasion. We will start by setting on a Tim Hortons chain and then we will make our move. ;)
Yes but when the world thinks of Tim Hortons they don‘t think of the US of A. They think of Canada and despite its ownership but a US company it will remain tied to Canada.
Sherwood, in case you‘ve missed it in the last 60 years or so, Western Europe has left its wars of colonialism and internal feuding behind them. Putting aside the lunatics in the former Yugoslavia, who are Eastern Europeans in any event, I should like to think that western Europe has advanced sufficiently in its thinking that their true strength is expressed via economic union, not military conquest.

Funny, the United States might want to start thinking along those lines themselves. Free Trade with Mexico and Canada was a start.

I rather think increased globalization will make military conquest, and even borders themselves, rather irrelevant.

Thinking about any western European nation embarking on wars for conquest is rather unimaginative and, frankly, smells of someone simply stirring the pot.

Perhaps America, too, will grow up a little and stop thinking of the world in terms of which government plants which flag on which square of land.

If anything, our largest challenges will be internal, and for the most part for the last 200 years, we‘ve solved those problems peacefully - Pierre Laporte and Oka notwithstanding.
As said before:

we shall fight them on the beaches, we shall fight them in the streets, and if that doesn‘t work we shall pummel them with Timbits.
From what I hear all the Timbits (Muffins and donuts as well) are coming in frozen from Ontario, that could turn them into some pretty lethal projectiles if you live on the coasts.

Actually has anyone else heard that or is it just rumor? I have noticed a decrease in the size of the muffins as well as the donuts have this "new and improved" shriveled look.

That had BETTER be a rumour, otherwise heads are going to roll! Hmmm, maybe that‘s why there‘s never any strawberry filled......
It‘s the only thing I‘ve been hearing about timmy‘s lately!

And honestly I thought it was rumor until the last time I went into a Timmys and ordered a baguette sandwich with turkey breast honey mustard and lettuce.

"we don‘t have baguettes"
"Okay white bread"
"all we have is brown"
"we don‘t have any turkey breast, how about ham?"
"don‘t eat ham"
"No thanks I‘ll just go to subway"

I went in asking for a Turkey breast bageutte sandwich, and i was offered a tuna sandwich on brown bread!!!!
Like I said before the muffins have been cut down in size, and the donuts are shriveled! (although the donut thing is speculation, the muffin thing is certain)
I swear if their coffee wasn‘t liquid caffiene with just a hint of crack. . . .

haha wow you know you‘re Canadian when
Honestly, their coffee is blessed golden liquid...drinking one now. You see I was having this withdrawal problem as my last one was, oh, an hour ago! Did you say only a hint of crack??

By the way, where did your signature go? I was waiting for you to acknowledge my answer.

(oops edited the wrong msg, sorry.)

Actually it‘s just an article a friend of mine wrote for her university newspaper, but type in "Frozen Tim Hortons" on Google, and discover for yourselves! edit-Just noticed this article is the first thing to pop up on google, that‘s just an eery coincidence.

I can say from personal experience that the Tim Hortons up the street from me used to be the baking center for most of the area I live in, the delivery truck was outside, and of course the bakers would often enjoy their 1AM smoke break on the steps outback. I haven‘t seen either the delivery truck or the bakers outside since the summer, that‘s when I started to believe the theories.

Well you know it‘s "The hint of Crack that keeps ‘em coming back."
I should write Tim Horton‘s slogans.

Edit(Good god I shouldn‘t be allowed around computers)-Spr. Earl got the reply to the signature joke a while back!
It goes:
"Have ye ever been ta sea jimmy?"
*in a high pitched voice* "No sir but I‘ve been blown ashore."