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What do I wear when I arrive?


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the recruiter told me that BMQ will start about nov. this is for the weekend BMQ for P.Res in Owen Sound, but i will start parading with them on thursday nights once i get all cleared and offered the job.....but i know nothing, because i haven't started the BMQ.

will the give me a list of how to dress proper, stand, what,when and who to talk too, where to go....etc.
i can see me getting there, ask the wrong person a question, have my boot laced wrong, and just spending the rest of my life in his/her shit book doing a million push ups. i'm going to get yelled at a lot for the first while eh..... :crybaby:

did any one else do the parade night before BMQ? and what do they do on those nights?

:cdn: :cdn: :cdn:
I got sworn in the week before stand down.

The first night was all about papaerwork and being shown around.

The second night, the night of stand down, was finishing off a few things from the week before and then pretty much standing around and watching.  Not very exciting, but it was good to watch and absorb things.

Mind you, I also did not have a uniform at this point.  So, we'll see what September brings.

And you'll learn pretty quick whom you should come to attention to!  ;D
they only people i don't think i'll have to free are the little ones that look more scared they me. unfortunately i'll stand out. 193 cm tall, and 230lbs lol

and i'm pretty sure they will let me know when i mess up! no worries there.
the recruiter was so nice, always very friendly and helpful. the day i handed in my application, she was really busy, but took the time to get me all done, and another girl too. so she ended up behind, but still talked to us, gave advice and help etc..... i wonder how different she'll be once i'm in uniform.... "you scum, taking up all my time with your stupid questions, start the push ups now, you can finish them next week if you don't get done ha ha ha" no, she's not going to be like that right?

i've seen to many movies. lol
I would definitely say that you have seen too many movies...lol, Don't worry about too much about the things you can't control. There will be some measure of leniency afforded to you because you haven't gone to BMQ as of yet but don't try and run with that, learn as much as you can by observing and listening to your seniors. Don't sweat it, you'll be just fine.
i'm assuming by your name and picture you're an RN, i am as well. i work in the owen sound hospital.
I have received many different answers on this and I was sure so im just asking you guys. What exactly am I supposed to wear when I show up to st jean, Ive been told dress clothes to sweatpants and sneakers. do they expect me to show up looking a certain way?

Thank you
From the CLFRS website

When you show up at CFLRS, you must wear appropriate and comfortable clothes to be able to walk long distances when conducting your arrival procedures. The following types of clothing are strongly recommended:

Male candidates:
Shirt and/or sweater, clean pants and shoes (comfortable clothes) and clean shaved.

Female candidates:
Blouse and pants, shoes (comfortable clothes)
"platform and high heels" shoes and not allowed.
Plenty of people wore shorts, and t-shirts with runners/sneakers.
You'll only wear them for 3 days and 6 weekends anyway, don't bring alot.
I survive with 1 pair of runners, 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of shorts, and 2 golf tees (my preference, everyone else usually has tshirts)

If you showed up with nothing, Supply+Canex will provide more than enough of what you need for your entire stay. 

Just look like a (reasonably clean cut) scared sheep and you'll fit right in for the first couple weeks.
This already been asked multiple times.  and when in doubt follow the directions you were given/posted on the CFLRS site.  We don't need another topic

I know this is an old thread but I didn't want to start a new topic so I'll post in this thread since its relevant. I got sworn in Dec 2 2014 with the RHLI reserve unit and was told that I might start this January. I haven't heard anything yet. I called the unit last Wednesday asking if they know when I start, and the guy I talked to basically said he had no clue. He told me to go to parade night next Tuesday and that I could have gone the day before. I'm unsure if I should go or not being an untrained private. Also the fact that I was never initially told to go to parade nights. I asked him what to bring and he said he wasn't too sure. I asked what to wear and he just said "relish coloured clothing" which I have an abundance of. This is where the conversation ended. I talked to my buddy who's a Cpl in the unit and he said he didn't start going to parade nights until a few weeks into his training. He seemed a bit confused when I told him my situation. I'm just looking for any advice or tips anyone could give me or a "what would you do" type response. Anything helps. Thanks in advance!
So, I was told by my unit that I wouldn't have my uniform before starting BMQ, which in my case will only be around September. The only rule I was told concerning what I should wear is "Clean, no jeans." My only concern is that I do not want to tear a pair of dress pants/shirts doing the odd push-ups or handling stuff. Are clean work pants (dickies and the likes) with a work shirt ok? Or should I buy some cheap dress pants/shirts that I don't mind ruining?
You'd have to be doing push-ups very poorly  in order to tear your pants while doing them.

