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What Do You do on Ql3?


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Hi im doing my SQ right now in meaford (im off for the weekend) and i have less then a week left, then i go to gagetown. i was wondring tho, we were never really told exaclty what we were doing this summer on the course so can somoene quickly (before i leave tomorrow) answer these  questions?
1) please LIST or tell what we do on the QL3 course
2)What is pt like? (SQ pt seems so far like a LOT of running (which i hate) and not very many pushups or anything else (which i like) so will this change?
3)and how difficult is it (running seems a very fast pace) **i am not using this question to complain! i dont mind pt at all**
4) what is the scedual , ex. up at 5,pt,breakfast,class's,lunch,calss's off time?
5)when can we expect the first weekends off? (this is the first weekend of sq and im alreayd off)
6) how far is the cpgear store??? lol this has to do with question 4  ;D :P
spart8n said:
1) please LIST or tell what we do on the QL3 course

Bridging, demolitions, obstacles, mine / counter mine, watermanship (assault boats and improvised flotation)

2)What is pt like? (SQ pt seems so far like a LOT of running (which i hate) and not very many pushups or anything else (which i like) so will this change?
3)and how difficult is it (running seems a very fast pace) **i am not using this question to complain! i dont mind pt at all**

Probably lots of running, lots of upper body (can't press bridge panels into place with no upper body strength)

4) what is the schedule , ex. up at 5,pt,breakfast,class's,lunch,calss's off time?

Your course staff should give you the schedule the first day. From experience, the course schedule is only a *guide*

5)when can we expect the first weekends off? (this is the first weekend of sq and im alreayd off)

Don't know - ask your course staff - could be a few weekends prior to some rest.

6) how far is the cpgear store??? lol this has to do with question 4  

Wheelers is about a 5-10 minute drive down the 102 towards Lincoln. Definitely not within walking distance unless you're into that kind of thing.
thankx for answers (others please feel free to reanswer those questions with your own input)
also i just talked to someone who did his ql3 last year and he says that the instructors are alot more laid back then infantry and that we use trucks alot instead of walking, is this true?
spart8n said:
thankx for answers (others please feel free to reanswer those questions with your own input)
also i just talked to someone who did his ql3 last year and he says that the instructors are alot more laid back then infantry and that we use trucks alot instead of walking, is this true?

I know that the instructors there are not more laid back than infantry instructors ( i used to be a bridging instructor at the engineer school). As far as trucks are concerned, it depends what you are doing.  For some stuff the training areas are far away and it would rake too long to walk there , others are on base so you will walk.
well - Engineer training and infantry training is somewhat different.
Though engineers are expected to fight like infantry when the need shows itself.... the Sapper is expected to think about what he does, how he's going to do it, what he's going to do it with and who he's going to do it with...

You can always ask someone to dumb down..... It's a little harder to get them to smarten up :) IMHO
aesop081 said:
...it would rake too long to walk there , others are on base so you will walk.

What! No Gagetown equivalent of doubling to Area 8?  :o

You said walk, do you actually mean march? ;)
Those were the days, eh Jeff?  Doubling back to the shacks at 02:00 covered in that liquid poo that the minefield was made of, after being on your belly in a monsoon all night. Then up at 0 dark 30 to go on PT.  Aah, good times.  And we were thankful! Tell that to kids today, and they won't believe you.....

SprCForr said:
What! No Gagetown equivalent of doubling to Area 8?   :o

You said walk, do you actually mean march? ;)

Well, swan lake is a half-hour drive, South boundary demolition range is a fair distance away as well so the troops get transport to those areas.  If they are going to the DTA or to the RAWA area...they freakin march !!!!
hehe.... was trying to be facetious.... of course there's a lot of road moves using them big bad black cadilacs (preferably dry).
Sappers aren't the prettiest soldiers (ultimate understatement)
They move is a somewhat military fashion.... even when loaded down like packmules.

Trucks are great - if you have em (and if they're working)
Hee hee, pissing off the GMT staff on the Rocket Range and having to double back to Base everytime. Doing it again on the old grenade range and small charge range. Yep them were the days.

Man, that was a hump and a half back from the small charge range, usually into a torrential downpour...
Or the choking dust from the maniacs coming from Liumchen Village. (in that sleepy hollow past the Bailey site and T5.)
Having to run in FFO at the best possible speed to get to the mess hall from the DTA before the cadets showed up and created one hell of a line.
The occassional bit of torture by the MWD staff threatening to delay said arrival time resulted in some pretty impressive improvisations on the courses part. Sometimes we would get a course to set up a wire obs and block off the track leading to the DTA, forcing a longer by-pass via the Ammo compund instead of through Area 8. QL 3's liked doing it to the phase courses especially. All in good fun.  ;D

Course Senior! I like music! Sing me a song! The staff need a serenade!