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What do the initials "VP" stand for?


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What the heck is 3vp and 2vp? I can't find the answer to this question anywhere on the internet and everyone here keeps referring to them
3 PPCLI is light infantry (very few vehicles) also 1 company para

2 PPCLI is mechanized infantry (alot more vehicles)
VP is the centre of our cap badge and Regimental Colours.  It stands for Victoria Patricia and is part of Princess Patricia's personal cypher.  On 23 August 1914 Princess Patricia presented to the Regiment The Original camp colour, embroidered by herself, at Lansowne Park in Ottawa.  This of course was our first colours and she, our first Colonel in Chief.  For more info please see www.ppcli.com

Back when 3 PPCLI was in Esquimalt/Victoria (Hollywood Bn), I remember hearing guys say, if it's VP (Victoria Patricia), why don't guys in Calgary have CP on their buckle (CP..... Calgary Patricia). Get it???!?!?!

I was a PPCLI cadet, and I thought that was rich.

Allan Luomala said:
Back when 3 PPCLI was in Esquimalt/Victoria (Hollywood Bn), I remember hearing guys say, if it's VP (Victoria Patricia), why don't guys in Calgary have CP on their buckle (CP..... Calgary Patricia). Get it???!?!?!

I was a PPCLI cadet, and I thought that was rich.


You see?  YOU SEE?????  It doesn't stop at Hamilton Gault's leg!!!!

Happy Regimental Day


Yeah I know I'm late but it was the earliest I could get to a computer.