I've seen people show up for BMQ/BMOQ wearing suits, dress pants/shirts, khaki pants/collared (polo) shirts....odds are they aren't going to be particularly strict on your civvie attire.  Dress decently.  Think golf course and you'll be fine.

Before you do anything strenuous enough to tear clothing, you'll be wearing issued PT/CADPAT.
They will have you change to PT if you're going to be doing anything physical whether it's BMQ or your unit.

Best of luck at BMQ  ;)
jwtg said:
You'd have to be doing push-ups very poorly  in order to tear your pants while doing them.

I've seen people show up for BMQ/BMOQ wearing suits, dress pants/shirts, khaki pants/collared (polo) shirts....odds are they aren't going to be particularly strict on your civvie attire.  Dress decently.  Think golf course and you'll be fine.

Before you do anything strenuous enough to tear clothing, you'll be wearing issued PT/CADPAT.

Don't be so sure about that.  ;)

recceguy said:
Don't be so sure about that.  ;)

I'll aim for the one on the left and hope for the best  :P.

I'm probably over thinking this... I showed up for my first parade night just hours after my swearing in ceremony, and was wearing a suit and tie. We did a few push-ups, which was not a problem, but the floor was so dirty that the only thing I could think about was the dry cleaning bill if they asked for sit-ups. Add the stress of the first night to that and the "I have no idea of what I'm doing" look on my face, and I must have looked like a wreck. :facepalm: Anyway, as its been said so many times here, I'm not the first to join, they know what they'r doing.
G.R-B said:
... I showed up for my first parade night just hours after my swearing in ceremony, and was wearing a suit and tie. We did a few push-ups, which was not a problem, but the floor was so dirty that the only thing I could think about was the dry cleaning bill if they asked for sit-ups. ...........................:facepalm: Anyway, as its been said so many times here, I'm not the first to join, they know what they'r doing.

Actually, I would not have a good opinion of a unit that pulled off what you just described.  It would be proper to wear a suit and tie to be sworn in.  Good on you for that.  For them to have a dirty floor, reflects on that unit.  For their leadership have you do push-ups in your suit and tie after being sworn in reflects poorly on their leadership.  I would not agree that they know what they are doing at all. 
G.R-B said:
I'll aim for the one on the left and hope for the best  :P.

I'm probably over thinking this... I showed up for my first parade night just hours after my swearing in ceremony, and was wearing a suit and tie. We did a few push-ups, which was not a problem, but the floor was so dirty that the only thing I could think about was the dry cleaning bill if they asked for sit-ups. Add the stress of the first night to that and the "I have no idea of what I'm doing" look on my face, and I must have looked like a wreck. :facepalm: Anyway, as its been said so many times here, I'm not the first to join, they know what they'r doing.

I see two things wrong with this

1. Making you do push-ups in a suit and tie

2. Why are the floors so dirty!  ;D
George Wallace said:
Actually, I would not have a good opinion of a unit that pulled off what you just described.  It would be proper to wear a suit and tie to be sworn in.  Good on you for that.  For them to have a dirty floor, reflects on that unit.  For their leadership have you do push-ups in your suit and tie after being sworn in reflects poorly on their leadership.  I would not agree that they know what they are doing at all.

Dirt on the RSM's parade square?  :o
I am also wondering whether a recruit is to attend parade nights with their unit during part-time BMQ. Or is part-time BMQ done on alternate weekends AND one night a week, so that you don't have the chance to attend parade nights?
Gunshark said:
I am also wondering whether a recruit is to attend parade nights with their unit during part-time BMQ. Or is part-time BMQ done on alternate weekends AND one night a week, so that you don't have the chance to attend parade nights?

I've always had my Pte's come in to the unit on the weekly training nights back when I worked with the Reserves, even while on weekend BMQ.

Some units might tell you not to bother until you're done, talk to your Warrant or Company Sgt Major he'll set you straight.