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What book are you reading now?

America Alone ( Again) Stephen King's Duma Key, (His new one) and I've got Insomnia (Also by King) awaiting my return, and Dead Certain (About President Bush, from his days in Texas through 2000 and now, and it's neither a criticism or praise, just the cold hard history) He's not the man you see on TV, that's for sure
Mopping up!  with the PPCLI.  The story of Lt Jack Munroe (one of the originals) 1914 - 1918.
King Kull.  Circa 1964, the pages are falling out but it's worth it.

Hey Kev, welcome to the site.

Quick re visit to an old read:  The Teachings of Don Juan- Carlos Castaneda.... like, totally trippy, man.... 8)
i jus finished 15 days and now im on  outside the wire and after that im reading  fiasco : the american military adventure in iraq 8)
Currently i'm reading Kurt Vonnegut's Mother Night
before it I read Alan Weisman's The World Without Us which I found to be quite interesting.

Next?  I'm not really sure. 
Tamerlane: Sword of Islam, Conqueror of the World.

Muslims causing trouble about 1400 years ago! 8)

Interesting story but the book is written somewhat disjointedly. No real flow, jumps around alot. You will find yourself back tracking at times to make sense of certain battles.
FATAL AVENUE by RICHARD HOLMES-A travellers history of Northern
France and Flanders,1346-1945.History made easy to read.
I'm reading Anchee Min's autobiographical Red Azalea--it's about growing up in Chairman Mao's China (It's this type of literature that makes me really, really glad to be Canadian!)

Also reading The Gouzenko Transcripts--fascinating stuff!
I just finished Steve Berry's :  The Templar Legacy and The Alexandria Link. The last one brings a little twist at the current "Mapping" of the middle east. Interesting, but a little piece of advice, read The Templar Legacy first, which introduce the major players, of both books. It is not a : Part 1 and Part 2 books. Just same "Good guys"  ;D

Someone sent me: The Amber Room, while I was in A'stan and found that Steve Berry, IMHO, is a step higher than Dan Brown books (read them all)

So I am now reading Steve Berry's: The Third Secret, sound interesting.. it involves the Vatican...again :)

Have a nice day


  I'm reading Empty Casing----written by retired Canadian army officer Fred Doucette.  A soldier's memoir of Sarajevo under siege.
TH :cdn:
I'm actually going through the entire Flashman series. Its by George MacDonald something or other, slips my mind right now. Great stuff, cowardly hilarious Briitish officer in the mid 1800's. Author has him put into all the major battles and political affairs of the time, kind of like Forrest Gump......just imaging him as a whore-slapping, womanizing, servant beater and you've pretty much got it lol
Good topic

Just finished Kamikaze the latest horror thriller from Vancouver based Michale Slade, not too bad but he is getting predictable.

Usually I have 3-4 books going at once all over the house (drives the D9er nuts) but nothing on the go now.  :-[

I did order some stuff off Amazon earlier so hopefully next week:

The Saints: The Rhodesian Light Infantry

32 Battalion

The Hollywood History of the World: From One Million Years B.C. to Apocalypse Now

Cinderella Army: The Canadians in Northwest Europe, 1944-1945

Fields of Fire: The Canadians in Normandy

James and the Duck: Tales of the Rhodesian Bush War (1964 - 1980)