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What does "Excused Duties" actually mean?

TwoTonShackle said:
On a side note, lately it seems anyone going to the CDU's in Halifax get at least 1 day excused duty for simply walking through the door.

Hey thanks for the tip!  ;D  Long weekend coming up for me *cough cough*.

Although I will be on ED, I think its ok if I say, go fishing instead.  The air might help me feel better and get back on my feet quicker.  Afterall, the MO likley won't write "no fishing" on my chit, right?
That's why I would have written "Sick in Quarters"  ;D...I remember a guy that was trying just for that in Calgary and got admitted, bed rest with bathroom privileges only, on IV fluids and also given enemas until clear.  He was discharged in time to make morning parade on the Monday morning and go to PT.  Diagnosis was written as Munchausen Syndrome (Pathological Malingering)...though just malingering would have sufficed.

I think the OP's question was answered way back at the begininig when it was stated the parameters are too broad to put a single constraint or reason to what Excused Duty entails.
jeffb said:
Is excused duties the same thing as bed rest? Further to that, if someone is on a 2 day excused duties chit and they are out at the bar that night hitting it hard, is there not a charge in there somewhere?

I'm not sure there's grounds for a charge. However, as limitations are a recommendation to the chain of command, the member can be ordered to present to the MIR to confirm the requirement for continued relief from work.