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What book are you reading now?

The Authouritive Calvin and Hobbs.  I still can't stop laughing. :rofl:
Hot Night In The City by Trevanian. Collection of short stories. I like it very much.
1948, the first Arab – Israeli war, by Benny Morris. An interesting read on the political and military preparations to the partition and the battles that followed. It would seem that Nasser experience as a Officer in the Egyptian debacle was key to his plotting to overthrow the regime that he felt responsible for it.
Tiger by the Tail by John Ringo, the next installment in his excellent Palladin of the Shadows series. Sex, violence and comedy, what more could one ask for and the development of the characters over time is very pleasing...oh and bad people get what is coming to them.
Brihard said:
Just finished Starship Troopers... Again.... Now reading Red Storm Rising... Again...
Must be my sixth time reading this book now.

Just starting on the The Bear and the Dragon again as well.
Currently reading Gerald Seymour's "A Deniable Death", about two covert observers seconded to the SIS to infiltrate the security zone just across the Iranian border with Iraq to gather intel on travel plans of "The Engineer", an Iranian who designs and builds IED's for use by Iranian assets against the US and Allies in Iraq. Typically Seymour, a good read with well developed characters and conflicts, but a bit of a slog to get through.

I just recently picked up "God's Jury - The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World" by Cullen Murphy, about the three main Inquisition Periods and how they effected history right up to today. Heard an interview with Murphy on NPR's Fresh Air and it piqued my interest.

Also picked up Mark Bowden's "The Finish- The Killing of Osama Bin Laden".
The Night/Dawn/Day trilogy by Elie Wiesel, newest translation by Marion Wiesel.

I've had them for a while and attempted to read Night a long time ago. I had to put it down though.  They're short (the longest being 120 pages), but definitely not a light read. 

After wading through some "fluff", including a reread of Stephen King's Duma Key and giving up on Hastings' All Hell Let Loose ("focuses chiefly upon human experience" my ass....  ::)), I just started The Ghosts of Medak Pocket by Carol Off.
"The Places In Between" by Rory Stewart.  This guy walked from Herat to Kabul in 2005-ish, and the book goes into a bit of detail about Babur (the Mughal King) since he basically retraced his steps. 

I got handed this on deployment and waited 'til I got back, now I can't put it down.  Very interesting view of the "other" Afghanistan that most media don't touch upon.
Dimsum said:
"The Places In Between" by Rory Stewart.  This guy walked from Herat to Kabul in 2005-ish, and the book goes into a bit of detail about Babur (the Mughal King) since he basically retraced his steps. 

I got handed this on deployment and waited 'til I got back, now I can't put it down.  Very interesting view of the "other" Afghanistan that most media don't touch upon.

If you like that one, you might like The Sewing Circles of Herat by Christina Lamb.
currently reading "talibans don't wave" from robert semrau ..... as far as i'm concerned , it's a really nice book that gives you a nice idea of his time beeing there !
Re-reading the last 150 pages of "Towers of Midnight" by Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson to catch-up on events before starting "A Memory of Light;" the final book in Jordan's Wheel of Time series.
I am reading  " My Share of the Task "  a Memoir by General  Stanley McChrystal ( retired ). Good book.
Mr. Clean said:
I am reading  " My Share of the Task "  a Memoir by General  Stanley McChrystal ( retired ). Good book.
I just baught that one a week ago , haven't started it tho , probably around next week !