Sick Leave is given for 3 days or more of Excused Duty...usually MEL's are not attached as it's considered a "DUH!!" thing - the MEL's are in fact the sick leave. If the person is able to work, the MEL's would spell out what they are able or not able to do.
I used to love using the Sick In Quarters square alot with students at schools and at RMC for two main reasons - if I thought they were pulling the wool over my eyes, they were given SIQ with meal and bathroom privileges only (sometimes over the weekend if they were looking for the Friday off) but the other thing it did was had the DS leave them alone in their rooms and not disturb them for stuff like inspections and such - the chit was pinned to the door and meant a subtle "Frig Off". Also, if a cadet or member were caught violating said restrictions, disciplinary action could be taken - since it's difficult to charge anyone with malingering these days, but not AWA, this was a way around it.
To the OP, if you believe that someone was not well enough to go to work but well enough to go to the bar, follow it up.